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Imperial Library
Title Page
Chapter 1: The Church: What It Says about Itself, the World, and What Will Happen to You When You Die
Freak of Nature or Piece of Supernature?
It Started with Sin
Remnant of Israel, People of God
The Mystical Body of Christ
A Conversation You’re Not Supposed to Have: Why Should We Believe Any of This Stuff?
Chapter 2: The Pope, the Other Bishops, and When and Why Catholics Have to Believe What They Say—and When and Why We Don’t
Why Popes? Because the Buck Has to Stop Somewhere
The Magisterium: A Backstop against Creeping Unitarianism
The Law Written on the Human Heart
There Is No “Catholic” Ideology That We Have to Believe In
Does God Pick the Popes and Put Words in Their Mouths?
Cafeteria Catholics . . . and Feeding Tube Catholics
A Conversation You’re Not Supposed to Have: The Pope Is Not an Oracle
Chapter 3: One, Holy, Catholic, and Thoroughly Splintered Church
Vatican II: Pope John XXIII’s Fragmentation Bomb
The “Spirit of Vatican II” vs. the Texts of the Council
Chapter 4: How Birth Control Tore the Church Apart
The Church and the Pill
Chapter 5: Progressive Catholics and Their Permanent Revolution
Everybody’s a (Biblical) Critic!
Camel Finding It Really Difficult to Get through the Eye of That Needle
The Priest (and Nun, and Lay Catholic) Shortage
Progressive Politics as a Substitute Religion
Chapter 6: They Kept the Faith: The “Orthodox” and Traditionalist Response to Post–Vatican II Chaos and Dissent
The Catholic Folk Resistance: The “Orthodox Catholic” Subculture
Tradition, Tradition!
How the Catholic Church Became a Subculture
The Rest of Us
Chapter 7: The Church and the Free Market
Catholicism or Socialism: Pick One
Money Is Not the Root of All Evil
Economics for Catholics Who Are Bad at Math
The Just Price Is the Market Price—as Thomas Aquinas Taught
Subsidiarity: The Catholic Church’s Tea Party Principle
Solidarity: More than an Anti-Communist Labor Union
Solidarity Perverted
But What about Dorothy Day?
“God Bless Castro”
Chapter 8: Amnesty Equals Abortion
The Church’s Teaching, Distorted by Our Shepherds
What the Church Actually Teaches on Immigration
“To the Extent They Are Able”
“Immigrants Are Obliged to Respect with Gratitude the Material and Spiritual Heritage of the Country That Receives Them”
“To Obey Its Laws and to Assist in Carrying Civic Burdens”
Mass Immigration as a Mode of Conquest and Plunder
Visible and Invisible
Cash Cows and Canon Fodder
Chapter 9: Is the Catholic Church a Global Gun-Free Zone?
Don’t Try to Compete with Jesus
Gun Rights Are Human Rights
Eternal Vigilance Is the Price of Liberty
The Death Penalty: Confusing Mercy with Mushiness
Why Some Christians Oppose the Death Penalty—but Shouldn’t
The God of the Happy Moments
St. John Paul II on Capital Punishment
The Church’s Timeless Teaching on Self-Defense Assailed by Peaceniks at the Vatican
But What about the Crusades?
A Conversation You’re Not Supposed to Have: Why Not Use Violence against Abortionists?
Chapter 10: Is the Church Anti-Science?
Did the Church Quash Education, Scientific Research, and Technological Development?
Galileo: Self-Aggrandizing Jackass
Will the Vatican Start an Infallible Weather Channel?
The Climate Changes—That’s One of the Things It Does
Limiting Carbon Emissions: A Preferential Option for the Rich?
The Real Threat to Science Is Not the Catholic Church, but a Competing Religion: Scientism
Chapter 11: Sex, Sanity, and the Catholic Church
Abortion: The American Gulag, Holocaust, and Ukrainian Famine All Rolled Up in One
Replacing the Sexual Gold Standard with Monopoly Money
The Least Binding Contract You’ll Ever Sign—How Marriage Became Much Less Sacred (and Eternal) than Student Loans
The Catholic Church’s Alternative to the Chaos: Same as It Ever Was
Chapter 12: Temptations and Opportunities for the Church
Putative Pro-Lifers and Verbal Pacifism
“Celibate” Gay Catholic Wedding Ceremonies in Church?
The “Benedict Option”: Hiding Our Light under a Bushel in the Vain Hope the World Will Leave Us Alone
When Christians Give Up on Freedom
The Stench of Corruption: Child Abuse
Signs of Hope and Opportunity for Catholics
Core Principles We Can Cling To
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