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Unreal Engine 4 Virtual Reality Projects
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Thinking in VR
What is virtual reality?
VR hardware
VR isn't just about hardware though
Presence is tough to achieve
What can we do in VR?
Games in VR
Interactive VR
VR cinema – movies, documentary, and journalism
Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) and real estate
Engineering and design
Education and training
Commerce, advertising, and retail
Medicine and mental health
So much else
Immersion and presence
Using all the senses
Make sure sensory inputs match one another and match the user's expectations
Keep latency as low as possible
Make sure interactions with the world make sense
Build a consistent world
Be careful of contradicting the user's body awareness
Decide how immersive you intend your application to be and design accordingly
Simulator sickness
Best practices for VR
Maintain framerate
Tethered headsets
Standalone Headsets
Never take control of the user's head
Do not put acceleration or deceleration on your camera
Do not override the field of view, manipulate depth of field, or use motion blur
Minimize vection
Avoid stairs
Use more dimmer lights and colors than you normally would
Keep the scale of the world accurate
Be conscious of physical actions
Manage eyestrain
Make conscious choices about the content and intensity of your experience
Let players manage their own session duration
Keep load times short
Question everything we just told you
Planning your VR project
Clarify what you're trying to do
Is it a good fit for VR? Why?
What's important – what has to exist in this project for it to work? (MVP)
Break it down
Tackle things in the right order
Test early and often
Design is iterative
Setting Up Your Development Environment
Prerequisite – VR hardware
Setting up Unreal Engine
What it costs
Creating an Epic Games account
The Epic Games launcher
Installing the engine
Editting your vault cache location
Setting up a Derived Data Cache (DDC)
Setting up a local DDC
Launching the engine
Setting up for mobile VR
Creating or joining an Oculus developer organization
Setting your VR headset to developer mode in Oculus Go
Installing Android Debug Bridge (ADB)
Setting up NVIDIA CodeWorks for Android
Verifying that the HMD can communicate with your PC
Generating a signature file for Samsung Gear
Deploying a test project to the device
Setting up a test project
Checking that your OculusVR plugin is enabled
Setting a default map
Clearing the default mobile touch interface
Setting your Android SDK project settings
Setting your Android SDK locations
Launching the test project
Using the Epic Games launcher
The Unreal Engine Tab
The content examples project
Gameplay concepts and example games
Setting up for C++ development
Installing Microsoft Visual Studio Community
Recommended settings
The UnrealVS plugin
Installing the UnrealVS plugin
Turning on the UnrealVS toolbar
Unreal debugging support
Test everything out
Building Unreal from source code
Setting up a GitHub account and installing Git
Setting up or logging into your GitHub account
Installing Git for Windows
Installing Git Large File Storage
Installing a Git GUI
Connecting your GitHub account to your Epic Games account
Downloading the Unreal Engine source code
Choosing your source branch
Forking the repository
Cloning the repository to your local machine
Option 1 – Cloning using GitHub Desktop
Option 2 – Cloning from the command line
Downloading engine binary content
Generating project files
Opening and building the solution
Updating your fork with new changes from Epic
Option – Using the command line to sync changes
Setting the upstream repository
Syncing the fork
Reviewing the Git commands we just used
Option – Using the web GUI to sync changes
Creating a pull request
Merging the pull request
Pulling the origin to your local machine
Re-synchronizing your engine content and regenerating project files
Going further with source code on GitHub
Additional useful tools
A good robust text editor
3D modeling software
Image-editing software
Audio-editing software
Hello World - Your First VR Project
Creating a new project
Setting your hardware target
Setting your graphics target
Settings summary
Taking a quick look at your project's structure
The Content directory
The Config directory
The Source directory
The Project file
A summary of an Unreal project structure
Setting your project's settings for VR
Instanced Stereo
Round Robin Occlusions
Forward and deferred shading
Choosing the right rendering method for your project
Choosing your anti-aliasing method
Modifying MSAA settings
Starting in VR
Turning off other stray settings you don't need
Turning off default touch interface (Oculus Go/Samsung Gear)
Configuring your project for Android (Oculus Go/Samsung Gear)
Verifying your SDK locations
Making sure Mobile HDR is turned off (Oculus Go/Samsung Gear)
Mobile Multi-View (Oculus Go/Samsung Gear)
Monoscopic Far Field Rendering (Oculus Go / Samsung Gear)
Project Settings cheat-sheet
Decorating our project
Migrating content into a project
Cleaning up migrated content
Deleting assets safely
Moving assets and fixing up redirectors
Setting a default map
Testing our map on desktop
Testing our map on mobile (Oculus Go/Samsung Gear)
Setting up a game mode and player pawn
Creating a VR pawn
Creating a game mode
Assigning the game mode
Overriding a GameMode for a specific map
Placing a pawn directly in the world
Setting up the VR pawn
Adding a camera
Adding motion controllers
Setting our tracking origin.
