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1 JOHN SKELTON [from A Lawde and Prayse Made for Our Sovereigne Lord the Kyng]
2 SIR THOMAS MORE De Principe Bono Et Malo
3 Quis Optimus Reipublicae Status
4 SIR DAVID LINDSAY [from The Dreme] The Complaynt of the Comoun weill of Scotland
5 SIR THOMAS WYATT [Who lyst his welth and eas Retayne]
6 In Spayn
7 [The piller pearisht is whearto I Lent]
8 HENRY HOWARD, EARL OF SURREY [Thassyryans king in peas with fowle desyre]
9 ANONYMOUS John Arm-strongs last good night
10 ROBERT CROWLEY Of unsaciable purchasers
11 JOHN HEYWOOD [from A Ballad on the Marriage of Philip and Mary]
12 WILLIAM BIRCH [from A songe betwene the Quenes majestie and Englande]
13 QUEEN ELIZABETH I [The dowbt off future foes exiles my present joye]
14 SIR PHILIP SIDNEY [from The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia]
15 ANONYMOUS Of Sir Frauncis Walsingham Sir Phillipp Sydney, and Sir Christopher Hatton, Lord Chancelor
16 GEORGE PUTTENHAM Her Majestie resembled to the crowned piller
17 ANNE DOWRICHE [from The French Historie]
18 SIR WALTER RALEGH [Praisd be Dianas faire and harmles light]
19 [from Fortune hath taken the away my love]
20 QUEEN ELIZABETH I [Ah silly pugge wert thou so sore afraid]
21 SIR WALTER RALEGH The 21th: and last booke of the Ocean to Scinthia
22 The Lie
23 ALEXANDER MONTGOMERIE [Remembers thou in Æsope of a taill]
24 SIR JOHN HARINGTON A Tragicall Epigram
25 Of Treason
26 FULKE GREVILLE, LORD BROOKE [from Cachea] Sonnet 78
27 GEORGE PEELE [from Anglorum Feriae]
28 JOHN DONNE The Calme
29 [from Satire 4]
