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1. Prelude
1.1. Slow Death in U.S. Gas Chambers
1.2. Hydrogen Cyanide – a Dangerous Poison
1.3. The Acid That Causes Blue Stains
2. The Coup
2.1. Fred Leuchter on Auschwitz and Majdanek
2.2. First Reactions
2.3. Attempts at Refutation and Their Assessment
3. No Politics
4. A Brief History of Forensic Examinations of Auschwitz
4.1. Introduction
4.2. The Moral Obligation of Forensic Examination
4.3. A Definition of Forensic Science
4.4. Forensic Science and Auschwitz
4.4.1. Forensics in the Courts
4.4.2. Forensics outside the Courts
5. Auschwitz
5.1. On the History of the Camp
5.1.1. The Camp
5.1.2. The Chemistry
5.2. Epidemics and the Defense against Them
5.2.1. Danger of Epidemics
5.2.2. Epidemic Control with Zyklon B
5.2.3. Epidemic Control in Auschwitz
5.2.4. Disinfestation Installations BWe 5a and 5b
5.3. “Gas Chamber” in the Auschwitz I Main Camp
5.4. “Gas Chambers” in the Birkenau Camp
5.4.1. Crematoria II and III
5.4.2. Crematoria IV and V
5.4.3. Bunkers 1 and 2
5.4.4. The Drainage System in Birkenau
5.5. Construction Conclusions
5.6. Missing Documents
6. Formation and Stability of Iron Blue
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Instances of Disfigured Buildings
6.3. Properties of Hydrogen Cyanide, HCN
6.4. Composition of Iron Blue
6.4.1. Overview
6.4.2. Excursus
6.5. Formation of Iron Blue
6.5.1. Overview
6.5.2. Water Content
6.5.3. Reactivity of Trivalent Iron
6.5.4. Temperature
6.5.5. Alkalinity
6.5.6. Carbon Dioxide
6.5.7. Conclusion
6.6. Stability of Iron Blue
6.6.1. pH Sensitivity
6.6.2. Solubility
6.6.3. Excursus: Competing Ligands
6.6.4. Effects of Light
6.6.5. Long-Term Test
6.6.6. Iron Blue in Contaminated Soils
6.6.7. Summary
6.7. Influence of Various Building Materials
6.7.1. Brick
6.7.2. Cement Mortar and Concrete
6.7.3. Lime Mortar
6.7.4. Effects upon the Formation of Iron Blue
7. Zyklon B for the Killing of Human Beings
7.1. Toxicological Effect of HCN
7.1.1. Physiology
7.1.2. Appearance
7.1.3. Lethal Concentration
7.2. Evaporation Characteristics of Zyklon B
7.3. The Gassing of Human Beings
7.3.1. Eyewitness Testimonies
7.3.2. Critique of Eyewitness Descriptions
7.3.3. Evaluation of Eyewitnesses
7.3.4. An Expert on Cyanide Speaks Out
7.3.5. Why, Precisely, Zyklon B?
8. Evaluation of Chemical Analyses
8.1. Test Sample Taking and Description
8.2. Analytical Methods
8.2.1. Methods Used
8.2.2. Interferences and Reproducibility
8.3. Evaluation of Analytical Results
8.3.1. F.A. Leuchter/Alpha Analytic Laboratories
8.3.2. Institute for Forensic Research, Krakow
8.3.3. G. Rudolf/Fresenius Institute
8.3.4. John C. Ball
8.3.5. Carlo Mattogno/Ecolab
8.3.6. Summary
8.4. Discussion of the Analysis Results
8.4.1. Josef Bailer
8.4.2. Jan Markiewicz and Colleagues
8.4.3. James Roth
8.4.4. Richard J. Green
8.4.5. Wikipedia
8.4.6. Anticipated Values
8.4.7. Limits of the Chemical Method
9. Conclusions
9.1. Overview
9.2. On Chemistry
9.3. On Construction Technology
10. Research Desiderata
10.1. Point of Departure
10.2. Forensic Archeology
10.3. Forensic Analytical Chemistry
11. Acknowledgements
Biographical Notes on the Author
12. Appendices
12.1. Lists
12.1.1. Tables
12.1.2. Illustrations
12.1.3. Charts
12.1.4. Abbreviations
12.2. Excerpts from Statements by Horst Fischer
12.3. Documents
12.4. Bibliography
12.5. Index
Holocaust Handbooks
Section One: General Overviews of the Holocaust
Section Two: Specific non-Auschwitz Studies
Section Three: Auschwitz Studies
Section Four: Witness Critique
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