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A Note on the Cover
Mormon Feminism: An Introduction by Joanna Brooks
Key Events in Contemporary Mormon Feminism: 1940 to Present
I. FOUNDATIONS: Mormon Feminism in the 1970s
Claudia Lauper Bushman (1934–), “Women in Dialogue: An Introduction” (1971)
Claudia Lauper Bushman (1934–), “Exponent II Is Born” (1974)
Carol Lynn Wright Pearson (1939–), “Millie’s Mother’s Red Dress” (1974)
Claire Whitaker Peterson (1928–), “Hide and Seek” (1974–1975)
Elouise Bell (1935–), “The Implications of Feminism for BYU” (1975)
Judith Rasmussen Dushku (1942–), Mormon Sisters: “Feminists” (1976)
Margaret Rampton Munk (1941–1986), “First Grief” (1978)
Dixie Snow Huefner (1936–), Excerpts from “Church and Politics at the Utah IWY Conference” (1978)
Sonia Johnson (1936–), “My Revolution”: Excerpt, From Housewife to Heretic (1981)
Sonia Johnson (1936–), “The Church Was Once in the Forefront of the Women’s Movement”: Speech to the Senate Constitutional Rights Subcommittee (1978)
Sonia Johnson (1936–), “Patriarchal Panic: Sexual Politics in the Mormon Church” (1979)
Linda P. Wilcox Desimone (1939–), “The Mormon Concept of a Mother in Heaven” (1980)
Lisa Bolin Hawkins (1954–), “Another Prayer” and “Let My Sisters Do for Me” (1980)
Carol Lynn Wright Pearson (1939–), “Motherless House” (1980)
Linda King Newell (1941–), “A Gift Given, a Gift Taken: Washing, Anointing, and Blessing the Sick among Mormon Women” (1981)
Carol Cornwall Madsen (1930–), “Mormon Women and the Struggle for Definition: The Nineteenth-Century Church” (1981)
Laurel Thatcher Ulrich (1938–), “The Pink Dialogue and Beyond” (1981)
II. LIVED CONTRADICTIONS: Mormon Feminism in the 1980s
Nadine McCombs Hansen (1947–), “Women and Priesthood” (1981)
Mary Lythgoe Bradford (1930–), Selections from Mormon Women Speak (1982)
Reva Beth Russell (1948–), “A Purple Rose” (1982)
Cherie Taylor Pederson, “Expanding the Vision” (1982)
Mary Lythgoe Bradford (1930–), “Across the Generations” (1984)
Margaret Merrill Toscano (1949–), “The Missing Rib: The Forgotten Place of Queens and Priestesses in the Establishment of Zion” (1985)
Linda Sillitoe (1948–2010), “an elegy in lower case (for president spencer w. kimball)” (1985)
Laurel Thatcher Ulrich (1938–), “Lusterware” (1986)
Judith Rasmussen Dushku (1942–), “The Day of the Lambs and the Lions” (1987)
Violet Tew Kimball (1932–), “Wife #3” (1987)
Carol Lynn Pearson (1939–), “Walk in the Pink Moccasins” (1988)
Elouise Bell (1935–), “The Meeting” and “When Nice Ain’t So Nice” (1990)
Sonja Farnsworth (1947–), “Mormonism’s Odd Couple: The Priesthood-Motherhood Connection” (1991)
III. DEFINING MOMENTS: Mormon Feminism in the 1990s
Cecilia Konchar Farr (1958–), “I Am a Mormon, and I Am for Choice” (1992)
Carol Lynn Pearson (1939–), Mother Wove the Morning (1992)
Susan Elizabeth Howe (1949–), “The Blessing” (1992)
Margaret Merrill Toscano (1949–), “Put on Your Strength, O Daughters of Zion: Claiming Priesthood and Knowing the Mother” (1992)
Lavina Fielding Anderson (1944–), “The LDS Intellectual Community and Church Leadership: A Contemporary Chronology” (1992)
White Roses: Statement (1993)
Laurel Thatcher Ulrich (1938–), “Border Crossings” (1994)
Janice Merrill Allred (1947–), Excerpts from “Toward a Mormon Theology of God the Mother” (1994)
Lynn Matthews Anderson (1956–), Excerpts from “Toward a Feminist Interpretation of Latter-day Saint Scripture” (1994)
Cecilia Konchar Farr (1958–), “Dancing Through the Doctrine: Observations on Religion and Feminism” (1995)
Lynn Matthews Anderson (1956–), “I Have an Answer: Questions to Gospel Answers” (1996)
Carol Lynn Wright Pearson (1939–), “Could Feminism Have Saved the Nephites?” (1996)
IV. RESURGENCE: Mormon Feminism in the Early 2000s
Joanna Brooks (1971–), “Where Have All the Mormon Feminists Gone” (2003)
Lorie Winder Stromberg (1952–), “Power Hungry” (2004)
Chieko Nishimura Okazaki (1926–2011), “There Is Always a Struggle” (2005)
Kynthia Taylor (1977–), “The Trouble with Chicken Patriarchy” (2007)
“What Women Know” (2007)
Lisa Butterworth (1974–), “13 Articles of Healthy Chastity” (2010)
Joanna Brooks (1971–), “Invocation / Benediction” (2010)
Valerie Hudson Cassler (1958–), “The Two Trees” (2010)
Chelsea Shields Strayer (1981–), “Dear Mom” (2011)
Meghan Raynes (1983–), “Now I Have the Power” (2011–2012)
Neylan McBaine (1977–), “To Do the Business of the Church: A Cooperative Paradigm for Examining Gendered Participation Within Church Organizational Structure” (2012)
What Women Know Collective, “All Are Alike unto God” (2012)
Kate Kelly (1980–), “Equality Is Not a Feeling” (2013)
Janan Graham-Russell (1989–), “On Black Bodies in White Spaces: Conversations of Women’s Ordination and Women of African Descent in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” (2013)
Gina Colvin (1967–), “Ordain Women, But … : A Womanist Perspective” (2014)
Lani Wendt Young (1973–), “Rejoice in the Diversity of Our Sisterhood: A Samoan Mormon Feminist Voice on Ordain Women” (2014)
Trine Thomas Nelson (1980–), “Claim Yourself: Finding Validation and Purpose Without Institutional Approval” (2014)
Elizabeth Hammond (1975–), “The Mormon Priestess: A Theology of Womanhood in the LDS Temple” (2014)
Rachel Hunt Steenblik (1984–), “Birth/Rebirth: Welcome Baby, You Are Home” (2014)
Carol Lynn Pearson (1939–), “Pioneers”
Glossary of Names and Terms
Additional Resources
Study Group Guide
Suggested Readings by Topic
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