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Section 1: Consent and refusal
1. Informed consent: respecting patient autonomy
2. Informed refusal – DNR orders in the patient undergoing anesthesia and surgery and at the end-of-life
3. Informed refusal – the Jehovah’s Witness patient
4. Surrogate decision-making
5. Informed consent and the pediatric patient
6. Do not resuscitate decisions in pediatric patients
7. Consent in laboring patients
8. Maternal–fetal conflicts: cesarean delivery on maternal request
9. Consent for anesthesia for procedures with special societal implications: psychosurgery and electroconvulsive therapy
10. Ethical use of restraints
11. The use of ethics consultation regarding consent and refusal
12. Consent and cultural conflicts: ethical issues in pediatric anesthesiologists’ participation in female genital cutting
13. Communitarian values in medical decision-making: Native Americans
14. Informed consent for preoperative testing: pregnancy testing and other tests involving sensitive patient issues
Section 2. End-of-life issues
15. The principle of double effect in palliative care: euthanasia by another name?
16. Surgical interventions near the end of life: “therapeutic trials”
17. Withholding and withdrawing life support in the intensive care unit
18. Discontinuing pacemakers, ventricular assist devices, and implanted cardioverter-defibrillators in end-of-life care
19. Brain death
20. Ethical issues in organ donation after cardiac death
21. Revising the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act – the role of physicians in shaping legislation
22. Physician aid-in-dying and euthanasia
Section 3. Pain management
23. Ethical considerations in interventional pain management
24. Conjoining interventional pain management and palliative care: considerations for practice, ethics and policy
25. Opioid therapy in addicted patients: background and perspective from the UK
26. Opioid therapy in addicted patients: background and perspective from the US
Section 4. Research and publication
27. Ethics in anaesthesiology research using human subjects
28. Animal subjects research Part I: Do animals have rights?
29. Animal subjects research Part II: Ethics of animal experimentation
30. Ethical function of human subjects review boards: a US perspective
31. Research with vulnerable persons such as children and prisoners
32. The ethics of research on pain and other symptoms for which effective treatments already exist
33. Quality improvement initiatives: when is quality improvement actually a form of human subjects research?
34. Conflicts of interest in research funding
35. Publication ethics: obligations of authors, peer-reviewers, and editors
Section 5. Practice issues
36. The impaired anesthesiologist – addiction
37. The impaired anesthesiologist – sleep deprivation
38. Ethical considerations regarding the disabled anesthesiologist
39. The abusive and disruptive physician
40. Sexual harassment, discrimination, and faculty–student intimate relationships in anesthesia practice
41. Conflicts of interest – industry gifts to physicians
42. Disclosure of medical errors in anesthesiology practice
Section 6. Anesthesiologists, the state, and society
43. Physician conscientious objection in anesthesiology practice
44. The ethics of expert testimony
45. Ethical principles regarding physician response to disasters: pandemics, natural disasters, and terrorism
46. Triage in civilian mass casualty situations
47. Triage and treatment of wounded during armed conflict
48. Physician facilitation of torture and coercive interrogation
49. Physician participation in executions
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