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Imperial Library
Movie Adaptation of Walter D. Edmonds’s Drums Along the Mohawk
About the Author
Other Books by This Author
Title Page
Author’s Note
Book I: The Militia
I: Gilbert Martin and Wife, Magdelana: 1776
II: Deerfield: 1776
1: The Peacock’s Feather
2: Captain Demooth
3: The Farm
4: Muster Day
5: Arrest
6: Blue Back
7: Talk at Night
8: Trial
9: Fate of Wolff
10: Nancy Brings a Note
11: Blue Back Hunts a Buck
12: Logrolling
13: Catastrophe
14: Little Stone Arabia Stockade
15: Winter
III: Oriskany: 1777
1: Council Fire
2: Mrs. McKlennar
3: A Prayer
4: Unadilla
5: Proclamation
6: Muster
7: March
8: Battle
IV: Stanwix: 1777
1: The Women
2: Gil
3: At Herkimer Fort
4: Marinus Willett
5: Nancy Schuyler
6: Tories at Shoemaker’s
7: Death of a Brigadier
8: Arrival of a Major General
9: Relief of Stanwix
10: Dr. Petry Sees Two Patients
V: John Wolff’s Journey: 1777
1: The Cavern
2: The Drainage Level
3: The Hammer
4: Niagara
Book II: The Destructives
VI: German Flats: 1777–1778
1: Paid Off
2: The Snow
3: March Thaw
4: Fairfield
5: At Demooth’s
6: Mrs. Demooth
7: The Indian
8: Smoke
9: Night on the Farm
10: Andrustown
11: Adam Helmer’s Run
12: A Night—and a Morning
13: Brief Activities of the Military
14: Prospects
15: By Cherry Valley
VII: Onondaga: 1779
1: March 1779
2: Drums
3: At Fort Stanwix
4: Blue Back’s Troubled Mind
5: The Expedition
6: Destruction of the Long House
7: The Hard Winter
VIII: Mcklennar’s: 1780
1: Jacob Casler’s Tax Problem
2: Deodesote
3: In the Valley
4: Terror by Night
IX: West Canada Creek: 1781
1: The May Flood
2: Return of Marinus Willett
3: The First Rumor
4: The Last Muster
5: The Two Camps in Jerseyfield
6: John Weaver
X: Lana: 1784
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