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Imperial Library
Cover page
Halftitle page
Title page
Copyright page
1 What is the New Testament?
“Do you understand what you are reading?”
Th e New Testament is a library
Th e literary forms of the New Testament
Why “Testament”?
The New Testament as drama
Voices from the New Testament world
Bibliography and suggestions for further reading
Part I The Setting
2 The Kingdom of . . . God?
What is in a name?
Th e land of Israel-Palestine and the kingdoms of the world
Jesus, the kingdom, and the good news
Summary timeline
Bibliography and suggestions for further reading
3 When in Rome . . .
Talking the talk
Of gods and mortals
Romans and Christians
Roman emperors
Bibliography and suggestions for further reading
Part II The Cast of Characters
4 John the Baptist and Other Movers and Shakers
A man named John
Wilderness renegades
Desert dwellers
Salvation in the wilderness
Bibliography and suggestions for further reading
5 A Virgin, a King, a High Priest, a Governor, and a Rabbi
The Virgin Mary
King Herod
Caiaphas the High Priest
Pontius Pilate
Rabbi Gamaliel
Bibliography and suggestions for further reading
6 Joshua the Carpenter’s Son . . . or the Christ, the Son of God?
Who was Jesus of Nazareth?
Jesus the “wise man”
Jesus the miracle worker
Jesus the Messiah
“Who do you say that I am?”
Bibliography and suggestions for further reading
7 The Twelve Learners
What are disciples?
Models for discipleship
Philosophers and disciples
The Jewish philosophies
Disciples in the New Testament
Bibliography and suggestions for further reading
8 The Jews
Jews, anti-Judaism, and the New Testament
Second Temple Jews
Being Jewish
Second Temple Judaisms
Jews and Gentiles and Gentiles- becoming-Jews?
Jews and Christians
Bibliography and suggestions for further reading
9 “I am a Jew”: Saul, or Paul
Paul the Jew
Paul the letter-writer
Paul the prisoner
Bibliography and suggestions for further reading
Part III Reading Old Words
10 The Crux of the Matter
Honor, shame, and crucifixion
The shame of the cross
The glory of the cross
Bibliography and suggestions for further reading
11 Faith(fulness)
Religion, then and now
On faith and faithfulness
Faithful humans, faithful God
Bibliography and suggestions for further reading
12 Apocalypse Then
What apocalyptic literature is
What apocalyptic literature does
Scenes from an apocalypse
The apocalypse: a final word
Bibliography and suggestions for further reading
Post-Script: Loose Canons
Marcion, Irenaeus, and the Two-God Hypothesis
From Marcion to the Council of Trent
Bibliography and suggestions for further reading
Index of Ancient Sources
Index of Subjects
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