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How to read this book
Chapter 1: How the Euro Stole the Greek Sun
The tax inspectors and the Troikan Horse
‘Wow, we’re going to save Greece!’
A nation on the edge
From demos kratos to technos kratos
Chapter 2: Of Fiscal Criminals and Bond Vigilantes
Bondman begins: how the vigilantes started
PFI: paying over the odds for schools and hospitals to keep the vigilantes calm
Debts private, debts public: the nature of the UK deficit
How Obama’s America chose to ignore the bond sirens
The Apprentice Chancellor and the spending cuts
A tale of lost ratings
Chapter 3: The Real Northern Rock
In the office of the Central Bank governor
Mr Hauksson’s whiteboard
Chapter 4: 12/11: The Chinese Root Canals of Crisis
From petrodollar to Sinodollar
The new Chinese empire strikes back
Chapter 5: The House Trap
Esther’s story
Jay’s story
From democracy to domocracy: Britain’s mortgage frenzy
Handing out credit like it’s crack
The helping hand of no house-building
Buy-to-let and the myth of the property-owning democracy
Rise of the domocracy
Chapter 6: Three Funerals, Two Banking Systems and a Wedding
The Bankers’ Last Supper that changed little
HBoS: bailing out a basket case
New Labour, light touch
All roads lead to London
Mis-selling mortgages to poor African Americans
London: capital of the shadow banking world
How Barclays scraped through the stress test and escaped state ownership
Chapter 7: The Formula that Created the Shadow Banking System
The formulae that made complex credit derivatives possible
The Tyne: rolling river of mortgage credit
Earthquakes real and earthquakes economic
The pseudo-science that led to default
Chapter 8: The Gates of Hell
Homes without people, towns without communities
Señor Hernando and the giant mortgage
The politicians who tried to burst the bubble
Northern Europe fans the flames
The blister and the bailout balm
A lost generation of milleuristas
Chapter 9: Mervyn’s Magic Money Machine
Britain: world champion of QE
QE: a bandage for a burst credit bubble?
Political and diplomatic impacts of QE
Professor Werner’s view
A monetary policy for the wealthy
Chapter 10: The Reluctant Imperium
How to flourish in a financial crisis: the new German Wirtschaftswunder
The euro crisis spreads
Cautious does it: stable money, low inflation and low debt
The wages of restraint…
Germany always writes the cheque in the end
Chapter 11: Ground Control to Eurotower
The price of pizzas and the incoherence of the Eurozone
The view from ‘Main-hattan’: The ECB and the Eurozone crisis
Silvio versus the ECB
The ECB, Ireland’s bailout and the world’s worst bank
Refinancing the Eurozone banking system
The de facto president of Europe
Chapter 12: The Great Carbon Wars
In the land of black gold
Gazprom: a new breed of energy giant
Midnight in Novi Urengoy
Gazpromland: from state socialism to Kremlin-commanded capitalism
Energy becomes power: Russia as petrostate
India’s power surge and the global debate about climate change
The carbon traders of Kingston upon Thames
Chapter 13: Lent in Larnaca: The Cypriot Job
The island laboratory
A cesspit of money laundering?
Muscovites on the Med: the Russian connection
Northern Cyprus: the Turkish connection
Bank Holiday Island’s man-made disasters
From big bang to basket case
A Big Fat Greek Shredding
The strange case of the monks and the bankers
‘Troika go home!’: the deal at gun-point
A second bailout, not a second chance
A magnet for dodgy money?
Lose-lose for everyone
Epilogue: New Default Lines
DEFAULT LINE #1: Living standards and working wages
DEFAULT LINE #2: Housing and intergenerational equity
DEFAULT LINE #3: Austerity and spending
DEFAULT LINE #4: Banking and the sovereign doom loop
DEFAULT LINE #5: Superstates and city-states
DEFAULT LINE #6: The role of economics
Ten ideas to chew on
About this Book
About the Author
An Invitation from the Publisher
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