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Hands-On Machine Learning with C++
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Section 1: Overview of Machine Learning
Introduction to Machine Learning with C++
Understanding the fundamentals of ML
Venturing into the techniques of ML
Supervised learning
Unsupervised learning
Dealing with ML models
Model parameter estimation
An overview of linear algebra
Learning the concepts of linear algebra
Basic linear algebra operations
Tensor representation in computing
Linear algebra API samples
Using Eigen
Using xtensor
Using Shark-ML
Using Dlib
An overview of linear regression
Solving linear regression tasks with different libraries
Solving linear regression tasks with Eigen
Solving linear regression tasks with Shogun
Solving linear regression tasks with Shark-ML
Linear regression with Dlib
Further reading
Data Processing
Technical requirements
Parsing data formats to C++ data structures
Reading CSV files with the Fast-CPP-CSV-Parser library
Preprocessing CSV files
Reading CSV files with the Shark-ML library
Reading CSV files with the Shogun library
Reading CSV files with the Dlib library
Reading JSON files with the RapidJSON library
Writing and reading HDF5 files with the HighFive library
Initializing matrix and tensor objects from C++ data structures
Manipulating images with the OpenCV and Dlib libraries
Using OpenCV
Using Dlib
Transforming images into matrix or tensor objects of various libraries
Deinterleaving in OpenCV
Deinterleaving in Dlib
Normalizing data
Normalizing with Eigen
Normalizing with Shogun
Normalizing with Dlib
Normalizing with Shark-ML
Further reading
Measuring Performance and Selecting Models
Technical requirements
Performance metrics for ML models
Regression metrics
Mean squared error and root mean squared error
Mean absolute error
R squared
Adjusted R squared
Classification metrics
Precision and recall
Understanding the bias and variance characteristics
Normal training
L1 regularization – Lasso
L2 regularization – Ridge
Data augmentation
Early stopping
Regularization for neural networks
Model selection with the grid search technique
K-fold cross-validation
Grid search
Shogun example
Shark-ML example
Dlib example
Further reading
Section 2: Machine Learning Algorithms
Technical requirements
Measuring distance in clustering
Euclidean distance
Squared Euclidean distance
Manhattan distance
Chebyshev distance
Types of clustering algorithms
Partition-based clustering algorithms
Distance-based clustering algorithms
Graph theory-based clustering algorithms
Spectral clustering algorithms
Hierarchical clustering algorithms
Density-based clustering algorithms
Model-based clustering algorithms
Examples of using the Shogun library for dealing with the clustering task samples
GMM with Shogun
K-means clustering with Shogun
Hierarchical clustering with Shogun
Examples of using the Shark-ML library for dealing with the clustering task samples
Hierarchical clustering with Shark-ML
K-means clustering with Shark-ML
Examples of using the Dlib library for dealing with the clustering task samples
K-means clustering with Dlib
Spectral clustering with Dlib
Hierarchical clustering with Dlib
Newman modularity-based graph clustering algorithm with Dlib
Chinese Whispers – graph clustering algorithm with Dlib
Plotting data with C++
Further reading
Anomaly Detection
Technical requirements
Exploring the applications of anomaly detection
Learning approaches for anomaly detection
Detecting anomalies with statistical tests
Detecting anomalies with the Local Outlier Factor method
Detecting anomalies with isolation forest
Detecting anomalies with One-Class SVM (OCSVM)
Density estimation approach (multivariate Gaussian distribution) for anomaly detection
Examples of using different C++ libraries for anomaly detection
C++ implementation of the isolation forest algorithm for anomaly detection
Using the Dlib library for anomaly detection
One-Cass SVM with Dlib
Multivariate Gaussian model with Dlib
OCSVM with Shogun
OCSVM with Shark-ML
Further reading
Dimensionality Reduction
Technical requirements
An overview of dimension reduction methods
Feature selection methods
Dimensionality reduction methods
Exploring linear methods for dimension reduction
Principal component analysis
Singular value decomposition
Independent component analysis
Linear discriminant analysis
Factor analysis
Multidimensional scaling
Exploring non-linear methods for dimension reduction
Kernel PCA
Sammon mapping
