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Chapter 12: A Fresh Start in Seattle
Chapter 14: A Messy Divorce
Chapter 15: Start-up Days
FOREWORD Willing Shoulders: A Personal View of Lee Hood
CHAPTER 1 Mr. Gates, I Quit
CHAPTER 2 Growing Up in Big Sky Country
CHAPTER 3 The Golden Boy of Shelby
CHAPTER 4 Welcome to the Big Time
CHAPTER 5 The Making of a Young Biologist
CHAPTER 6 A Rising Star for the Biotech Era
CHAPTER 7 The First Big Machine
CHAPTER 8 Building an Empire
CHAPTER 9 Competing for the Big Prize
CHAPTER 10 The Invention That Sparked a Revolution
CHAPTER 11 The Clash at Caltech
CHAPTER 12 A Fresh Start in Seattle
CHAPTER 13 New Frontiers, Bold Promises
CHAPTER 14 A Messy Divorce
CHAPTER 15 Start-up Days
CHAPTER 16 A Visionary, Not a Manager
EPILOGUE Legacy of a Scientific Entrepreneur
CHAPTER 1. Mr. Gates, I Quit
CHAPTER 2. Growing Up in Big Sky Country
CHAPTER 3. The Golden Boy of Shelby
CHAPTER 4. Welcome to the Big Time
CHAPTER 5. The Making of a Young Biologist
CHAPTER 6. A Rising Star for the Biotech Era
CHAPTER 7. The First Big Machine
CHAPTER 8. Building an Empire
CHAPTER 6. “Biology and Medicine in the 21 st Century.” Page 163. http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog
CHAPTER 9. Competing for the Big Prize
CHAPTER 10. The Invention That Sparked a Revolution
CHAPTER 11. The Clash at Caltech
CHAPTER 12. A Fresh Start in Seattle
CHAPTER 13. New Frontiers, Bold Promises
CHAPTER 14. A Messy Divorce
CHAPTER 15. Start-up Days
CHAPTER 16. A Visionary, Not a Manager
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