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Imperial Library
Book One: Theory
Book Two: Practice
What makes this book different?
Muzaffar Khan: Reconciliation
Jan Sramek: A Leveraged Life
1. The Four Accounts
1.1 What are the Four Accounts?
1.2 Why are the Four Accounts important?
1.3 Why are the Four Accounts a good way of thinking about personal growth?
1.4 Do the Four Accounts actually work?
1.5 How are we going to use the Four Accounts?
1.6 How do the Four Accounts accommodate different people and dreams?
2. Inspiration
2.1 How does our brain work?
2.2 What is Motivation?
2.3 What is Inspiration?
2.4 Why is a loving intent fundamental to inspiration?
2.5 What is enthusiasm and why is it important?
2.6 How do we differentiate between enthusiasm and excitement?
2.7 Virtuous cycles vs. Vicious circles
2.8 The benefits of empowered inspiration
3. Vision
3.1 What Are Objectives?
3.2 What is Vision?
3.3 Why do most young people fail to follow a vision?
3.4 How is the bias countered conventionally?
3.5 Outperformer strategy
4. Love
4.1 Why do we need to redefine love?
4.2 How do we define love?
4.3 How to practise self-love
4.4 Symbiosis
4.5 Reciprocity
4.6 Love and philanthropy
4.7 Reflection and self analysis
5. Responsibility
5.1 Why do we need to redefine responsibility?
5.2 What is our definition?
5.3 Why is our definition of responsibility more useful?
5.4 What is responsible in the context of this book?
6. Measurability and Yardsticks
6.1 What and why do we need to measure?
6.2 How to measure the changes in accounts
6.3 Defining the specific yardsticks
6.4 How to evaluate the way we increase our accounts
6.5 How to create efficiency and leverage
7. Habits
7.1 Why are habits important?
7.2 Why are our habits frequently self-damaging?
7.3 Wage slave’s vs. outperformer’s habits
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