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Imperial Library
Title Page
Contents at a Glance
About the Authors
About the Technical Reviewer
Chapter 1: Getting Started with Android
What Is Android?
History of Android
Android Architecture
App Architecture
App Package
Activities in Depth
Services in Depth
Broadcast Receivers in Depth
Content Providers in Depth
1–1. Installing the Android SDK
1–2. Installing an Android Platform
1–3. Creating an Android Virtual Device
1–4. Starting the AVD
1–5. Introducing UC
1–6. Creating UC
1–7. Installing and Running UC
1–8. Preparing UC for Publishing
1–9. Migrating to Eclipse
1–10. Developing UC with Eclipse
Chapter 2: User Interface Recipes
2–1. Customizing the Window
2–2. Creating and Displaying Views
2–3. Monitoring Click Actions
2–4. Resolution-Independent Assets
2–5. Locking Activity Orientation
2–6. Dynamic Orientation Locking
2–7. Manually Handling Rotation
2–8. Creating Pop-Up Menu Actions
2–9. Customizing Options Menu
2–10. Customizing Back Button
2–11. Emulating the Home Button
2–13. Scrolling TextView Ticker
2–14. Animating a View
2–15. Creating Drawables as Backgrounds
2–16. Creating Custom State Drawables
2–17. Applying Masks to Images
2–18. Creating Dialogs that Persist
2–19. Implementing Situation-Specific Layouts
2–20. Customizing Keyboard Actions
2–21. Dismissing Soft Keyboard
2–22. Customizing AdapterView Empty Views
2–23. Customizing ListView Rows
2–24. Making ListView Section Headers
2–25. Creating Compound Controls
Useful Tools to Know: DroidDraw
Obtaining and Launching DroidDraw
Exploring DroidDraw’s User Interface
Creating a Simple Screen
Chapter 3: Communications and Networking
3–1. Displaying Web Information
3–2. Intercepting WebView Events
3–3. Accessing WebView with JavaScript
3–4. Downloading an Image File
3–5. Downloading Completely in the Background
3–6. Accessing a REST API
3–7. Parsing JSON
3–8. Parsing XML
3–8. Receiving SMS
3–9. Sending an SMS Message
3–10. Communicating over Bluetooth
3–11. Querying Network Reachability
Chapter 4: Interacting with Device Hardware and Media
4–1. Integrating Device Location
4–2. Mapping Locations
4–3. Annotating Maps
4–4. Capturing Images and Video
4–5. Making a Custom Camera Overlay
4–6. Recording Audio
4–7. Adding Speech Recognition
4–8. Playing Back Audio/Video
4–9. Creating a Tilt Monitor
4–10. Monitoring Compass Orientation
Useful Tools to Know: SensorSimulator
Obtaining Sensor Simulator
Launching Sensor Simulator Settings and Sensor Simulator
Accessing Sensor Simulator from Your Apps
Chapter 5: Persisting Data
5–1. Making a Preference Screen
5–2. Persisting Simple Data
5–3. Reading and Writing Files
5–4. Using Files as Resources
5–5. Managing a Database
5–6. Querying a Database
5–7. Backing Up Data
5–8. Sharing Your Database
5–9. Sharing Your Other Data
Useful Tools to Know: SQLite3
SQLite3 and UC
Chapter 6: Interacting with the System
6–1. Notifying from the Background
6–2. Creating Timed and Periodic Tasks
6–3. Scheduling a Periodic Task
6–4. Creating Sticky Operations
6–5. Running Persistent Background Operations
6–6. Launching Other Applications
6–7. Launching System Applications
6–8. Letting Other Applications Launch Yours
6–9. Interacting with Contacts
6–10. Picking Device Media
6–11. Saving to the MediaStore
Chapter 7: Working with Libraries
7–1. Creating Java Library JARs
7–2. Using Java Library JARs
7–3. Creating Android Library Projects
7–4. Using Android Library Projects
7–5. Charting
7–6. Practical Push Messaging
Appendix A: Scripting Layer for Android
Installing SL4A
Exploring SL4A
Adding a Shell Script
Accessing the Linux Shell
Installing the Python Interpreter
Scripting with Python
Appendix B: Android NDK
Installing the NDK
Exploring the NDK
Greetings from the NDK
Building and Running NDKGreetings with the Android SDK
Building and Running NDKGreetings with Eclipse
Sampling the NDK
Appendix C: App Design Guidelines
C–1. Designing Filtered Apps
C–2. Designing High-Performance Apps
C–3. Designing Responsive Apps
C–4. Designing Seamless Apps
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