Adjusting our Player Start location to the map.
Testing in the headset.
Packaging a standalone build
Getting Around the Virtual World
Teleport locomotion
Creating a navigation mesh
Moving and scaling the Navmesh Bounds volume
Fixing collision problems
Excluding areas from the navmesh
Modifying your navmesh properties
Setting up the pawn Blueprint
Iterative development
Make it work
Make it right
Make it fast
Do things in order
Setting up a line trace from the right motion controller
Improving our Trace Hit Result
Using navmesh data
Changing from line trace to parabolic trace
Drawing the curved path
Drawing the endpoint after all the line segments have been drawn
Teleporting the player
Creating Input Mappings
Caching our teleport destination
Executing the teleport
Allowing the player to choose their landing orientation
Mapping axis inputs
Cleaning up our Tick event
Using thumbstick input to orient the player
Creating a teleport destination indicator
Giving it a material
Adding the teleport indicator to the pawn
Optimizing and refining our teleport
Displaying UI only when teleport input is pressed
Creating a deadzone for our input
Fading out and in on teleport
Teleport locomotion summary
Seamless locomotion
Setting up inputs for seamless locomotion
Changing the pawn's parent class
Fixing the collision component
Handling movement input
Fixing movement speed
Letting the player look around without constantly steering
Implementing snap-turning
Setting up inputs for snap turning
Executing the snap turn
Going further
Snap turn using analog input
Interacting with the Virtual World - Part I
Starting a new project from existing work
Migrating Blueprints to a new project
Copying input bindings
Setting up new project to use the migrated game mode
Additional project settings for VR
Testing our migrated game mode and pawn
Adding scenery
Adding a NavMesh
Testing the map
Creating hands
Migrating hand meshes and animations from the VR Template project
Adding hand meshes to our motion controllers
Creating a new Blueprint Actor class
Adding motion controller and mesh components
Adding a Hand variable
Using a Construction Script to handle updates to the Hand variable
Adding BP_VRHand child actor components to your pawn
Fixing issues with Hand meshes
Replacing references to our old motion controller components in blueprints
Creating a function to get our hand mesh
Animating our hands
A quick word about access specifiers
Calling our grab functions from the pawn
Creating new input action mappings
Adding handlers for new action mappings
Implementing grab animations in the Hand blueprints
Creating an Animation Blueprint for the hand
Creating a blend space for our hand animations
Wiring the blend space into the animation blueprint
Connecting the animation blueprint to our hand blueprint
Creating a new enumerator for our grip
Smoothing out our grip animation
Interacting with the Virtual World - Part II
Creating an object we can pick up
Creating a Blueprint Interface for pickup objects
Implementing the Pickup and Drop functions
Setting up VRHand to pick up objects
Creating a function to find the nearest pickup object
Calling Find Nearest Pickup Object on the Tick event
Picking up an actor
Releasing an actor
Test grabbing and releasing
Fixing cube collision
Letting players know when they can pick something up
Adding haptic feedback
Creating a Haptic Feedback Effect Curve
Playing the haptic effect on command
Going further
Creating User Interfaces in VR
Getting started
Creating a new Unreal project from an existing project
We’re not alone – adding an AI character
Migrating the third-person character blueprint
Cleaning up the third-person character blueprint
Examining the animation blueprint
Creating a companion character subclass
Adding a follow behavior to our companion character
Examining the AI controller
Improving the companion's follow behavior
Adding a UI indicator to the companion pawn
Creating a UI widget using UMG
Adding a UI widget to an actor
Orienting the indicator widget to face the player
Implementing the Align UI function
Calling Align UI from the Tick event
Adding a new AI state to the companion pawn
Implementing a simple AI state
Indicating AI states using the UI indicator
Using events to update, rather than polling
Being careful of circular references
Ensuring that UI is updated when our state is changed
Adding an interactive UI
Adjusting the button colors
Adding event handlers to our buttons
Attaching the UI element to the player pawn
Using widget interaction components
Sending input through widget interaction components
Making a better pointer for our interaction component
Creating an interaction beam material
