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Chapter 1 Basic Training
Chapter 2 Warming up
Bend and Reach
Reverse Lunge and Reach
Turn and Reach
Sit-up with Knee in
Lying Back Extension
Skip, High Knee Raise
Chapter 3 Abdominals
Ball Crunch
Ball Pike
Cross-Body Crunch
Decline Weighted Twist
Half Rollback on Ball
Hanging Leg Raise
High-Cable Chop
Hip Thrust
Leg and Arm Press
Medicine-Ball Oblique Crunch
Medicine-Ball Reverse Crunch
Plank-to-Knee Tuck
Reverse Trunk Twist
Scissor Cycle
Weighted Ball Crunch
Beginner Workouts
Intermediate Workouts
Advanced Workouts
Can’t-Get-to-the-Gym Workouts
Chapter 4 Arms
Alternating Dumbbell Curl
Barbell Curl
Basic Biceps Dumbbell Curl
Bench Dip
Biceps Cable Curl
Concentration Curl
Hammer Curl
High-Cable Curl
Incline Alternating Dumbbell Curl
Lying Overhead Dumbbell Press
Lying Triceps Extension
Prone Triceps Extension
Rotating French Press
Triceps Kickback
Triceps Pressdown
Beginner Workouts
Intermediate Workouts
Advanced Workouts
Can’t-Get-to-the-Gym Workouts
Chapter 5 Back
Angled Pulldown
Assisted Pull-up
Bent-over Barbell Row
High-Cable Row on Ball
Lat Pulldown
One-Arm Dumbbell Row
One-Arm Seated Cable Row
Seated Cable Row
Smith Machine Incline Row
Machine Row
Beginner, Intermediate Workouts
Advanced, Can’t-Get-to-the-Gym Workouts
Chapter 6 Chest
Ball Push-up on Shins
Ball Push-up on Thighs
Barbell Bench Press
Flat-Bench Dumbbell Flye
Flat-Bench Dumbbell Press
Full Push-up
I Ncline Dumbbell Press
Incline Low-Cable Flye
Knee Push-up
Machine Chest Press
S Tanding Cable Flye
B Eginner, Intermediate Workouts
Advanced, Can’t-Get-to-the-Gym Workouts
Chapter 7 Glutes/Legs
A It Ernating Reverse Bench Lunge
Ball Bridge
Baii Bridge Curl
Ball Glute Lift
Ball Wall Squat
Cable Kickback
Jump Squat
Leg Press
Plié Dumbbell Squat
Reverse/Front Lunge
Romanian Deadlift
Seated Abduction
Seated Adduction
Seated Leg Curl
Side Lunge
One-Leg Bench Lunge
Smith Machine Lunge
Standing Cable Abduction
Standing Cable Adduction
Stationary Lunge
Step-up Lunge with Knee Lift
Walking Lunge
Beginner Workouts
Intermediate Workouts
Advanced Workouts
Can ‘T-Get-to-the-Gym Workouts
Chapter 8 Shoulders
Bar Bell Overhead Press
Bent-over High Row
Bent-over Standing Rear Flye
Front Raise
Incline Side-Lying Raise
Prone Flye
Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raise
Seated Machine Press
Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press
Standing Dumbbell Lateral Raise
Standing Dumbbell Overhead Press
Dumbbell Upright Row
Beginner, Intermediate Workouts
Advanced, Can’t-Get-to-the-Gym Workouts
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