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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Electric motors—The basics
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Producing rotation
1.3 Magnetic circuits
1.4 Torque production
1.5 Torque and motor volume
1.6 Energy conversion—Motional e.m.f
1.7 Equivalent circuit
1.8 Constant voltage operation
1.9 General properties of electric motors
1.10 Review questions
Chapter 2: Power electronic converters for motor drives
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Voltage control—D.C. output from d.c. supply
2.3 D.C. from a.c.—Controlled rectification
2.4 A.C. from d.c.—Inversion
2.5 A.C. from a.c.
2.6 Inverter switching devices
2.7 Converter waveforms, acoustic noise, and cooling
2.8 Review questions
Chapter 3: D.C. motors
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Torque production
3.3 Motional e.m.f.
3.4 D.C. motor—steady-state characteristics
3.5 Transient behaviour
3.6 Four quadrant operation and regenerative braking
3.7 Shunt and series motors
3.8 Self-excited d.c. machine
3.9 Toy motors
3.10 Review questions
Chapter 4: D.C. motor drives
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Thyristor d.c. drives—general
4.3 Control arrangements for d.c. drives
4.4 Chopper-fed d.c. motor drives
4.5 D.C. servo drives
4.6 Digitally-controlled drives
4.7 Review questions
Chapter 5: Induction motors—Rotating field, slip and torque
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The rotating magnetic field
5.3 Torque production
5.4 Influence of rotor current on flux
5.5 Stator current-speed characteristics
5.6 Review questions
Chapter 6: Induction motor—Operation from 50/60 Hz supply
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Methods of starting cage motors
6.3 Run-up and stable operating regions
6.4 Torque-speed curves—Influence of rotor parameters
6.5 Influence of supply voltage on torque-speed curve
6.6 Generating
6.7 Braking
6.8 Speed control (without varying the stator supply frequency)
6.9 Power-factor control and energy optimisation
6.10 Single-phase induction motors
6.11 Power range
6.12 Review questions
Chapter 7: Variable frequency operation of induction motors
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Variable frequency operation
7.3 Practical aspects of inverter-fed drives
7.4 Effect of inverter on the induction motor
7.5 Utility supply effects
7.6 Inverter and motor protection
7.7 Review questions
Chapter 8: Field oriented control of induction motors
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Essential preliminaries
8.3 Circuit modelling of the induction motor
8.4 Steady-state torque under current-fed conditions
8.5 Dynamic torque control
8.6 Implementation of field-oriented control
8.7 Direct torque control
8.8 Review questions
Chapter 9: Synchronous, permanent magnet and reluctance motors and drives
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Synchronous motor types
9.3 Torque production
9.4 Utility-fed synchronous motors
9.5 Variable frequency operation of synchronous motors
9.6 Synchronous motor drives
9.7 Performance of permanent magnet motors
9.8 Emerging developments in permanent magnet motors
9.9 Review questions
Chapter 10: Stepping and switched reluctance motors
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Stepping motors
10.3 Principle of motor operation
10.4 Motor characteristics
10.5 Steady-state characteristics—Ideal (constant-current) drive
10.6 Drive circuits and pull-out torque–speed curves
10.7 Transient performance
10.8 Switched reluctance motor drives
10.9 Review questions
Chapter 11: Motor/drive selection
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Power ratings and capabilities
11.3 Drive characteristics
11.4 Load requirements—torque-speed characteristics
11.5 General application considerations
11.6 Review questions
Appendix: Solutions to review questions
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Further reading
A General motors and drives books – Delving a little deeper
B Control and modelling
C Practical aspects of design and application of motors and drives
D Reliability
E Synchronous reluctance and permanent magnet motors
F Energy efficient electric motors
G Power semiconductor devices
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