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Imperial Library
Cover Page
Title Page
How to Use This Book
WAY 1: One Thing Worse Than a Rude Employee
WAY 2: Bribe Significant Others
WAY 3: Involve the Family
WAY 4: Prospect with a T-E-A-M
WAY 5: Use Your People
WAY 6: Call Them Associates
WAY 7: If You Want Loyalty
WAY 8: Make Me Feel Important
WAY 9: Strategic Partnerships
WAY 10: Play It S-A-F-E
WAY 11: People-to-People Prospecting
WAY 12: Birds of a Feather
WAY 13: Get Them on Your Own Turf
WAY 14: Become a Joiner
WAY 15: Intentional Relationships
WAY 16: Are You New or Recycled?
WAY 17: Love That Loyalty
WAY 18: Develop a Clear Vision of Success
WAY 19: Heroic Tales
WAY 20: Do You See What I See?
WAY 21: Zero Defections
WAY 22: Don't Turn Off Your Prospects
WAY 23: Pushy Prospectors
WAY 24: Don't Let the Fish Flop Away
WAY 25: Your Way or My Way
WAY 26: Help, Don't Sell
WAY 27: The Power of Compliments
WAY 28: Become a “Yes” Person
WAY 29: Sell Your People First
WAY 30: Fix the Problem
WAY 31: People Are Funny
WAY 32: Inspire New Hires
WAY 33: Respect Their Time
WAY 34: Target Your Prospects' Interests
WAY 35: All Buyers Are Liars
WAY 36: Brag, Brag, and Brag Some More
WAY 37: Pay Attention to Individual Needs
WAY 38: My Name's Not Bud
WAY 39: Beware of Agitators
WAY 40: Label What Differentiates You
WAY 41: Do Something Different
WAY 42: Be Creative
WAY 43: Go in Naked
WAY 44: Believe It or Not
WAY 45: Try Something Different
WAY 46: Customize, Customize, Customize
WAY 47: Little Things with Big Payoffs
WAY 48: Be Different
WAY 49: Do What Others Don't
WAY 50: Learn from Chameleons
WAY 51: Beware of First Appearances
WAY 52: Be a Super-Sleuth
WAY 53: Inspired Employees = Dedicated Customers
WAY 54: The C-Y-A Factor
WAY 55: The Best Prospect Ever
WAY 56: Stick Like Velcro
WAY 57: Whatever It Takes
WAY 58: Love Those Journals
WAY 59: Do You Qualify?
WAY 60: Before You Open Up
WAY 61: Tell and Sell
WAY 62: Keep Your Links Current
WAY 63: Leave a Trail
WAY 64: Learn from the FBI
WAY 65: Keep Top-of-Mind Awareness
WAY 66: The Proof of the Pudding
WAY 67: What about Tomorrow?
WAY 68: Your Elevator Speech
WAY 69: Point Out the Problem
WAY 70: Go After Lost Customers
WAY 71: Free Still Works
WAY 72: Out of Sight, Out of Mind
WAY 73: Email—Friend or Foe?
WAY 74: Keep the Lights On
WAY 75: One Magic Word
WAY 76: Quality Speaks Volumes
WAY 77: Keep Up with Technology
WAY 78: Is Your Image Working for You?
WAY 79: Don't Take Anything for Granted
WAY 80: Beware of Prescriptions without Diagnoses
WAY 81: Make It Easy to Buy
WAY 82: Make Them Feel Safe
WAY 83: Loose Lips Sink Prospects
WAY 84: Build Trust
WAY 85: Falling Out of the Dumb Tree
WAY 86: Consider Name-Dropping
WAY 87: Freebies Are Hard to Turn Down
WAY 88: Advertise Creatively
WAY 89: Claim Those Free Dollars
WAY 90: One Magic Question
WAY 91: Always Deal with a M-A-N
WAY 92: Yes, No, and Maybe
WAY 93: Bigger Is Better
WAY 94: Networking
WAY 95: One Size Never Fits All
WAY 96: All's Fair in Love and War
WAY 97: Do You Know What They Know?
WAY 98: What Gets Repeated
WAY 99: Traditions Are Sacred
WAY 100: The Puppy-Dog Lick
WAY 101: Don't Give Them a Reason
WAY 102: What Do You Sell?
WAY 103: Everything Matters
WAY 104: When Do You Need It?
WAY 105: Lost Sales = Opportunities
WAY 106: Let Them Decide
WAY 107: Forget Satisfied
WAY 108: Perceptions of Value
WAY 109: Leverage Hulk and Bulk
WAY 110: It's All about Value
WAY 111: How Much Does It Cost?
WAY 112: Stack Up the Benefits
WAY 113: What You Can Do
WAY 114: Sell Value, Not Price
WAY 115: The $10 Stupidity
WAY 116: Losing Their Luster
WAY 117: Tell Them What You Can Do
WAY 118: Are You Listening?
WAY 119: The Early Bird Gets the New Customer
WAY 120: The Problem with Communication
WAY 121: “No” Is Not the Answer
WAY 122: Selective Hearing
WAY 123: If Only We Had Time
WAY 124: Anticipate Obstacles
WAY 125: Decide Not to Sell
WAY 126: Bullet-Proof Your Communications
WAY 127: Attention to Detail
WAY 128: Use Your Design
WAY 129: Smile, Smile, Smile
WAY 130: It's Okay to Know You Don't Know
WAY 131: Don't Be a Bungling Bob
WAY 132: Create Your Personal Gold Mine
WAY 133: The Insanity Principle
WAY 134: Beware of Fatal Ruts
WAY 135: Ask for Help
WAY 136: Accentuate the Positive
WAY 137: Harness the Internet
WAY 138: Tell the Truth
WAY 139: How Are You Really Doing?
WAY 140: Meet Uncle F-E-S-S
WAY 141: Don't Drop In
WAY 142: Don't Love Them and Leave Them
WAY 143: Organize Your Prospects
WAY 144: The Agony of Defeat
WAY 145: Expect the Unexpected
WAY 146: You Can't Afford Not To
WAY 147: Become an Information Junkie
WAY 148: Obsessed with Reputation
WAY 149: Invest in Yourself
WAY 150: The Value of Persistence
About the Author
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