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Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1 Why this guide is important
1.1.1 The hammer and XML
1.1.2 XML and Web services
1.1.3 Web services and Service-Oriented Architecture
1.1.4 Service-Oriented Architecture and the hammer
1.1.5 The hammer and you
1.2 The XML & Web Services Integration Framework (XWIF)
Table 1.1. An Overview of XWIF
1.3 How this guide is organized
Figure 1.1. Three categories representing Parts II, III, and IV of this guide.
1.3.1 Part I: The technical landscape
Table 1.2. Reference Matrix of Technology Tutorials
1.3.2 Part II: Integrating technology
Figure 1.2. The three chapters in Part II roughly correspond to the three backend tiers of a distributed application architecture.
Integrating XML into applications (Chapter 5)
Integrating Web services into applications (Chapter 6)
Integrating XML and databases (Chapter 7)
1.3.3 Part III: Integrating applications
Figure 1.3. The architectural scopes of Part III chapters.
The mechanics of application integration (Chapter 8)
Service-oriented architectures for legacy integration (Chapter 9)
Service-oriented architectures for enterprise integration (Chapter 10)
Service-oriented integration strategies (Chapter 11)
1.3.4 Part IV: Integrating the enterprise
Thirty best practices for integrating XML (Chapter 12)
Thirty best practices for integrating Web services (Chapter 13)
Building the service-oriented enterprise (SOE) (Chapter 14)
1.3.5 The extended enterprise
1.4 www.serviceoriented.ws
1.5 Contact the author
Part I: The technical landscape
Chapter 2. Introduction to XML technologies
Figure 2.1. Relationship between XML specifications.
2.1 Extensible Markup Language (XML)
2.1.1 Concepts
Elements, Documents, and Vocabularies
Figure 2.2. The standard symbol used by this book to represent an XML document.
2.1.2 Schemas
Figure 2.3. How XML schemas relate to XML documents.
2.1.3 Programming models
2.1.4 Syntax
Example 2.1. The XML declaration
Example 2.2. A simple parent-child relationship between elements
Example 2.3. An element with an attribute
Example 2.4. A document type declaration
Example 2.5. A complete XML document
2.2 Document Type Definitions (DTD)
2.2.1 Concepts
Figure 2.4. The standard symbol used by this book to represent an XML schema, in this case a DTD.
2.2.2 Syntax
Example 2.6. A declaration of a document type definition
Example 2.7. A DOCTYPE definition
Example 2.8. Three elements are declared — one as the parent, the other two as its children
Example 2.9. The category attribute is provided with a list of allowable values
Example 2.10. The closing DOCTYPE statement
Example 2.11. A complete document type definition
Example 2.12. Look familiar? This document is the same one we built in the previous XML tutorial.
2.3 XML Schema Definition Language (XSD)
2.3.1 Concepts
Figure 2.5. The standard symbol used by this book to represent an XML schema, in this case an XSD schema.
Figure 2.6. A schema document hosting multiple schema definitions.
Figure 2.7. The schema data model being extended by a supplementary construct.
Figure 2.8. Part of a schema definition being overridden by a supplementary construct.
2.3.2 Syntax
Example 2.13. The schema element used to establish the schema
Example 2.14. These statements open the construct establishing the parent book element
Example 2.15. The child title and author elements have simple types within the complexType construct
Example 2.16. The category attribute receives its own simpleType construct wherein a list of allowable values is set
Example 2.17. The book element declaration is completed
Example 2.18. The schema ends with the closing element
Example 2.19. A complete XSD schema definition
Example 2.20. An XML document based on our schema definition
2.4 Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT)
Figure 2.9. The standard symbol used by this book to represent XSLT style sheets.
2.4.1 Concepts
Structural transformation
Figure 2.10. An XSLT style sheet is used to transform XML document types.
Aesthetic transformation
Figure 2.11. XSLT style sheets used to transform an XML document into different presentation renditions.
2.4.2 Syntax
Example 2.21. An expanded version of the XML document we've been using in previous tutorials
Example 2.22. A style sheet declaration
Example 2.23. XSLT template header declarations
Example 2.24. A template construct that establishes the scope of the template
Example 2.25. A loop construct that supplements filtered data with HTML tags
Example 2.26. The final statement in the template
Example 2.27. The complete template
2.5 XML Query Language (XQuery)
2.5.1 Concepts
Figure 2.12. The standard symbol used by this book to represent an XQuery module.
