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Reviews of Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity
Title Page
List of Contributors
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Criticality in Neural Systems
Chapter 2: Criticality in Cortex: Neuronal Avalanches and Coherence Potentials
2.1 The Late Arrival of Critical Dynamics to the Study of Cortex Function
2.2 Cortical Resting Activity Organizes as Neuronal Avalanches
2.3 Neuronal Avalanches: Cascades of Cascades
2.4 The Statistics of Neuronal Avalanches and Earthquakes
2.5 Neuronal Avalanches and Cortical Oscillations
2.6 Neuronal Avalanches Optimize Numerous Network Functions
2.7 The Coherence Potential: Threshold-Dependent Spread of Synchrony with High Fidelity
2.8 The Functional Architecture of Neuronal Avalanches and Coherence Potentials
Chapter 3: Critical Brain Dynamics at Large Scale
3.1 Introduction
3.2 What is Criticality Good for?
3.3 Statistical Signatures of Critical Dynamics
3.4 Beyond Averages: Spatiotemporal Brain Dynamics at Criticality
3.5 Consequences
3.6 Summary and Outlook
Chapter 4: The Dynamic Brain in Action: Coordinative Structures, Criticality, and Coordination Dynamics
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The Organization of Matter
4.3 Setting the Context: A Window into Biological Coordination
4.4 Beyond Analogy
4.5 An Elementary Coordinative Structure: Bimanual Coordination
4.6 Theoretical Modeling: Symmetry and Phase Transitions
4.7 Predicted Signatures of Critical Phenomena in Biological Coordination
4.8 Some Comments on Criticality, Timescales, and Related Aspects
4.9 Symmetry Breaking and Metastability
4.10 Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions in the Human Brain: MEG, EEG, and fMRI
4.11 Neural Field Modeling of Multiple States and Phase Transitions in the Brain
4.12 Transitions, Transients, Chimera, and Spatiotemporal Metastability
4.13 The Middle Way: Mesoscopic Protectorates
4.14 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 5: The Correlation of the Neuronal Long-Range Temporal Correlations, Avalanche Dynamics with the Behavioral Scaling Laws and Interindividual Variability
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Criticality in the Nervous System: Behavioral and Physiological Evidence
5.3 Magneto- and Electroencephalography (M/EEG) as a Tool for Noninvasive Reconstruction of Human Cortical Dynamics
5.4 Slow Neuronal Fluctuations: The Physiological Substrates of LRTC
5.6 Neuronal Avalanches, LRTC, and Oscillations: Enigmatic Coexistence?
5.7 Conclusions
Chapter 6: The Turbulent Human Brain: An MHD Approach to the MEG
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Autonomous, Intermittent, Hierarchical Motions, from Brain Proteins Fluctuations to Emergent Magnetic Fields
6.3 Magnetic Field Induction and Turbulence; Its Maintenance, Decay, and Modulation
6.4 Localizing a Time-Varying Entropy Measure of Turbulence, Rank Vector Entropy (RVE) [35] [107], Using a Linearly Constrained Minimum Variance (LCMV) Beamformer Such as Synthetic Aperture Magnetometry (SAM) [25] [34], Yields State and Function-Related Localized Increases and Decreases in the RVE Estimate
6.5 Potential Implications of the MHD Approach to MEG Magnetic Fields for Understanding the Mechanisms of Action and Clinical Applications of the Family of TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) Human Brain Therapies
Chapter 7: Thermodynamic Model of Criticality in the Cortex Based on EEG/ECoG Data
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Principles of Hierarchical Brain Models
7.3 Mathematical Formulation of Neuropercolation
7.4 Critical Regimes of Coupled Hierarchical Lattices
7.5 BroadBand Chaotic Oscillations
7.6 Conclusions
Chapter 8: Neuronal Avalanches in the Human Brain
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Data and Cascade-Size Analysis
8.3 Cascade-Size Distributions are Power Laws
8.4 The Data are Captured by a Critical Branching Process
8.5 Discussion
8.6 Summary
Chapter 9: Critical Slowing and Perception
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Itinerant Dynamics
9.3 The Free Energy Principle
9.4 Neurobiological Implementation of Active Inference
9.5 Self-Organized Instability
9.6 Birdsong, Attractors, and Critical Slowing
9.7 Conclusion
Chapter 10: Self-Organized Criticality in Neural Network Models
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Avalanche Dynamics in Neuronal Systems
10.3 Simple Models for Self-Organized Critical Adaptive Neural Networks
10.4 Conclusion
Chapter 11: Single Neuron Response Fluctuations: A Self-Organized Criticality Point of View
11.1 Neuronal Excitability
11.2 Experimental Observations on Excitability Dynamics
11.3 Self-Organized Criticality Interpretation
11.4 Adaptive Rates and Contact Processes
11.5 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 12: Activity Dependent Model for Neuronal Avalanches
12.1 The Model
12.2 Neuronal Avalanches in Spontaneous Activity
12.3 Learning
12.4 Temporal Organization of Neuronal Avalanches
12.5 Conclusions
Chapter 13: The Neuronal Network Oscillation as a Critical Phenomenon
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Properties of Scale-Free Time Series
