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Imperial Library
Title Page
John Armstrong (1709-1779)
The Art of Preserving Health
Alfred Austin (1835-1913)
The Human Tragedy
Go Away, Death!
The Wind Speaks
T. Baker (fl. 1850s)
The Steam Engine
The Most Convoluted Syntax On a Procession with the Prince of Wales by Joseph Gwyer
Samuel Bently (fl. 1760s)
The River Dove: A Lyric Pastoral
Mrs. Marion Albina Bigelow (fl 1850s)
Children Disinterred
Two Smothered Children
E. E. Bradford (1860-1944)
The Tree of Knowledge
His Mother Drinks
The Most Lurid Account of Tragedy Calamity in London; Family of Ten Burned to Death by William McGonagall
Colonel I. J. Brittain (fl. 1918)
The Tragedy of Ida Ball Warren and Samuel Christie
Fred Emerson Brooks (fl. 1894)
The Stuttering Lover
Old Eagle
Solyman Brown (1790-1876)
The Dentologia—A Poem on the Diseases of the Teeth
T. E. Brown (1830-1897)
Between Our Folding Lips
Wallace Bruce (fl. 1907)
A Holland Brick
H. C. Bunner (fl. 1880s)
In School House: A Real Romance
Their Wedding Journey
J. Gordon Coogler (1865-1901)
Alas Carolina
The Lover’s Return on a Bicycle
How Strange Are Dreams!
A Pretty Girl
More Care for the Neck Than for the Intellect
God Correctly Understood
The Poem Showing the Most Mathematical Genius
Eliza Cook (1818-1889)
The Surgeon’s Knife
The Carrion Crow
Lines Among the Leaves
Song of the Sea Weed
A Pathetic Lament
Lillian E. Curtis (fl. 1870s)
Only One Eye
The Potato
The Two Bears
J. P. Dunn (fl. 1917)
An Ode to Governor Capper
Edward Edwin Foot (fl. 1867)
Jane Hollybrand; or, Virtue Rewarded
The Homeward-Bound Passenger Ship
The Worst Baby Talk Poem
Sam Walter Foss (1858-1911)
James Grainger (1721-1767)
The Sugar Cane
Bryan and Pereene: A West Indian Ballad
Matthew Green (1697-1737)
The Spleen
Joseph Gwyer (1835-?)
To Alfred Gwyer
Ode on the Visit of the Shah of Persia
On the Death of the Duke of Clarence
On the Funeral of Dr. Livingston
Nancy Luce (fl. 1860s)
Poor Little Hearts
William McGonagall (1830-1902)
The Railway Bridge of the Silvery Tay
The Tay Bridge Disaster
An Address to the New Tay Bridge
A Tale of the Sea
The Death of Lord and Lady Dalhousie
The Funeral of the German Emperor
The Famous Tay Whale
The Late Sir John Ogilvy
The Royal Review
The Sprig of Moss
The Clepington Catastrophe
The Most Anticlimactic Poem
James Mcintyre (1827-1906)
Ode on the Mammoth Cheese
Oxford Cheese Ode
Prophecy of a Ten Ton Cheese
Disaster to Steamer Victoria at London
Potato Bug Exterminators
Wooden Leg
George Meredith (1828-1909)
The Empty Purse: A Sermon to Our Later Prodigal Son
Owen Meredith (Robert Lytton, Earl of Lytton) (1831-1891)
Going Back Again
The Vampyre
The Worst Attempts at Rhymes by Very Bad Poets
In a Book-store by Francis Saltus Saltus
The Light-Bearer of Liberty by J. W Scholl
Indian Corn by Rev. William Cook
James Milligan (fl. 1800s)
The Science of Geology
Bertha Moore (fl. 1890s)
A Child’s Thought
Julia A. Moore (1847-1920)
Hattie House
Little Libbie
Roll On, Time, Roll On
Croquet by Moonlight
Ashtabula Disaster
Hiram Helsel
The Brave Page Boys
The Author’s Early Life
Edward Newman (fl. 1840)
Georgia Bailey Parrington (fl. 1907)
An Elegy to a Dissected Puppy
Robert Peter (fl. 1800s)
On Time, Death, and Eternity
The Worst Tribute to a Great Poet
Mattie J. Peterson (1866-1947) or (1866-1906)
I Kissed Pa Twice after His Death
The Old Homestead
James Henry Powell (fl. 1850)
Lines Written for a Friend on the Death of His Brother, Caused by a Railway Train Running over Him Whilst He Was in a State of Inebriation
James Whitcomb Riley (1849-1916)
The Smitten Purist: And the Charming Miss Smith’s Effect upon Him
The Happy Little Cripple
A Dubious “Old Kriss”
Amanda McKinttrick Ros (1860-1939)
On Visiting Westminster Abbey
A Little Belgian Orphan
The End of “Pain”
The Old Home
On a Girl Who Took Action for Breach of Promise
I Love to See a Lady Nice and Natural at Any Price
When Bad Poems Happen to Good Poets The Thorn by William Wordsworth
Francis Saltus Saltus (1849-1889)
Posthumous Revenge
The Kiss
The Masters
Two Loves Found Refuge: A Mood of Madness
George Robert Sims (1847-?)
Beauty and the Beast
Slocum Slugs, Esq. (fl. 1857)
I Saw Her in Cabbage Time: A Dutch Melody
William B. Tappan (1794-1849)
Obey Your Parents
Song of the Three Hundred Thousand Drunkards in the United States
The Last Drunkard
Rev. Samuel Wesley Sr. (1660-1735)
On Two Souldiers Killing One Another for a Groat
A Pindaricque on the Grunting of a Hog
Cornelius Whur (1782-1853)
The Armless Artist
The Unfortunate Gentleman
Ella Wheeler Wilcox (1850-1919)
Drops of Water
Come Back Clean
George Wither (1588-1667)
A Love Sonnet
Poems by Unknown Authors
Ode to a Ditch
My Last Tooth
Battles of Joshua
Independence Day
The Worst Poem Ever Written in the English Language
About the Editors
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