30 ROBERT DEVEREUX, EARL OF ESSEX [Change thy minde since she doth change]
32 EDMUND SPENSER [from The Faerie Queene Book 5]
33 EOCHAIDH Ó HEÓGHUSA [On Maguire’s Winter Campaign]
34 BEN JONSON On the Union
35 SIR RATHUR GORGES Written upon the death of the most Noble Prince Henrie
36 SIR HENRY WOTTON Upon the sudden Restraint of the Earle of Somerset, then falling from favor
37 WILLIAM BROWNE [from Britannia’s Pastorals Book 2]
38 ANONYMOUS Feltons Epitaph
39 ANONYMOUS [Epitaph on the Duke of Buckingham]
40 SIR RICHARD FANSHAWE [from An Ode Upon occasion of His Majesties Proclamation in the yeare 1630]
41 JOHN CLEVELAND Epitaph on the Earl of Strafford
42 SIR JOHN DENHAM Coopers Hill
43 MARTIN PARKER Upon defacing of White-hall
44 ROBERT HERRICK A King and no King
45 ANDREW MARVELL An Horatian Ode upon Cromwel’s Return from Ireland
46 SIR WILLIAM MURE [from The Cry of Blood, and of a Broken Covenant]
47 KATHERINE PHILIPS On the 3. of September, 1651
48 JOHN MILTON To the Lord Generall Cromwell May 1652
49 To Sir Henry Vane the younger
50 ANDREW MARVELL [from The First Anniversary of the Government under O.C.]
51 ALEXANDER BROME On Sir G.B. his defeat
52 ANONYMOUS [Westron wynde when wylle thow blow]
53 SIR THOMAS WYATT [They fle from me that sometyme did me seke]
54 [Who so list to hount I knowe where is an hynde]
55 [It may be good like it who list]
56 [My lute awake perfourme the last]
57 HENRY HOWARD, EARL OF SURREY [The soote season, that bud and blome forth bringes]
58 ALEXANDER SCOTT [To luve unluvit it is ane pane]
59 GEORGE TURBERVILE To his Love that sent him a Ring wherein was gravde, Let Reason rule
60 ISABELLA WHITNEY I. W. To her unconstant Lover
61 GEORGE GASCOIGNE [A Sonet written in prayse of the brown beautie]
62 ANONYMOUS A new Courdy Sonet, of the Lady Greensleeves
63 SIR PHILIP SIDNEY [from Certain Sonnets: 4]
64 [from The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia]
65 [from Astrophil and Stella] 1
66 [from Astrophil and Stella] 2
67 [from Astrophil and Stella] 9
68 [from Astrophil and Stella] 72
69 [from Astrophil and Stella] 81
70 [from Astrophil and Stella] 83
71 [from Astrophil and Stella] Eight song
72 [from Astrophil and Stella] Eleventh song
73 FULKE GREVILLE, LORD BROOKE [from Cælica] Sonnet 22
74 [from Cælica] Sonnet 27
75 [from Cælica] Sonnet 39
76 [from Cælica] Sonnet 44
77 [from Cælica] Sonnet 84
79 ROBERT GREENE Dorons description of Samela
80 EDMUND SPENSER [from The Faerie Queene Book 2]
81 [from The Faerie Queene Book 3]
82 [from The Faerie Queene Book 3]
83 [from Amoretti] Sonnet 23
84 [from Amoretti] Sonnet 64
85 [from Amoretti] Sonnet 67
86 [from Amoretti] Sonnet 70
87 [from Amoretti] Sonnet 71
88 Epithalamion
89 SIR WALTER RALEGH [As you came from the holy land]
90 SAMUEL DANIEL [from Delia] Sonnet 13
91 [from Delia] Sonnet 39
92 [from Delia] Sonnet 52
93 SIR JOHN DAVIES [from Gullinge Sonnets] 6
94 [Faith (wench) I cannot court thy sprightly eyes]
95 THOMAS NASHE The choise of valentines
96 JOHN DONNE To his Mistress going to bed
97 BARNABE BARNES [from Parthenophil and Parthenophe] Sonnet 27
98 CHRISTOPHER MARLOWE The passionate Sheepheard to his love
99 Hero and Leander
100 WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE [from Venus and Adonis]
101 [from Lucrece]
102 RICHARD BARNFIELD [from Cynthia] Sonnet 8
103 [from Cynthia] Sonnet 11
104 WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE [from Sonnets]
105 [from Sonnets] 20
106 [from Sonnets] 29
107 [from Sonnets] 35
108 [from Sonnets] 36
109 [from Sonnets] 55
110 [from Sonnets] 56
111 [from Sonnets] 66
112 [from Sonnets] 74
113 [from Sonnets] 94
114 [from Sonnets] 121
115 [from Sonnets] 124
116 [from Sonnets] 129
117 [from Sonnets] 135
118 [from Sonnets] 138
119 [from Sonnets] 144
121 Sonnet 25
122 Sonnet 31
123 Songe 17
124 GEORGE CHAPMAN [from Hero and Leander Sestiad 3]
125 JOHN MARSTON [from The Metamorphosis of Pigmalions Image]
126 THOMAS DELONEY [Long have I lov’d this bonny Lasse]
127 ANONYMOUS [from The wanton Wife of Bath]
128 [JOHN DOWLAND] [Fine knacks for ladies, cheape choise brave and new]
129 THOMAS CAMPION [Followe thy faire sunne unhappy shaddowe]
130 [Rose-cheekt Lawra come]
131 [There is a Garden in her face]
132 JOHN DONNE His Picture
133 The Sunne Rising
