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Imperial Library
Editor’s Introduction
Pronunciation of Sanskrit and Tibetan
PART ONE Awakening the Heart
1. A Glimpse of Wakefulness
2. Love, Vision, and Warriorship
3. Doubt and Delight
PART TWO Buddha Nature
4. Enlightened Genes
5. Basic Goodness
PART THREE Preparing the Ground
6. Cultivating Wholesomeness
7. Expanding Your Practice
8. Cutting Ego Fixation
9. Awakening Your Enlightened Genes
10. The Spiritual Friend
PART FOUR Making a Commitment
11. Indestructible Wakefulness
12. Planting the Moon of Bodhi in Your Heart
13. Cultivating a Mahayana Mentality
14. The Seven Mahayana Exercises
15. Taking the Bodhisattva Vow
16. Becoming a Bodhisattva
17. Joining Profundity and Vastness
PART FIVE Emptiness and Compassion
18. Emptiness
19. Discovering a World beyond Ego
20. Emptiness and the Middle Way
21. Realizing the Emptiness of Ordinary Reality
22. Experiencing Reality in Its Fullest Sense
23. Contemplating Emptiness
24. Awakening Unfabricated Perception
PART SIX Bodhisattva Activity
25. Paramitas: Techniques of Nongrasping
26. Applying Emptiness to Everyday Life
27. Generosity
28. Discipline
29. Patience
30. Exertion
31. Meditation
32. Prajna
PART SEVEN Mind Training and Slogan Practice
33. Introduction to Mind Training
34. Undermining Aggression
35. Point One: The Preliminaries, Which Are a Basis for Dharma Practice
36. Point Two: Resting in Ultimate Bodhichitta
37. Point Two: Training in Relative Bodhichitta
38. Point Three: Transformation of Bad Circumstances into the Path of Enlightenment
39. Point Four: Showing the Utilization of Practice in One’s Whole Life
40. Point Five: Evaluation of Mind Training
41. Point Six: Disciplines of Mind Training
42. Point Seven: Guidelines of Mind Training
43. Additional Mind-Training Instructions
PART EIGHT The Bodhisattva’s Journey
44. The Paths and Bhumis
45. Very Joyful: The First Bhumi
46. The Second through Tenth Bhumis
47. Complete Radiance: The Eleventh Bhumi
Appendix 1 : Never Forget the Hinayana
Appendix 2 : The Practice of Oryoki
Appendix: 3 : The Heart Sutra
Appendix 4 : Prajna Dialogues
Appendix 5 : Forty-Six Ways in Which a Bodhisattva Fails
Appendix 6 : The Root Text of the Seven Points of Mind Training
Appendix 7 : Outline of Teachings
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