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Title Page
Enheduanna’s Lament
Introduction: Beyond Terracide and Permawar
Part I: Permawar—Human Nature and War
The Roots of War
Stones to Drones: A History of War on Earth
Patriarchy and War: Treating Nature Like Dirt
U.S. Exceptionalism: The Hubris That Fuels Wars
Blowback: Climate Change and Resource Wars
War Is Not Biological
Lessons from the Bonobos
The Business of War
War Is a Racket
War as an Economic Strategy
An Empire of Military Bases
The High Costs of a Warfare Economy
Disaster Capitalism on the Battlefield
“False Flags”: How Wars Are Packaged and Sold
Banking on the Bomb: Investing in Nuclear Weapons
Recruiting America’s Child Soldiers
Part II: Terracide—The War on Nature
Nature in the Crosshairs
Afghanistan: Bombing the Land of the Snow Leopard
Africa: Wars on Wildlife
El Salvador: Scorched Earth in Central America
Guam: The Tip of America’s Global Spear
Kuwait: The War That Wounded the World
Serbia: The Impact of NATO’s Bombs
Sardinia: Bombs and Cancer in Paradise
Vietnam: Delivering Death to the A Luoi Valley
Collateral Damage
Baghdad: A Civilization Torn to Pieces
Ukraine: Civil War and Combat Pollution
Syria: Cities Reduced to Toxic Rubble
Wars and Refugees
Civilian Victims of Killer Drones
The Navy’s Sonic War on Whales
A Field Guide to Militarism
The Militarization of Native Lands
Wars Are No Longer Fought on Battlefields
War on Land: Toxic Burdens and Military Exercises
War on the Sea: Islands under Siege
Wars for Sand: The Mortar of Empires
War at a Distance: Long-Range Missiles
War in Space: Astro-Imperialism
The Machinery of Mayhem
Fueling the Engines of Empire
Superpower, Superpolluter
Jet Fright: The Impacts of Military Aircraft
Land Mines: The Smallest WMDs
Explosive Arsenals: “Bomblets” to “Near-Nukes”
Weather as a Weapon: “Owning the Weather in 2025”
Nuclear Doomsday
The Aftermath
Graveyards, Waste, and War Junk
The Pentagon’s Toxic Burn Pits
America’s “Downwinders”
Atomic Islands and “Jellyfish Babies”
Haunted by Memories of War
The War Zone That Became a New Eden
Part III: Ecolibrium—Pathways to a Planet at Peace
Toward Ecolibrium
Take the Profit Out of War
Ecology and War
Why We Oppose War and Militarism
In Defense of the Environment
Protecting Nature from War
Strategies for a More Peaceful World
International Peace and Environmental Organizations
About the Contributors
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