134 The Canonization
135 Loves growth
136 A Valediction of weeping
137 A Valediction forbidding mourning
138 MICHAEL DRAYTON [from Idea] 10
139 [from Idea] 61
140 To His Coy Love, A Canzonet
141 BEN JONSON Why I Write Not Of Love
142 My Picture left in Scotland
143 LADY MARY WROTH [from Pamphilia to Amphilanthus] 23
144 [from Pamphilia to Amphilanthus] 34
145 [from Pamphilia to Amphilanthus] A crowne of Sonetts dedicated to Love
146 [from Pamphilia to Amphilanthus] 2
147 [from The Countesse of Mountgomeries Urania] 7
148 ROBERT HERRICK Delight in Disorder
149 The Vision
150 The silken Snake
151 Her Bed
152 Upon Julia’s haire fill’d with Dew
153 Upon Sibilla
154 THOMAS CAREW The Spring
155 Ingratefull beauty threatned
156 [from A Rapture]
157 MARTIN PARKER [from Cupid’s Wrongs Vindicated]
158 [from Well met Neighbour]
159 EDMUND WALLER The story of Phoebus and Daphne appli’d
160 Song
161 The Budd
162 SIR JOHN SUCKLING [Out upon it, I have lov’d]
163 JOHN CLEVELAND The Antiplatonick
164 RICHARD LOVELACE Song. To Lucasta, Going to the Warres
165 Gratiana dauncing and singing
166 To Althea, From Prison. Song
167 Her Muffe
168 [from On Sanazar’s being honoured with six hundred Duckets by the Clarissimi of Venice, for composing an Elegiack Hexastick of The City. A Satyre]
169 ANDREW MARVELL TO his Coy Mistress
170 The Gallery
171 The Definition of Love
172 JAMES HARRINGTON Inconstancy
173 KATHERINE PHILIPS An Answer to another perswading a Lady to Marriage
174 ALEXANDER BARCLAY [from Certayne Egloges 5]
175 GEORGE BUCHANAN Calendas Maié
176 ANONYMOUS [from Vox populi vox Dei]
177 ANONYMOUS [from Jack of the North]
178 ANONYMOUS The Jolly Pinder of Wakefield
179 BARNABE GOOGE Goyng towardes Spayne
180 SIÔN PHYLIP [from Yr Wylan]
181 SIR PHILIP SIDNEY [from The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia]
182 EDMUND SPENSER [from The Shepheardes Calender] Maye
183 ALEXANDER HUME [from Of the day Estivall]
184 SIR JOHN DAVIES [from Epigrammes] In Cosmum 17
185 JOSEPH HALL [from Virgidemiarum Book 5]
186 EVERARD GUILPIN [from Skialetheia Satire 5]
187 ANONYMOUS A Songe bewailinge the tyme of Christmas, So much decayed in Englande
188 JOHN DONNE A nocturnall upon S.Lucies day, Being the shortest day
189 ÆMILIA LANYER The Description of Cooke-ham
190 BEN JONSON To Penshurst
191 MICHAEL DRAYTON [from Pastorals] The Ninth Eglogue
192 [from Poly-Olbion Song 6]
194 SAMUEL DANIEL [from Epistle. To Prince Henrie]
195 ANONYMOUS On Francis Drake
196 W. TURNER [from Turners dish of Lentten stuffe, or a Galymaufery]
197 JOHN TAYLOR [from The Sculler] Epigram 22
198 WILLIAM BROWNE [from Britannia’s Pastorals Book 2]
200 RICHARD CORBETT A Proper New Ballad Intituled The Faeryes Farewell: Or God-A-Mercy Will
201 SIR WILLIAM DAVENANT The Countess of Anglesey lead Captive by the Rebels, at the Disforresting of Pewsam
202 GEORGE WITHER [from Britain’s Remembrancer Canto 4]
203 JOHN MILTON Song On May morning
204 L’Allegro
205 ROBERT HERRICK TO Dean-bourn, a rude River in Devon, by which sometimes he lived
206 Corinna’s going a Maying
207 To Meddowes
208 The Wassaile
209 RICHARD CRASHAW [from Bulla]
211 ANONYMOUS [The Diggers’ Song]
212 HENRY VAUGHAN [from To his retired friend, an Invitation to Brecknock]
215 The Mower to the Glo-Worms
216 The Mower against Gardens
217 The Garden
218 [from Upon Appleton House, to my Lord Fairfax]
220 A Dialogue betwixt Man, and Nature
221 Similizing the Sea to Meadowes, and Pastures, the Marriners Shepheards, the Mast to a May-pole, Fishes to Beasts
222 KATHERINE PHILIPS Upon the graving of her Name upon a Tree in Bamelmes Walks
223 SIR THOMAS WYATT [Myn owne John poyntz sins ye delight to know]
224 GEORGE GASCOIGNE [Upon the theme: Magnum vectigal parcimonia]
225 [Gascoignes wodmanship]
226 EDWARD DE VERÉ, EARL OF OXFORD [Weare I a Kinge I coulde commande content]
227 THOMAS LODGE [from Scillaes Metamorphosis]
228 JOHN DONNE To Sir Henry Wotton
229 THOMAS DELONEY The Weavers Song
230 THOMAS DEKKER [Art thou poore yet hast thou golden Slumbers]
231 SAMUEL DANIEL To the Lady Lucie, Countesse of Bedford
232 BEN JONSON TO Lucy, Countesse of Bedford, with Mr. Donnes Satyres
233 Inviting A Friend To Supper
234 [THOMAS RAVENSCROFT] [Hey hoe what shall I say]
235 [Sing we now merily]
