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Part I. Theories and concepts in the composition of Chinese herbal formulas
1. Common types of herbal combination
2. The process of formula composition
3. Dosages for individual herbs
4. Dosage in herbal formulas
5. Form of administration, preparation methods and their applications
6. Administration
7. Treatment principles and their sequence
8. Commonly used treatment methods and their applications
9. Commonly used treatment strategies
10. Contraindications and cautions in the use of Chinese herbal medicine
11. Combining western medicine with Chinese herbal formulas
12. Substitutions for unavailable, protected and banned herbs
Part II. Syndromes and formula composition
Chapter One. Exterior syndrome and formula composition
1 Wind-cold syndrome
2 Wind-heat syndrome
Chapter Two. Accumulation syndrome and formula composition
1. Accumulation syndrome due to excess heat in the intestine
2 Accumulation syndrome due to excess cold in the Middle-Jiao
3 Syndrome of water accumulation
Chapter Three. Internal heat syndrome and formula composition
Syndromes in warm-febrile diseases
1. Syndrome of heat at the Wei level (the Defensive level)
2. Syndrome of heat at the Qi level
3. Syndrome of heat at the Ying level (the Nutritive level)
4. Syndrome of heat at the Xue level (the blood level)
5. Syndrome of aftermath of warm-febrile diseases
Heat in different organs
6. Syndrome of heat in the Heart and Small Intestine
7. Syndrome of heat in the Liver
8. Syndrome of heat in the Stomach and Large Intestine
9. Syndrome of damp-heat in the Spleen and Large Intestine
10. Syndrome of heat in the Lung
11. Syndrome of heat in the Kidney and Bladder
Chapter Four. The internal cold syndrome and formula composition
The internal cold syndrome
Chapter Five. Deficiency syndrome and formula composition
Syndrome of Qi deficiency
1. Syndrome of Spleen-Qi deficiency
2. Syndrome of Lung-Qi deficiency
3. Syndrome of Heart-Qi deficiency
Syndrome of blood deficiency
4. Syndrome of Liver-blood deficiency
5. Syndrome of Heart-blood deficiency
Syndrome of Yin deficiency
6. Syndrome of Lung-Yin deficiency
7. Syndrome of Stomach-Yin deficiency
8. Syndrome of Heart-Yin deficiency
9. Syndrome of Liver-Yin deficiency
10. Syndrome of Kidney-Yin deficiency
Syndrome of Yang deficiency
11. Syndrome of Kidney-Yang deficiency
12. Syndrome of Spleen-Yang deficiency
13. Syndrome of Heart-Yang deficiency
Chapter Six. Syndrome of abnormal discharge and formula composition
Syndrome of abnormal discharge
Chapter Seven. Syndrome of dampness and formula composition
1. Damp-cold syndrome
2. Damp-heat syndrome
Source : Wen Bing Tiao Bian
Chapter Eight. Syndrome of food accumulation and formula composition
Syndrome of food accumulation
Chapter Nine. Syndrome of phlegm and formula composition
Syndrome of phlegm
Chapter Ten. Syndrome of Qi stagnation and formula composition
1. Syndrome of Liver-Qi stagnation
2. Syndrome of Qi stagnation in the Stomach, Spleen and Large Intestine
3. Syndrome of Qi stagnation in the Lung
Chapter Eleven. Syndrome of blood stagnation and formula composition
Syndrome of blood stagnation
Chapter Twelve. Syndrome of bleeding and formula composition
Syndrome of bleeding
Chapter Thirteen. Syndrome of disturbance of Heart-shen and formula composition
Syndrome of disturbance of Heart-shen
Chapter Fourteen. Syndrome of internal wind and formula composition
1. Syndrome of Liver-wind
2. Syndrome of internal wind due to excess heat in the Heart and Liver
3. Syndrome of internal wind generated by Yin deficiency
Chapter Fifteen. Locked-up syndrome and formula composition
Locked-up syndrome
Chapter Sixteen. Syndromes caused by external wind, damp, cold or heat and formula composition
Syndromes caused by external wind, damp, cold or heat
Chapter Seventeen. Syndrome of dryness and formula composition
Syndrome of dryness
Syndrome of dryness in the Lung
Syndrome of dryness in the Stomach and Large Intestine
Chapter Eighteen. Syndrome of disharmony and formula composition
1. Syndrome of disharmony between the Liver and Spleen (Stomach and Large Intestine)
2. Syndrome of disharmony at the Shao Yang level
3. Syndrome of disharmony between Ying-Qi and Wei-Qi
4. Syndrome of disharmony between the Yin, Yang, Qi and blood of the internal organs
Chapter Nineteen. Yong (carbuncle) and Yang (ulceration) syndrome and formula composition
Syndrome of Yong Yang
Appendix 1. Daily dosages for individual crude herbs above 6–9 grams
Appendix 2. Commonly used herbal combinations and their applications
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