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Imperial Library
Title Page
Table of Contents
Part I: Identity and Moral Considerability
1 “No Man Needs Nothing”
“Well, I guess that’s because I’m a human being, and you’re a robot”
“Technological, intellectual, physical…emotional”
“The trick, William Potter, is not minding it hurts”
“I repeat, all other priorities rescinded”
“There is nothing in the desert, and no man needs nothing”
2 Androids
“He was programmed to protect human life”
“Because pain hurts”
Agents and Patients
“It’s a robot! A goddamn droid!”
3 “All Other Priorities Are Rescinded”
You Will Get What You Deserve
Employees are Stakeholders
In Space No One Can Hear You Scream
This is Rumor Control. Here are the Facts!
Part II: Ethics
4 Disposable Assets
Greedy as a Space Pig
“I work for the Company, but I’m really an OK guy”
Special Order 937—Crew Expendable
5 Corporate Greedand Alien/ation
To Have and to Consume
Work: The Alien Plague
The Real Enemy: Pure Capitalists
The End of History?
6 The Public and its Alien Problem
Alien as Political Dystopia
Politics as a Science?
Aliens: Transforming the Social into the Economic
Hope for the Future
7 Cross My Heart and Hope to Die
“My name’s ‘Newt’”
“Those two specimens are worth millions to the bioweapons division”
Jaws in Space
“A survivor”
“Standard procedure is to do what the hell they tell you to do”
“Why don’t you put her in charge?”
“You don’t need me. I’m not a soldier”
“Oh, yeah. Sure. With those things running around?”
“I don’t want to hear about it, Bishop. She’s alive. There’s still time!”
Not Bad, for a [Wo]man
Part III: Moral Psychology
8 Nuking the Colony to Save It
When Aliens Stop Being Polite
The Burkian Dialogue
Still Searching for Answers
From Vietnam to Space
Easing Back on the APC’s Throttle
9 Xenomorphs and the Benefits of Exposure to Violence as Education
Hadley’s Hope and Plato’s Republic
Newt the Apprentice Guardian
Newt is Hardened Like an Egg
Should Your Child Watch Aliens?
10 Alien, Alienation, and Alien Nation
Alien Nation
Part IV: Horror
11 Terror from the Stars
How to Frighten People
Keeping it Real as Aliens Attack
Truck Drivers in Space
How to Build an Alien
Darwin’s Nightmare
Real Men Cry in Terror (and So Do Real Women)
How to Tell a Horror Story
In Space, No One Can Hear You Scream
In Lovecraft’s Taloned Footsteps
Final Transmission
12 Art‐Horror Environments and the Alien Series
Nostromo Infected
The Brood
The Melding
13 Contagion
Part V: Sex and Gender
14 Ellen Ripley
Über Mother
Of Cat and Girl
That Bitch!
I’m an Alien. And That’s OK.
15 Is Ellen Ripley a Feminist?
“Have you ever been mistaken for a man?”
“Yes, I read you. The answer is negative”
“Don’t you think you’re safer here with us?”
“A lot of innocent people will die…”
A Professional, a Mother, and Someone Who Cares
16 Alien Violation
Bodies That Matter
Rape Culture
Equal Opportunity Offenders
Part VI: Continental Philosophy
17 The Alien as Übermensch
“You still don’t understand what you’re dealing with, do you?”
“You know, Burke, I don’t know which species is worse”
“For within each seed, there is a promise of a flower, and within each death…there’s always new life”
“You are…a beautiful, beautiful, butterfly”
18 “Why Do You Go On Living?”
Number 8
A Serious Philosophical Problem
I Can Make it All Stop
You’re Programmed to Do That?
I Rebel—Therefore We Exist
Little Hunk of Plastic
One Must Imagine Ripley Happy
19 God Save the Xenomorph Queen
Existentialism is an Alienism
A Funny Habit of Shedding His Animality
Stubborn Rejection of their Animal Condition
Its Structural Perfection is Only Matched by its Autonomy
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