13.3 The Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA)
13.4 DFA Applied to Neuronal Oscillations
13.5 Insights from the Application of DFA to Neuronal Oscillations
13.6 Scaling Behavior of Oscillations: a Sign of Criticality?
Chapter 14: Critical Exponents, Universality Class, and Thermodynamic “Temperature” of the Brain
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Thermodynamic Quantities at the Critical Point and Their Neuronal Interpretations
14.3 Finite-Size Scaling
14.4 Studying the Thermodynamics Properties of Neuronal Avalanches at Different Scales
14.5 What Could be the “Temperature” for the Brain?
Chapter 15: Peak Variability and Optimal Performance in Cortical Networks at Criticality
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Fluctuations are Highest Near Criticality
15.3 Variability of Spatial Activity Patterns
15.4 Variability of Phase Synchrony
15.5 High Variability, but Not Random
15.6 Functional Implications of High Entropy of Ongoing Cortex Dynamics
Chapter 16: Criticality at Work: How Do Critical Networks Respond to Stimuli?
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Responding to Stimuli
16.3 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 17: Critical Dynamics in Complex Networks
17.1 Introduction: Critical Branching Processes
17.2 Description and Properties of Networks
17.3 Branching Processes in Complex Networks
17.4 Discussion
Chapter 18: Mechanisms of Self-Organized Criticality in Adaptive Networks
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Basic Considerations
18.3 A Toy Model
18.4 Mechanisms of Self-Organization
18.5 Implications for Information Processing
18.6 Discussion
Chapter 19: Cortical Networks with Lognormal Synaptic Connectivity and Their Implications in Neuronal Avalanches
19.1 Introduction
19.2 Critical Dynamics in Neuronal Wiring Development
19.3 Stochastic Resonance by Highly Inhomogeneous Synaptic Weights on Spike Neurons
19.4 SSWD Recurrent Networks Generate Optimal Intrinsic Noise
19.5 Incorporation of Local Clustering Structure
19.6 Emergence of Bistable States in the Clustered Network
19.7 Possible Implications of SSWD Networks for Neuronal Avalanches
19.8 Summary
Chapter 20: Theoretical Neuroscience of Self-Organized Criticality: From Formal Approaches to Realistic Models
20.1 Introduction
20.2 The Eurich Model of Criticality in Neural Networks
20.3 LHG Model: Dynamic Synapses Control Criticality
20.4 Criticality by Homeostatic Plasticity
20.5 Conclusion
Chapter 21: Nonconservative Neuronal Networks During Up-States Self-Organize Near Critical Points
21.1 Introduction
21.2 Model
21.3 Simulations
21.4 Heterogeneous Synapses
21.5 Conclusion
Chapter 22: Self-Organized Criticality and Near-Criticality in Neural Networks
22.1 Introduction
22.2 A Neural Network Exhibiting Self-Organized Criticality
22.3 Excitatory and Inhibitory Neural Network Dynamics
22.4 An E–I Neural Network Exhibiting Self-Organized Near-Criticality
22.5 Discussion
Chapter 23: Neural Dynamics: Criticality, Cooperation, Avalanches, and Entrainment between Complex Networks
23.1 Introduction
23.2 Decision-Making Model (DMM) at Criticality
23.3 Neural Dynamics
23.4 Avalanches and Entrainment
23.5 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 24: Complex Networks: From Social Crises to Neuronal Avalanches
24.1 Introduction
24.2 The Decision-Making Model (DMM)
24.3 Topological Complexity
24.4 Temporal Complexity
24.5 Inflexible Minorities
24.6 Conclusions
Chapter 25: The Dynamics of Neuromodulation
25.1 Introduction
25.2 Background
25.3 Discussion and Conclusions
25.4 A Final Thought
25.5 Summary
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