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Ten Great Religions
An Essay in Comparative Theology
James Freeman Clarke
Ten Great Religions.
Chapter I.
Introduction.—Ethnic and Catholic Religions.
§ 1. Object of the present Work.
§ 2. Comparative Theology; its Nature, Value, and present Position.
§ 3. Ethnic Religions. Injustice often done to them by Christian Apologists.
§ 4. How Ethnic Religions were regarded by Christ and his Apostles.
§ 5. Comparative Theology will furnish a new Class of Evidences in Support of Christianity.
§ 6. It will show that, while most of the Religions of the World are Ethnic, or the Religions of Races, Christianity is Catholic, or adapted to become the Religion of all Races.
§ 7. Comparative Theology will probably show that the Ethnic Religions are one-sided, each containing a Truth of its own, but being defective, wanting some corresponding Truth. Christianity, or the Catholic Religion, is complete on every Side.
§ 8. Comparative Theology will probably show that Ethnic Religions are arrested, or degenerate, and will come to an End, while the Catholic Religion is capable of a progressive Development.
Chapter II.
Confucius and the Chinese, or the Prose of Asia.
§ 1. Peculiarities of Chinese Civilization.
§ 2. Chinese Government based on Education. Civil-Service Examinations.
§ 3. Life and Character of Confucius.
§ 4. Philosophy and subsequent Development of Confucianism.
§ 5. Lao-tse and Tao-ism.
§ 6. Religious Character of the "Kings."
§ 7. Confucius and Christianity. Character of the Chinese.
§ 8. The Tae-ping Insurrection.
Chapter III.
§ 1. Our Knowledge of Brahmanism. Sir William Jones.
§ 2. Difficulty of this Study. The Complexity of the System. The Hindoos have no History. Their Ultra-Spiritualism.
§ 3. Helps from Comparative Philology. The Aryans in Central Asia.
§ 4. The Aryans in India. The Native Races. The Vedic Age. Theology of the Vedas.
§ 5. Second Period. Laws of Manu. The Brahmanic Age.
§ 6. The Three Hindoo Systems of Philosophy,—Sánkhya, Vedanta, and Nyasa.
§ 7. Origin of the Hindoo Triad.
§ 8. The Epics, the Puranas, and modern Hindoo Worship.
§ 9. Relation of Brahmanism to Christianity.
Chapter IV.
Buddhism, or the Protestantism of the East.
§ 1. Buddhism, in its Forms, resembles Romanism; in its Spirit, Protestantism.
§ 2. Extent of Buddhism. Its Scriptures.
§ 3. Sakya-muni, the Founder of Buddhism.
§ 4. Leading Doctrines of Buddhism.
§ 5. The Spirit of Buddhism Rational and Humane.
§ 6. Buddhism as a Religion.
§ 7. Karma and Nirvana.
§ 8. Good and Evil of Buddhism.
§ 9. Relation of Buddhism to Christianity.
Chapter V.
Zoroaster and the Zend Avesta.
§ 1. Ruins of the Palace of Xerxes at Persepolis.
§ 2. Greek Accounts of Zoroaster. Plutarch's Description of his Religion.
§ 3. Anquetil du Perron and his Discovery of the Zend Avesta.
§ 4. Epoch of Zoroaster. What do we know of him?
§ 5. Spirit of Zoroaster and of his Religion
§ 6. Character of the Zend Avesta.
§ 7. Later Development of the System in the Bundehesch.
§ 8. Relation of the Religion of the Zend Avesta to that of the Vedas.
§ 9. Is Monotheism or pure Dualism the Doctrine of the Zend Avesta?
§ 10. Relation of this System to Christianity. The Kingdom of Heaven.
Chapter VI.
The Gods of Egypt.
§ 1. Antiquity and Extent of Egyptian Civilization.
§ 2. Religious Character of the Egyptians. Their Ritual.
§ 3. Theology of Egypt. Sources of our Knowledge concerning it.
§ 4. Central Idea of Egyptian Theology and Religion. Animal Worship.
§ 5. Sources of Egyptian Theology. Age of the Empire and Affinities of the Race.
§ 6. The Three Orders of Gods.
§ 7. Influence of Egypt on Judaism and Christianity.
Chapter VII.
The Gods of Greece.
§ 1. The Land and the Race.
§ 2. Idea and General Character of Greek Religion.
§ 3. The Gods of Greece before Homer.
§ 4. The Gods of the Poets.
§ 5. The Gods of the Artists.
§ 6. The Gods of the Philosophers.
§ 7. The Worship of Greece.
§ 8. The Mysteries. Orphism.
§ 9. Relation of Greek Religion to Christianity.
Chapter VIII.
The Religion of Rome.
§ 1. Origin and essential Character of the Religion of Rome.
§ 2. The Gods of Rome.
§ 3. Worship and Ritual.
§ 4. The Decay of the Roman Religion.
§ 5. Relation of the Roman Religion to Christianity.
Chapter IX.
The Teutonic and Scandinavian Religion.
§ 1. The Land and the Race.
§ 2. Idea of the Scandinavian Religion.
§ 3. The Eddas and their Contents.
§ 4. The Gods of Scandinavia.
§ 5. Resemblance of the Scandinavian Mythology to that of Zoroaster.
§ 6. Scandinavian Worship.
§ 7. Social Character, Maritime Discoveries, and Political Institutions of the Scandinavians.
§ 8. Relation of this System to Christianity.
Chapter X.
The Jewish Religion.
§ 1. Palestine, and the Semitic Races.
§ 2. Abraham; or, Judaism as the family Worship of a Supreme Being.
§ 3. Moses; or, Judaism as the national Worship of a just and holy King.
§ 4. David; or, Judaism as the personal Worship of a Father and friend.
§ 5. Solomon; or, the Religious Relapse.
Proverbs Having a Semi-christian Character.
Proverbs Showing Shrewdness of Observation.
Proverbs Wittily Expressed.
§ 6. The Prophets; or, Judaism as the Hope of a spiritual and universal Kingdom of God.
§ 7. Judaism as a Preparation for Christianity.
Chapter XI.
Mohammed and Islam.
§ 1. Recent Works on the Life of Mohammed.
§ 2. The Arabs and Arabia.
§ 3. Early Life of Mohammed, to the Hegira.
§ 4. Change in the Character of Mohammed after the Hegira.
§ 5. Religious Doctrines and Practices among the Mohammedans.
§ 6. The Criticism of Mr. Palgrave on Mohammedan Theology.
§ 7. Mohammedanism a Relapse; the worst Form of Monotheism, and a retarding Element in Civilization.
Note to the Chapter on Mohammed.
Chapter XII.
The Ten Religions and Christianity.
§ 1. General Results of this Survey.
§ 2. Christianity a Pleroma, or Fulness of Life.
§ 3. Christianity, as a Pleroma, compared with Brahmanism, Confucianism, and Buddhism.
§ 4. Christianity compared with the Avesta and the Eddas. The Duad in all Religions.
§ 5. Christianity and the Religions of Egypt, Greece, and Rome.
§ 6. Christianity in Relation to Judaism and Mohammedanism. The Monad in all Religions.
§ 7. The Fulness of Christianity is derived from the Life of Jesus.
§ 8. Christianity as a Religion of Progress and of Universal Unity.
Index of the Principal Authors Consulted in the Preparation of this Work.
Index of Subjects Treated in this Work.
The End.
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