Distributed stochastic neighbor embedding
Understanding dimension reduction algorithms with various С++ libraries
Using the Dlib library
Data compression with PCA
Sammon mapping
Using the Shogun library
Kernel PCA
Factor analysis
Using the Shark-ML library
Further reading
Technical requirements
An overview of classification methods
Exploring various classification methods
Logistic regression
kNN method
Multi-class classification
Examples of using C++ libraries for dealing with the classification task
Using the Shogun library
With logistic regression
With SVMs
With the kNN algorithm
Using the Dlib library
With KRR
With SVM
Using the Shark-ML library
With logistic regression
With SVM
With the kNN algorithm
Further reading
Recommender Systems
Technical requirements
An overview of recommender system algorithms
Non-personalized recommendations
Content-based recommendations
User-based collaborative filtering
Item-based collaborative filtering
Factorization algorithms
Similarity or preferences correlation
Pearson's correlation coefficient
Spearman's correlation
Cosine distance
Data scaling and standardization
Cold start problem
Relevance of recommendations
Assessing system quality
Understanding collaborative filtering method details
Examples of item-based collaborative filtering with C++
Using the Eigen library
Using the mlpack library
Further reading
Ensemble Learning
Technical requirements
An overview of ensemble learning
Using a bagging approach for creating ensembles
Using a gradient boosting method for creating ensembles
Using a stacking approach for creating ensembles
Using the random forest method for creating ensembles
Decision tree algorithm overview
Random forest method overview
Examples of using C++ libraries for creating ensembles
Ensembles with Shogun
Using gradient boosting with Shogun
Using random forest with Shogun
Ensembles with Shark-ML
Using random forest with Shark-ML
Using a stacking ensemble with Shark-ML
Further reading
Section 3: Advanced Examples
Neural Networks for Image Classification
Technical requirements
An overview of neural networks
The perceptron and neural networks
Training with the backpropagation method
Backpropagation method modes
Stochastic mode
Batch mode
Mini-batch mode
Backpropagation method problems
The backpropagation method – an example
Loss functions
Activation functions
The stepwise activation function
The linear activation function
The sigmoid activation function
The hyperbolic tangent
Activation function properties
Regularization in neural networks
Different methods for regularization
Neural network initialization
Xavier initialization method
He initialization method
Delving into convolutional networks
Convolution operator
Pooling operation
Receptive field
Convolution network architecture
What is deep learning?
Examples of using C++ libraries to create neural networks
Simple network example for the regression task
Architecture definition
Loss function definition
Network initialization
Optimizer configuration
Network training
The complete programming sample
Understanding image classification using the LeNet architecture
Reading the training dataset
Reading dataset files
Reading the image file
Neural network definition
Network training
Further reading
Sentiment Analysis with Recurrent Neural Networks
Technical requirements
An overview of the RNN concept
Training RNNs using the concept of backpropagation through time
Exploring RNN architectures
Bidirectional RNN
Multilayer RNN
Understanding natural language processing with RNNs
Sentiment analysis example with an RNN
Further reading
Section 4: Production and Deployment Challenges
Exporting and Importing Models
Technical requirements
ML model serialization APIs in C++ libraries
Model serialization with Dlib
Model serialization with Shogun
Model serialization with Shark-ML
Model serialization with PyTorch
Neural network initialization
Using the torch::save and torch::load functions
Using PyTorch archive objects
Delving into ONNX format
Loading images into Caffe2 tensors
Reading the class definition file
Further reading
Deploying Models on Mobile and Cloud Platforms
Technical requirements
Image classification on Android mobile
The mobile version of the PyTorch framework
Using TorchScript for a model snapshot
The Android Studio project
The UI and Java part of the project
The C++ native part of the project
Machine learning in the cloud – using Google Compute Engine
The server
The client
Service deployment
Further reading
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