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Contents · Volume I
This Edition
Abbreviations and Symbols
Collected Poems 1909–1962
Prufrock and Other Observations
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
Portrait of a Lady
Rhapsody on a Windy Night
Morning at the Window
The ‘Boston Evening Transcript’
Aunt Helen
Cousin Nancy
Mr. Apollinax
Conversation Galante
La Figlia Che Piange
Poems (1920)
Burbank with a Baedeker: Bleistein with a Cigar
Sweeney Erect
A Cooking Egg
Le Directeur
Mélange Adultère de Tout
Lune de Miel
The Hippopotamus
Dans le Restaurant
Whispers of Immortality
Mr. Eliot’s Sunday Morning Service
Sweeney Among the Nightingales
The Waste Land 1922
I. The Burial of the Dead
II. A Game of Chess
III. The Fire Sermon
IV. Death by Water
V. What the Thunder said
Notes on the Waste Land
The Hollow Men
I. Because I do not hope to turn again
II. Lady, three white leopards sat under a juniper-tree
III. At the first turning of the second stair
IV. Who walked between the violet and the violet
V. If the lost word is lost, if the spent word is spent
VI. Although I do not hope to turn again
Ariel Poems
Journey of the Magi
A Song for Simeon
The Cultivation of Christmas Trees
Unfinished Poems
Sweeney Agonistes
Fragment of a Prologue
Fragment of an Agon
I. Triumphal March
II. Difficulties of a Statesman
Minor Poems
Eyes that last I saw in tears
The wind sprang up at four o’clock
Five-Finger Exercises
I. Lines to a Persian Cat
II. Lines to a Yorkshire Terrier
III. Lines to a Duck in the Park
IV. Lines to Ralph Hodgson Esqre.
V. Lines for Cuscuscaraway and Mirza Murad Ali Beg
I. New Hampshire
II. Virginia
III. Usk
IV. Rannoch, by Glencoe
V. Cape Ann
Lines for an Old Man
Choruses from ‘The Rock’
I. The Eagle soars in the summit of Heaven
II. Thus your fathers were made
III. The Word of the Lord came unto me, saying
IV. There are those who would build the Temple
V. O Lord, deliver me from the man of excellent intention and impure heart
VI. It is hard for those who have never known persecution
VII. In the beginning God created the world
VIII. O Father we welcome your words
IX. Son of Man, behold with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears
X. You have seen the house built, you have seen it adorned
Four Quartets
Burnt Norton
East Coker
The Dry Salvages
Little Gidding
Occasional Verses
Defence of the Islands
A Note on War Poetry
To the Indians who Died in Africa
To Walter de la Mare
A Dedication to my Wife
Uncollected Poems
A Lyric
Song (‘If space and time, as sages say’)
A Fable for Feasters
To the Class of 1905
Song (‘When we came home across the hill’)
Before Morning
Circe’s Palace
On a Portrait
Song (‘The moonflower opens to the moth’)
Ballade of the Fox Dinner
First Caprice in North Cambridge
Second Caprice in North Cambridge
Convictions (Curtain Raiser)
First Debate between the Body and Soul
Easter: Sensations of April
Ode (‘For the hour that is left us Fair Harvard, with thee’)
Goldfish (Essence of Summer Magazines)
Suite Clownesque
The Triumph of Bullshit
Fourth Caprice in Montparnasse
Inside the gloom
Entretien dans un parc
Interlude: in a Bar
Bacchus and Ariadne: 2nd Debate between the Body and Soul
The smoke that gathers blue and sinks
He said: this universe is very clever
Interlude in London
Ballade pour la grosse Lulu
The Little Passion: From ‘An Agony in the Garret’
The Burnt Dancer
Oh little voices of the throats of men
The Love Song of St. Sebastian
Paysage Triste
Suppressed Complex
In the Department Store
Do I know how I feel? Do I know what I think?
The Death of Saint Narcissus
To Helen
After the turning of the inspired days
I am the Resurrection and the Life
So through the evening, through the violet air
The Engine
Hidden under the heron’s wing
O lord, have patience
In silent corridors of death
Airs of Palestine, No. 2
Petit Epître
Tristan Corbière
Ode (‘Tired. | Subterrene’)
The Death of the Duchess
Song (‘The golden foot I may not kiss or clutch’)
Those are pearls that were his eyes. See!
The Builders
Mr. Pugstyles: The Elegant Pig
The Anniversary
A Valedictory
Pollicle Dogs and Jellicle Cats
The Country Walk
I am asked by my friend, the Man in White Spats
A Proclamation
A Practical Possum
The Practical Cat
The Jim Jum Bears
The Marching Song of the Pollicle Dogs
Billy M’Caw: The Remarkable Parrot
Grizabella: The Glamour Cat
In Respect of Felines
LINES Addressed to Geoffrey Faber Esquire, on his Return from a Voyage to the Bahamas, and the Parts about New Spain
Morgan Tries Again
Montpelier Row
Let quacks, empirics, dolts debate
AMAZ’D astronomers did late descry
VERSES To Honour and Magnify Sir Geoffrey Faber Kt.;
Long may this Glass endure, and brim with wine
The gourmet cat was of course Cumberleylaude
How the Tall Girl and I Play Together
Sleeping Together
How the Tall Girl’s Breasts Are
Dedication II
Love seeketh not Itself to please
The Waste Land: An Editorial Composite
“A Beginner in 1908”
Prufrock and Other Observations
Poems (1920)
The Waste Land: Headnote
The Waste Land: Commentary
The Hollow Men
Ariel Poems
Unfinished Poems
Minor Poems
Choruses from “The Rock”
Four Quartets: Headnote
Four Quartets: Commentary
Occasional Verses
Uncollected Poems
“The End of All Our Exploring”
Index of Identifying Titles for Prose by T. S. Eliot
Index to the Editorial Material
Index of Titles and First Lines
About the Authors
By the Same Author
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