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Imperial Library
Translator’s Introduction
Chapter 1: A Nation Sacrificed to History
Chapter 2: Diaspora and Anti-Semitism
Jewish Proselytism and Anti-Semitism
Chapter 3: The Judean Sects
The Sadduceans
The Pharisians
The Zealot Movement
Chapter 4: The Men of the Community, or the Essenes
History of the Sect
Monachism and Ecclesiastic Organization
Essenism is the True Original Christianity
The Messiah
The Essene Churches
A Dualist Tendency
Towards a Judeo-Christian Syncretism
Chapter 5: The Baptist Movement of the Samaritan Messiah Dusis/Dosithea
Shadow and Light from Samaria
The Messiah Dusis/Dunstan/Dosithea
Chapter 6: Simon of Samaria and Gnostic Radicality
The So-Called Disciples of Simon
Chapter 7: The phallic and fusional cults
The Naassenes or Ophites
Perates, Cainites, Nicolaites, Koukeens
Justin the Gnostic and the Book of Baruch
The Adepts of Barbelo
Chapter 8: Three Esseno-Christian Christs: Seth, Melchizedek, and Joshua/Jesus
The Messiah Seth
The Messiah Melchizedek
Joshua/Jesus, Unknown Prophet and Syncretic Messiah
Elements of a Forgery
Chapter 9: the Messianic sects of Joshua/Jesus: Nazarenes, Ebionites, Elchasaites
Nazarenes and Ebionites
Chapter 10: Quarrels about Prophets and Apostles: Jochanaan, Theudas/Jude/Thomas, Jacob, Simon-Peter, Barnabas, Saul/Paul
Jochanaan, Called John The Baptist
Saul, Called Paul of Tarse
Chapter 11: Marcion and the Hellenization of Christianity
Chapter 12: The Inventors of a Christian Theology: Basilides, Valentine, Ptolemy
Basilides Of Alexandria
Valentine And The Valentinians
The Pistis Sophia
Chapter 13: Marcos and the Hellenization of Jewish Hermeticism
Chapter 14: Carpocratus, Epiphanius and the Tradition of Simon of Samaria
Chapter 15: The New Prophecy and the Development of Popular Christianity
The New Prophecy And The Christian Philosophers Of The Second Century
Justin The Apologist
Hermas and The Pastor
Irenaeus Of Lyon
Tertullian, Philosopher Of The New Prophecy
Chapter 16: Tatian and the Fabrication of the New Testament
The Canonical Gospels
Chapter 17: Three Local Christianities: Edessa and Bardesane, Alexandria and Origen, Antioch and Paul of Samosate
Bardesane Of Edessa
Origen Of Alexandria
Paul Of Samosate, Bishop Of Antioch
Chapter 18: Novatian, the Apostate Clergy and the Anti-Montanist Reaction
Chapter 19: Arianism and the Church of Rome
Eusebius Of Cesarea
Chapter 20: Donat and the Circoncellions
Chapter 21: The Spirituals, Also Called Messalians or Euchites
Borborites, Coddians, Stratiotics, Phemionites
Chapter 22: Monophysites and Dyophysites
Chapter 23: Pelagius and Augustine, or the Conception of Free Will and Predestination
Chapter 24: Priscillian of Avila
Chapter 25: Paulicians and Bogomiles
The Paulicians
The Bogomiles
Chapter 26: Christs and Reformers: Popular Resistance to the Institutional Church
The Christ Of Bourges
Eudes De L’etoile, Or Eudo De Stella
Two Reformers: Pierre De Bruys And Henri Du Mans
Chapter 27: The Communalist Prophets
The Patarin Movement
Tanchelm Of Antwerp
Arnaud Of Brescia
Ugo Speroni
Chapter 28: Philosophy against the Church
John Scotus Erigena
David Of Dinant
Thomas Scoto, Hermann De Rijswijck
Chapter 29: The Cathars
The First Bogomile Missionaries
The Second Wave Of Bogomile Prediction
The End Of Catharism
Dualism And Asceticism
Chapter 30: The Vaudois and the Adepts of Voluntary Poverty
Chapter 31: The Movement of the Free-Spirit
The Amaurians
Fin Amor
The New Spirit Of Souabe
Marguerite Porete
Heilwige Bloemardine
William Cornelius Of Antwerp: Voluntarily Poor And Free-Spirit
Chapter 32: Beghards and Beguines
The Communities Of Cologne And Schweidnitz
Wandering Beghards And Beguines
The End Of The Beghards And Beguines
Chapter 33: The Millenarianists
Joachim Of Fiore
Gerardo Segarelli
The Guillelmites
Dolcino Of Novara
Chapter 34: The Flagellants
Chapter 35: The Fraticelles
Bernard Delicieux
Prous Boneta
Bentivenga Da Gubio
Paolo Zoppo
The Extermination Trial Of The Fraticelles
Chapter 36: The Eastern Reformers: the Hussites and Taborites
Chapter 37: The Men of Intelligence and the Pikarti of Bohemia
The Pikarti, Or The Adamites Of Bohemia
Chapter 38: The Victory of the Reformers and the Birth of the Protestant Churches
Two Agitators At The Dawn Of The Reformation: Hans Boehm And Jerome Savonarola
Jerome Savonarola
From Heresy To The Religion Of The State: Luther And Calvin
John Calvin
Chapter 39: The Dissidents from Lutheranism and Calvinism
Johannes Denck
Sebastian Franck
Carlstadt And Schwenckfeld
Michael Servetus
Sebastian Castellion
Chapter 40: The Alumbrados of Spain
Chapter 41: The Spiritual Libertines
Eloi Pruystinck And The Loyists
Jacob Gruet
Quintin Thierry And His Friends
Chapter 42: The Anabaptists
Storch, Pfeiffer And Muntzer
Hut, Huebmaier And Hutter
Melchior Hoffmann
The Munsterites
Pacifists And Terrorists: Menno Simonsz And Battenburg
The Iconoclasts
Chapter 43: The Individualist Messiahs: David Joris, Nicolas Frey, Hendrik Niclaes
David Joris
Nicolas Frey
Hendrik Niclaes And The Familists
Jan Torrentius
Chapter 44: Ironists and Sceptics
Valentin Weigel
Dirk Volkertszoon Coornherdt
Bernardino Ochino
Noel Journet
Geoffroy Vallee
Chapter 45: Levellers, Diggers and Ranters
Levellers And Diggers
The Ranters
Abiezer Coppe
Lawrence Clarkson
Jacob Bauthumley
Thomas Webbe
Coppin, Pordage And Tany
Chapter 46: The Jansenists
Michel Baius
Cornelius Jansenius
The Arnauld Family
Chapter 47: Pietists, Visionaries and Quietists
The Pietists
The Quietists
Madame Guyon
Chapter 48: The End of the Divine Right
Thomas Woolston
The Book of the Three Impostors
Matthias Knuetzen
The Fall Of God
Bibliographical References
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