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Imperial Library
Title Page
Copyright Page
About the Editor
About the Contributors
Part I Introduction
1. Introduction: Evolution, Biology, and Society
2. Divergence and Possible Consilience Between Evolutionary Biology and Sociology
3. Sociology’s Contentious Courtship with Biology: A Ballad
4. Edward Westermarck: The First Sociobiologist
Part II Social Psychological Approaches
5. Discovering Human Nature Through Cross-Species Analysis
6. The Neurology of Religion: An Explanation from Evolutionary Sociology
7. Reward Allowances and Contrast Effects in Social Evolution: A Challenge to Zygmunt Bauman’s Liquid Modernity
8. Sex Differences in the Human Brain
9. The Savanna Theory of Happiness
10. How Evolutionary Psychology Can Contribute to Group Process Research
Part III Biosociological Approaches
11. The Genetics of Human Behavior: A Hopeless Opus?
12. DNA Is Not Destiny
13. On the Genetic and Genomic Basis of Aggression, Violence, and Antisocial Behavior
14. Genetics and Politics: A Review for the Social Scientist
15. Genes and Status Achievement
16. Peer Networks, Psychobiology of Stress Response, and Adolescent Development
17. Stress and Stress Hormones
18. Social Epigenetics of Human Behavior
19. Physiology of Face-to-Face Competition
Part IV Evolutionary Approaches
20. Evolutionary Behavioral Science: Core Principles, Common Misconceptions, and a Troubling Tendency
21. Evolutionary Family Sociology
22. Evolution and Human Reproduction
23. Evolution, Societal Sexism, and Universal Average Sex Differences in Cognition and Behavior
24. Evolutionary Theory and Criminology
25. The Biosocial Study of Ethnicity
26. Human Sociosexual Dominance Theory
Part V Sociocultural Evolution
27. From Paganism to World Transcendence: Religious Attachment Theory and the Evolution of the World Religions
28. The Evolutionary Approach to History: Sociocultural Phylogenetics
Part VI Conclusion
29. Why Sociology Should Incorporate Biology
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