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Imperial Library
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Edmund DeWitt Patterson: Journal, January 20, 1863
Theodore A. Dodge: Journal, January 21-24, 1863
Henry Adams to Charles Francis Adams Jr., January 23, 1863
George G. Meade to Margaret Meade, January 23, 26, and 28, 1863
Abraham Lincoln to Joseph Hooker, January 26, 1863
John A. Andrew to Francis Shaw, January 30, 1863
William Parker Cutler: Diary, February 2 and 9, 1863
George Templeton Strong: Diary, February 3-5, 1863
Oliver W. Norton to Edwin Norton, February 6, 1863
Robert E. Lee to Mary Lee, February 8, 1863
Robert Gould Shaw to Annie Haggerty, February 8, 1863
Richard Cobden to Charles Sumner, February 13, 1863
Isaac Funk: Speech in the Illinois State Senate, February 14, 1863
Taylor Peirce to Catharine Peirce, February 16, 1863
William T. Sherman to Thomas Ewing Sr., February 17, 1863, and to John Sherman, February 18, 1863
Clement L. Vallandigham: Speech in Congress, February 23, 1863
Samuel W. Fiske to the Springfield Republican, February 25, 1863
Charles C. Jones Jr. to Charles C. Jones Sr. and Mary Jones, March 3, 1863
Charles C. Jones Sr. to Charles C. Jones Jr., March 4, 1863
Harriet Jacobs to Lydia Maria Child, March 18, 1863
William Henry Harrison Clayton to Nide and Rachel Pugh, March 26, 1863
Henry W. Halleck to Ulysses S. Grant, March 31, 1863
Frederick Law Olmsted to John Olmsted, April 1, 1863
Frederick Douglass: Why Should a Colored Man Enlist?, April 1863
Jefferson Davis to William M. Brooks, April 2, 1863
John B. Jones: Diary, April 2-4, 1863
Whitelaw Reid to the Cincinnati Gazette, April 4, 1863
Charles S. Wainwright: Diary, April 5-12, 1863
Francis Lieber: No Party Now, But All for Our Country, April 11, 1863
Catharine Peirce to Taylor Peirce, April 12, 1863
James A. Connolly to Mary Dunn Connolly, April 20, 1863
Ulysses S. Grant to Jesse Root Grant, April 21, 1863
David Hunter to Jefferson Davis, April 23, 1863
Kate Stone: Journal, April 25, 1863
Wilbur Fisk to The Green Mountain Freeman, April 26, 1863
John Hampden Chamberlayne to Martha Burwell Chamberlayne, April 30, 1863
Sarah Morgan: Diary, April 30, 1863
Samuel Pickens: Diary, May 1-3, 1863
Jedediah Hotchkiss: Journal, May 2-6, 1863
Taylor Peirce to Catharine Peirce, May 4, 1863
Catherine Edmondston: Diary, May 5-7, 9, and 11-12, 1863
Charles F. Morse to His Family, May 7, 1863
Samuel W. Fiske to the Springfield Republican, May 9 and 11, 1863
Charles B. Wilder: Testimony before the American Freedmen's Inquiry Commission, May 9, 1863
Thomas Wentworth Higginson: Journal, May 10, 1863
Edward O. Guerrant: Diary, May 15, 1863
George Richard Browder: Diary, May 17-26, 1863
Harper's Weekly: The Arrest of Vallandigham, May 30, 1863
Oliver W. Norton to Elizabeth Norton Poss, June 8, 1863
Robert Gould Shaw to Annie Haggerty Shaw, June 9-13, 1863
William Winters to Harriet Winters, June 9, 1863
Matthew M. Miller to His Aunt, June 10, 1863
Robert E. Lee to Jefferson Davis, June 10, 1863
William T. Sherman to John T. Swayne, June 11, 1863
Henry C. Whelan to Mary Whelan, June 11, 1863
Abraham Lincoln to Erastus Corning and Others, June 12, 1863
William Henry Harrison Clayton to Amos and Grace Clayton, June 18, 1863, and to George Washington Clayton and John Quincy Adams Clayton, June 28, 1863
Charles B. Haydon: Journal, June 20, 1863
William T. Sherman to Ellen Ewing Sherman, June 27, 1863
Edmund DeWitt Patterson: Journal, June 24-30, 1863
Lafayette McLaws to Emily McLaws, June 28, 1863
Alpheus S. Williams to Irene and Mary Williams, June 29, 1863
Samuel W. Fiske to the Springfield Republican, June 30, 1863
Arthur James Lyon Fremantle: Diary, July 1-4, 1863
Samuel Pickens: Diary, July 1-3, 1863
Francis Adams Donaldson: Narrative of Gettysburg, July 2-3, 1863
Elizabeth Blair Lee to Samuel Phillips Lee, July 3 and 4-5, 1863
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain to George B. Herendeen, July 6, 1863
Henry Livermore Abbott to Josiah Gardner Abbott, July 6, 1863
Lafayette McLaws to Emily McLaws, July 7, 1863
Cornelia Hancock to Her Cousin, July 7, 1863, and to Ellen Hancock Child, July 8, 1863
Catharine Peirce to Taylor Peirce, July 5, 1863
William Henry Harrison Clayton to Amos and Grace Clayton, July 5, 1863
