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Imperial Library
Cover Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Chapter 1: Rome from its Origins to 264 BC
Early Italy
Historical Sources on Early Rome
Rome’s Foundation Myth
The Regal Period, 753–509 BC
The Foundation of the Republic
The Struggle of the Orders
The Consulship
The Dictatorship
The Senate
The Popular Assemblies
The Plebeian Tribunate
The Twelve Tables
Military Tribunes with Consular Power
Social and Economic Changes
The Latin League
Roman Expansion in Italy
The Samnite Wars
The Pyrrhic War, 280–275 BC
Chapter 2: The Middle Republic (264–133 BC)
First Punic War (264–241 BC)
Between the First and Second Punic Wars (241–218 BC)
Second Punic War (218–201 BC)
Campaigns in Sicily and Spain
The War in Africa
The Establishment of Roman Hegemony in the Mediterranean World
Roman Expansion in the Eastern Mediterranean
Roman Expansion in the Western Mediterranean
Explanations of Roman Expansion
Beginnings of Provincial Administration
Transformation During the Middle Republic
Citizenship and Politics in the Middle Republic
Culture and Religion
Economy and Society
Social Changes
Rome and Italy
Chapter 3: The Late Republic (133–31 BC)
Aftermath of Victories
Changes in Provincial Administration
Social and Economic Ills
The Reform Movement of the Gracchi (133–121 BC)
The Program and Career of Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus
The Program and Career of Gaius Sempronius Gracchus
War Against Jugurtha
The Career of Gaius Marius
Events in Asia
Developments in Italy
Civil War and the Rule of Lucius Sulla
The Early Career of Pompey
Pompey and Crassus
Political Suspicion and Violence
The Final Collapse of the Roman Republic (59–44 BC)
Political Maneuvers
Civil War
The Dictatorship and Assassination of Caesar
The Triumvirate and Octavian’s Achievement of Sole Power
Intellectual Life of the Late Republic
Grammar and Rhetoric
Law and History
Philosophy and Poetry
Chapter 4: The Early Roman Empire (31 BC–AD 193)
The Consolidation of the Empire Under the Julio-Claudians
The Establishment of the Principate Under Augustus
The Roman Senate and the Urban Magistracies
The Equestrian Order
Administration of Rome and Italy
Administration of the Provinces
Emperor Worship
The Army
Foreign Policy
Economic Life
Augustan Art and Literature
Appraisal of Augustus
The Succession
Growth of the Empire Under the Flavians and Antonines
The Flavian Emperors
The Early Antonine Emperors: Nerva and Trajan
Hadrian and the Other Antonine Emperors
The Empire in the Second Century
Trend to Absolute Monarchy
Political Life
Rome and Italy
Developments in the Provinces
The Army
Cultural Life
Chapter 5: The Later Roman Empire
The Dynasty of the Severi (AD 193–235)
Septimius Severus
Elagabalus and Severus Alexander
Religious and Cultural Life in the Third Century
The Rise of Christianity
Cultural Life from the Antonines to Constantine
Military Anarchy and the Disintegration of the Empire (235–270)
The Barbarian Invasions
Difficulties in the East
Economic and Social Crisis
The Recovery of the Empire and the Establishment of the Dominate (270–337)
Struggle for Power
The Reign of Constantine
The Roman Empire Under the Fourth-Century Successors of Constantine
The Reign of Julian
The Reign of Valentinian and Valens
The Reign of Gratian and Theodosius I
Social and Economic Conditions
The Remnants of Pagan Culture
The Christian Church
The Eclipse of the Roman Empire in the West (c. 395–500) and the German Migrations
The Beginning of Germanic Hegemony in the West
Barbarian Kingdoms
Analysis of the Decline and Fall
Appendix A: Table of Roman Emperors from 27 BC through AD 476
Appendix B: Ancient Italic Peoples
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