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Imperial Library
Maps and Illustrations
Pronunciation and Orthographic Guide
1 Introduction: A Plethora of Premises
Habits of the Heart, Deductive Premises, and Buddhist Inhibitions
Petrarch’s Method: Artes Historicae in the Renaissance
Tropes, Heuristics, and Other Dangerous Things
2 Prayers in the Palace, Swords in the Temple: Early Medieval India
The Occlusion of the Medieval
Early Medieval Political and Military Events
The Culture of Military Opportunism
Aesthetics and the Apotheosis of Kingship
Feudalization of Divinity
Conclusion: Early Medieval Vitality
3 The Medieval Buddhist Experience
Guilds, Commerce, and Political Legitimacy
Politics, Patronage, and Ethics—The Loss of Kuntala and Andhr ā patha
Medieval Women’s Buddhism—Hidden from View or Missing in Action?
A Loss of Footing: The Agenda of Skepticism
Looking Elsewhere for Direction: The Turn to Epistemology
Big Important Monasteries—Administrators in Maroon Robes
Conclusion: A Tradition Under Duress
4 The Victory of Esoterism and the Imperial Metaphor
Chronology: The Seventh-Century Beginning
Becoming the R ā j ā dhir ā ja—The Central Mantray ā na Metaphor
Ma ṇ ḍ alas and Fields of Plenty
Becoming the Institution
Monks and Their Rituals
Sacralization of the Domain
Conclusion: Esoteric Buddhism as Sacralized S ā manta Feudalism
5 Siddhas and the Religious Landscape
Some Siddha Social Models
First Moments in Siddha Identity
Ś aiva and Ś ā kta Ascetic Orders
Marginal Siddha Topography
Religious Relations: The Agonistic Landscape
Buddhist Siddhas and the Vidy ā dharas
Chronological Concerns and Ś aiva Exchanges
Indian Sacred Geography
Siddha Divinities—Bhairava and Heruka
K ā p ā lika-Buddhist Conversions
The Other Ś aivas: The P ā ś upatas
Siddhas in the Tribal Landscape
Conclusion: A Complex Terrain
6 Siddhas, Literature, and Language
Regional Towns and the Lay Siddha
The Hidden Scriptures
From Transmission to Reception
The Buddha’s Talking Skull Excites Women, Kills Snakes, and Belches a Book
Everything You Know Is Wrong
The Magic Decoder: The Construct of Coded Language
Coded Language as Secret Ritual Words
Secret Sacred Sociolinguistics
Extreme Language and Comedy in the Tantras
Conclusion: The Literature of Perfection
7 Siddhas, Monks, and Communities
Siddha Ma ṇ ḍ alas, Circles of Goddesses
Siddhas in a Circle, Siddhas in a Line, Siddhas in a Mob
Hagiographical Communities: Buddhaj ñ ā nap ā da’s Travels
Gatherings and Ga ṇ acakras —The Ritual Community
Rules of Order
Self-Criticism and Correction
The Imperial Metaphor Reconsidered: Becoming the Vidy ā dhara-Cakravartin
Conclusion: It’s a Siddha’s Life
8 Conclusion: The Esoteric Conundrum
Appendix: Probable P ā ś upata Sites
Indic and Ostensibly Indic Tibetan Sources
Chinese Sources
Indigenous Tibetan Sources
Archaeological and Epigraphic Materials
General Modern Sources
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