William T. Sherman to Ellen Ewing Sherman, July 5, 1863
William Winters to Harriet Winters, July 6, 1863
Benjamin B. French: Journal, July 8, 1863
Catherine Edmondston: Diary, July 8-11, 1863
George Hamilton Perkins to Susan G. Perkins, July 29, 1863
Charles B. Haydon: Journal, July 11, 1863
John Hay: Diary, July 11-15, 1863
Abraham Lincoln to Ulysses S. Grant, July 13, 1863
Abraham Lincoln to George G. Meade, July 14, 1863
Samuel Pickens: Diary, July 14, 1863
George Templeton Strong: Diary, July 13-17, 1863
Emma Holmes: Diary, July 16-19, 1863
Walter H. Taylor to Richard Taylor, July 17, 1863
James Henry Gooding to the New Bedford Mercury, July 20, 1863
Lewis Douglass to Amelia Loguen, July 20, 1863
Charlotte Forten: Journal, July 20-24, 1863
Maria Lydig Daly: Diary, July 23, 1863
Herman Melville: The House-top: "The Atheist roar of riot": New York, July 1863
Henry Adams to Charles Francis Adams Jr., July 23, 1863
George G. Meade to Henry W. Halleck, July 31, 1863
Robert E. Lee to Jefferson Davis, July 31, 1863
Hannah Johnson to Abraham Lincoln, July 31, 1863
Frederick Douglass to George L. Stearns, August 1, 1863
Frederick Douglass: The Commander-in-Chief and His Black Soldiers, August 1863
Walt Whitman to Lewis Kirk Brown, August 1, 11, and 15, 1863
George E. Stephens to the Weekly Anglo-African, August 7, 1863
Robert E. Lee to Jefferson Davis, August 8, 1863
Jefferson Davis to Robert E. Lee, August 11, 1863
Wilbur Fisk to The Green Mountain Freeman, August 10, 1863
Frederick Douglass to George L. Stearns, August 12, 1863
William H. Neblett to Elizabeth Scott Neblett, August 18, 1863
Richard Cordley: Narrative of the Lawrence Massacre: "Such a scene of horror": Kansas, August 1863
Ulysses S. Grant to Abraham Lincoln, August 23, 1863
Jonathan Worth to Jesse G. Henshaw, August 24, 1863
John M. Schofield to Thomas Ewing Jr., August 25, 1863
Abraham Lincoln to James C. Conkling, August 26, 1863
Ulysses S. Grant to Elihu B. Washburne, August 30, 1863
Charles Francis Adams to Lord Russell, September 5, 1863
Charles C. Jones Jr. to Mary Jones, September 6 and 9, 1863
Raphael Semmes: Journal, September 16-24, 1863
William T. Sherman to Henry W. Halleck, September 17, 1863
William W. Heartsill: Journal, September 17-28, 1863
John S. Jackman: Diary, September 18-21, 1863
Kate Cumming: Journal, September 28-October 1, 1863
Jefferson Davis: Speech at Missionary Ridge, October 10, 1863
Oliver W. Norton to Elizabeth Norton Poss, October 15, 1863
Jefferson Davis: Speech at Wilmington, November 5, 1863
Walter H. Taylor to Bettie Saunders, November 15, 1863
Cornelia Hancock to an Unknown Correspondent, November 15, 1863
John Hay: Diary, November 18-19, 1863
Abraham Lincoln: Address at Gettysburg, November 19, 1863
Petition from the Colored Citizens of Beaufort, November 20, 1863
William Wrenshall Smith: Journal, November 13-25, 1863
Montgomery C. Meigs: Journal, November 23-25, 1863
James A. Connolly to Mary Dunn Connolly, November 26 and December 7, 1863
Theodore Lyman: Journal, November 26-December 2, 1863
Wilbur Fisk to The Green Mountain Freeman, November 29 and December 8, 1863
George G. Meade to Margaret Meade, December 2 and 7, 1863
Frederick Douglass: Our Work Is Not Done, December 4, 1863
Abraham Lincoln: Annual Message to Congress, December 8, 1863
Abraham Lincoln: Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction, December 8, 1863
George Templeton Strong: Diary, December 11-13, 1863
Catherine Edmondston: Diary, December 11, 1863
Mary Chesnut: Diary, January 1, 1864
Judith W. McGuire: Diary, January 1, 1864
Patrick R. Cleburne: Memorandum on Emancipation and Enlisting Black Soldiers, January 2, 1864
William T. Sherman to Roswell M. Sawyer, January 31, 1864
Lois Bryan Adams to the Detroit Advertiser and Tribune, February 8 and 23, 1864
Francis J. Higginson to John A. Dahlgren, February 18, 1864
James H. Tomb: Notes on the H. L. Hunley, January 1865
Judith W. McGuire: Diary, February 28, 1864
John Paris: Sermon Preached at Kinston, February 28, 1864
Oliver W. Norton to Elizabeth Norton Poss, February 29, 1864
John B. Jones: Diary, March 1-2 and 5, 1864
Ulysses S. Grant to William T. Sherman, March 4, 1864
William T. Sherman to Ulysses S. Grant, March 10, 1864
Biographical Notes
Note on the Texts
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