236 A Belmans Song
237 THOMAS CAMPION [Now winter nights enlarge]
238 ANONYMOUS The Mode of France
239 MICHAEL DRAYTON These verses weare made By Michaell Drayton Esquier Poett Lawreatt the night before hee dyed
240 EDMUN DWALLER At Pens-hurst
241 RICHARD LOVELACE The Grasse-hopper. To my Noble Friend, Mr. Charles Cotton. Ode
242 ALEXAN DERBROME [from The Prisoners] Written when O.C. attempted to be King
243 JOHN MILTON [TO Edward Lawrence]
244 KATHERINE PHILIPS Friendship’s Mystery, To My Dearest Lucasia
245 Friendship in Embleme, or the Seal. To my dearest Lucasia
246 To my Excellent Lucasia, on our Friendship
247 JOHN SKELTON [from Collyn Clout]
248 ANNE ASKEW The Balade whych Anne Askewe made and sange whan she was in Newgate
249 LUKE SHEPHERD [from The Upcheringe of the Messe]
250 ANONYMOUS [A Lament for our Lady’s Shrine at Walsingham]
251 JOHN HEYWOOD [from Epygrams] Of turnyng. 67.
252 GEORGE PUTTENHAM [from Partheniades] Partheniad 11 Urania
253 ROBERT SOUTHWELL The burning Babe
254 HENRY CONSTABLE To St Mary Magdalen
255 SIR JOHN HARINGTON A Groóme of the Chambers religion in King Henry the eights time
256 JOHN DONNE Satyre 3
257 Goodfriday, 1613. Riding Westward
258 Hymne to God my God, in my sicknesse
259 [from Holy Sonnets] 10.
260 [Since she whome I lovd, hath payd her last debt]
261 [Show me deare Christ, thy spouse, so bright and cleare]
262 FULKE GREVILLE, LORD BROOKE [from Cælica] Sonnet 89
263 [from Cælica] Sonnet 99
264 [from Cælica] Sonnet 109.
265 GILES FLETCHER [from Christs Victorie, and Triumph in Heaven, and Earth, over, and after death]
266 ÆMILIA LANYER [from Salve Deus Rex judæorum]
267 WILLIAM DRUMMOND [For the Baptiste]
268 [Content and Resolute]
269 PHINEAS FLETCHER [Vast Ocean of light, whose rayes surround]
270 JOHN MILTON On the morning of Christs Nativity
271 FRANCIS QUARLES [from Pentelogia] Fraus Mundi
272 [from Divine Fancies] On the contingencie of Actions
273 [from Divine Fancies] On the Needle of a Sun-diall
274 [from Divine Fancies] On the Booke of Common Prayer
275 [from Divine Fancies] On Christ and our selves
276 GEORGE HERBERT Perseverance
277 Redemption
278 Easter wings
279 Prayer
280 Deniall
281 Jordan
282 The Collar
283 The Flower
284 The Forerunners
285 Love
286 [from The Church Militant]
287 ANONYMOUS [Yet if his Majestie our Sovareigne lord]
288 SIDNEY GODOLPHIN [Lord when the wise men came from Farr]
289 JOHN TAYLOR [from Here foUoweth the unfashionable fashion, or the too too homely Worshipping of God]
290 EDMUND WALLER Upon His Majesties repairing of Pauls
291 RICHARD CRASHAW A Hymne of the Nativity, sung by the Shepheards
292 To The Noblest and best of Ladyes, the Countesse of Denbigh
293 [from The Flaming Heart]
294 ANONYMOUS Upon Arch-bishop Laud, Prisoner in the Tower. 1641
295 ROBERT WILD [from Alas poore Scholler, whither wilt thou goe]
296 JOHN MILTON On the new forcers of Conscience under the Long Parliament
297 MORGAN LLWYD [from The Summer]
298 LAURENCE CLARKSON [from A Single Eye All Light, no Darkness]
299 HENRY VAUGHAN The Retreate
300 The World
301 Cock-crowing
302 The Water-fall
303 SIR WILLIAM DAVENANT [from Gondibert Book 2]
304 ANNA TRAPNEL [from The Cry of a Stone]
305 AN COLLINS Another Song exciting to spirituall Mirth
306 ANDREW MARVELL The Coronet
307 JOHN SKELTON [from Phyllyp Sparowe]
308 HENRY HOWARD, EARL OF SURREY [Norfolk sprang thee, Lambeth holds thee dead]
309 [W. resteth here, that quick could never rest]