Creating an impact effect
Building the World and Optimizing for VR
Setting up the project and collecting assets
Migrating blueprints into the new project
Verifying the migrated content
Using the VR editor
Entering and exiting VR Mode
Navigating in VR Mode
Moving through the world
Teleporting through the world
Rotating the world
Scaling the world
Practicing movement
Modifying the world in VR Mode
Moving, rotating, and scaling objects
Using both controllers to rotate and scale objects
Practicing moving objects
Composing a new scene in VR Mode
Navigating the radial menu
Actions and System
Making changes to our scene
Optimizing scenes for VR
Testing your current performance
Stat FPS
Determining your frame time budget
Warnings about performance profiling
Stat unit
Profiling the GPU
Stat scenerendering
Draw calls
Stat RHI
Stat memory
Optimization view modes
CPU profiling
Turning things on and off
Addressing frame rate problems
Cleaning up Blueprint Tick events
Managing skeletal animations
Merging actors
Using mesh LODs
Static mesh instancing
Nativizing Blueprints
Displaying Media in VR
Setting up the project
Playing movies in Unreal Engine
Understanding containers and codecs
Finding a video file to test with
Adding a video file to an Unreal project
Creating a File Media Source asset
Creating a Media Player
Using Media Textures
Testing your Media Player
Adding video to an object in the world
Using a media playback material
Adding sound to our media playback
Playing media
Going deeper with the playback material
Adding additional controls to our video appearance
Displaying stereo video
Displaying half of the video
Displaying a different half of the video to each eye
Displaying over/under stereo video
Displaying 360 degree spherical media in VR
Finding 360 degree video
Creating a spherical movie screen
Playing stereoscopic 360 degree video
Controlling your Media Player
Creating a Media Manager
Adding a Pause and Resume function
Assigning events to a media player
Creating a Multiplayer Experience in VR
Testing multiplayer sessions
Testing multiplayer from the editor
Understanding the client-server model
The server
Listen servers, dedicated dervers, and clients
Listen servers
Dedicated servers
Testing multiplayer VR
Setting up our own test project
Adding an environment
Creating a network Game Mode
Objects on the network
Server-only objects
Server and client objects
Server and owning client objects
Owning client only objects
Creating our network game mode
Creating a network client HUD
Creating a widget for our HUD
Adding a widget to our HUD
Network replication
Creating a replicated actor
Spawning an actor on the server only
Replicating the actor to the client
Replicating a variable
Notifying clients that a value has changed using RepNotify
Creating network-aware pawns for multiplayer
Adding a first-person pawn
Setting collision response presets
Setting up a third-person character mesh
Adjusting the third-person weapon
Replicating player actions
Using remote procedure calls to talk to the server
Using multicast RPCs to communicate to clients
Client RPCs
Reliable RPCs
Going further
Taking VR Further - Extending Unreal Engine
Creating a project to house our plugin
Installing the VRExpansion plugin
Installing using precompiled binaries
Compiling your own plugin binaries
Verifying the plugins in your project
Understanding plugins
Where plugins live
Installing plugins from the Marketplace
What's inside a plugin?
About licenses
Inside a plugin directory
Finishing our brief tour
Exploring the VRExpansion example project
Finishing our project setup
Using VRExpansion classes
Adding navigation
Adding a game mode
Updating the PlayerStart class
Adding a VR character
Setting up input
Setting up your VR character using example assets
Making effective use of example assets
Migrating the example pawn
Making sense of complicated blueprints
Begin by checking the parent class
Looking at the components to see what they're made of
Look for known events and see what happens when they run
Using inputs as a way to find a starting point in your blueprint
Setting breakpoints and tracing execution
Viewing the execution trace
Managing breakpoints with the Debug window
Using the call stack
Finding variable references
Using more of the VRExpansion plugin
Where to Go from Here
Final word
Useful Mind Hacks
Rubber-duck debugging
Just the facts
Describing your solutions in positive terms
Plan how you're going to maintain and debug your code when you write it
Favor simple solutions
Look it up before you make it up
Research and Further Reading
Unreal Engine resources
VR resources
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