310 NICHOLAS GRIMALD [from A funerall song, upon the deceas of Annes his moother]
311 CHIDIOCK TICHBORNE [My prime of youth is but a froste of cares]
312 WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE [The Phoenix and Turtle]
313 JOHNDONNE [from The Second Anniversarie] Of the Progres of the Soule
314 BEN JONSON On My First Sonne
315 To the immortall memorie, and friendship of that noble paire, Sir Lucius Cary, and Sir H. Morison
316 SIR WALTER RALEGH [Even suche is tyme that takes in trust]
317 WILLIAM BROWNE On the Countesse Dowager of Pembrooke
318 HENRY KING An Exequy To his matchlesse never to be forgotten Freind
319 GEORGE HERBERT [from Memoriae Matris Sacrum]
320 THOMAS CAREW Epitaph on the Lady Mary Villers
321 SIR HENRY WOTTON Upon the death of Sir Albert Morton’s Wife
322 ROBERT HERRICK To the reverend shade of his religious Father
323 Upon himselfe being buried
324 Upon a child
325 JOHN MILTON Lycidas
326 [Methought I saw my late espoused Saint]
327 ‘ELIZA’ To my Husband
328 HENRY VAUGHAN [They are all gone into the world of light]
329 KATHERINE PHILIPS Epitaph. On her Son H. P. at St. Syth’s Church where her body also lies Interred
330 Orinda upon little Hector Philips
331 JAMES SHIRLEY [The glories of our blood and state]
332 HENRY HOWARD, EARL OF SURREY [from Virgil’s Aeneid Book 4]
333 RICHARD STANYHURST [from Virgil’s Aeneid Book 4]
334 ARTHUR GOLDING [from Ovid’s Metamorphoses Book 6]
335 EDMUND SPENSER [from Ruines of Rome: by Bellay] 5
337 [from Psalm 89 Misericordias]
338 Voce mea ad Dominum Psalm 142
339 CHRISTOPHER MARLOWE [from Ovids Elegies Book 1] Elegia. 13. Ad Auroram ne properet 681
340 [from Lucan’s Pharsalia Book 1] 682
341 SIR JOHN HARINGTON [from Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso Book 34]
342 EDWARD FAIRFAX [from Tasso’s Godfrey of Bulloigne Book 4]
343 JOSUAH SYLVESTER [from Saluste du Bartas’ Devine Weekes]
344 GEORGE CHAPMAN [from Homer’s Iliad Book 12]
345 JOHN MILTON The Fifth Ode of Horace. Lib. I 698
346 JOHN SKELTON [from A Replycacion]
347 THOMAS CHURCHYARD [from A Musicall Consort]
348 EDMUND SPENSER [from The Faerie Queene Book 6]
349 SIR JOHN HARINGTON Of honest Theft. To my good friend Master Samuel Daniel
350 JOHN DONNE The triple Foole
351 WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE [from Sonnets] 108
352 JOHN MARSTON [from The Scourge of Villanie] In Lectores prorsus indignos
353 SAMUEL DANIEL [from Musophilus]
354 BEN JONSON A Fit of Rime against Rime
355 An Ode. To himselfe
356 GEORGE CHAPMAN [from Homer’s Iliad, To the Reader]
357 SIR WALTER RALEGH To the Translator
358 WILLIAM BROWNE [from Britannia’s Pastorals Book 2]
359 RACHEL SPEGHT [from The Dreame]
360 MICHAEL DRAYTON [from Idea] 25
361 To my most dearely-loved friend Henery Reynolds Esquire, of Poets and Poesie
362 [from The Muses Elizium] The Description of Elizium
363 JOHN MILTON [from At a Vacation Exercise]
364 JOHN TAYLOR [from A comparison betwixt a Whore and a Booke]
365 THOMAS CAREW An Elegie upon the death of the Deane of Pauls, Dr. JOHNDonne
366 A Fancy
367 ROBERT HERRICK TO the Detracter
368 Posting to Printing
369 GEORGE WITHER [from Vox Pacifica]
370 SIR WILLIAM DAVENANT [from Gondibert Book 2]
372 [The Common Fate of Books]
Notes to the Text
Appendix 1 Index of Genres
Appendix 2 Index of Metrical and Stanzaic Forms
Appendix 3 Glossary of Classical Names
Appendix 4 Biographical Notes on Authors
Appendix 5 Index of Authors
Index of First Lines
Index of Titles
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