Figure 2.13. An XQuery module hosting multiple XQuery functions.
Figure 2.14. An XQuery expression embedded within an XML document.
Figure 2.15. A single query against multiple data sources returns an XML document with a unique context.
2.5.2 Syntax
Example 2.28. A for clause starting off our query statement
Example 2.29. The where keyword used to define search criteria
Example 2.30. The return keyword specifying the requested output values
Example 2.31. A complete XQuery statement
Example 2.32. The XML document acting as our data source
Example 2.33. The query result
2.6 XML Path Language (XPath)
2.6.1 Concepts
Figure 2.16. XPath expressions used within XQuery modules and XSLT style sheets.
Figure 2.17. The XPath 2.0, XQuery 1.0 and XSLT 2.0 specifications sharing the same data model.
2.6.2 Syntax
Example 2.34. A statement identifying elements or nodes within a document
Example 2.35. An expression restricting the criteria to the title element(s)
Example 2.36. An example of a slightly more complex XPath expression
Chapter 3. Introduction to Web services technologies
Figure 3.1. The relationship between first-generation specifications.
3.1 Web services and the service-oriented architecture (SOA)
3.1.1 Understanding services
3.1.2 XML Web services
Figure 3.2. Web services swapping roles during a conversation.
3.1.3 Service-oriented architecture (SOA)
Figure 3.3. A logical representation of a service-oriented architecture (for a single multi-tier application).
Figure 3.4. A logical representation of a service-oriented integration architecture.
3.1.4 Web service roles
Service provider
Figure 3.5. A service provider receiving a request from a service requestor.
Service requestor
Figure 3.6. A service requestor initiating a request to a service provider.
Figure 3.7. An intermediary service transitioning through two roles while relaying a message.
Initial sender
Figure 3.8. The first Web service is identified as the initial sender.
Ultimate receiver
Figure 3.9. A service acting as the ultimate receiver.
3.1.5 Web service interaction
Message path
Figure 3.10. A message path consisting of three Web services.
Figure 3.11. A message determined dynamically by a routing intermediary.
Message exchange pattern
Figure 3.12. Example of a request and response message exchange pattern.
Figure 3.13. Correlation used in a request and response message exchange pattern.
Figure 3.14. The interaction sequence of a group of services being governed by a choreography.
Figure 3.15. A service activity involving three services.
3.1.6 Service models
Table 3.1. Service models and the locations of their respective descriptions within this book
3.1.7 Web service description structure
Figure 3.16. Contents of a service description.
Service definition
Service description
3.1.8 Introduction to first-generation Web services
3.2 Web Services Definition Language (WSDL)
Figure 3.17. WSDL documents representing Web services to applications.
Example 3.1. A service definition, as expressed by the definitions construct
Figure 3.18. The contents of a WSDL document, as they relate to a service definition.
3.2.1 Abstract interface definition
Example 3.2. A Web service interface represented by the interface element
Example 3.3. The input element within an operation construct referencing a message block
Example 3.4. A message block with part constructs representing operation parameters
3.2.2 Concrete (implementation) definition
Example 3.5. The endpoint element
Example 3.6. The binding element representing an existing operation
3.2.3 Supplementary constructs
Example 3.7. The types element establishing XSD data types
Example 3.8. The documentation element allows you to supplement service definitions with annotations
3.3 Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
Figure 3.19. SOAP establishes two primary standard message formats.
Figure 3.20. The symbol used to represent a SOAP message with a document-centric payload.
Figure 3.21. The symbol used to represent a SOAP message with an RPC-centric payload.
Figure 3.22. The symbol used to represent a SOAP message delivering its data as an attachment.
3.3.1 SOAP messaging framework
SOAP nodes
Figure 3.23. A SOAP node.
SOAP node types
Figure 3.24. Fundamental SOAP node types along a message path.
Figure 3.25. SOAP nodes with multiple types.
Figure 3.26. A SOAP node going through the transition of being a SOAP receiver and sender during the processing of a SOAP message.
3.3.2 SOAP message structure
Example 3.9. A skeleton envelope construct
Example 3.10. The Header construct with a header block
Example 3.11. The Body construct
Example 3.12. A sample fault construct providing error information
SOAP node roles
Figure 3.27. Roles that can be assumed by receiving SOAP nodes
3.4 Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI)
Figure 3.28. Service descriptions centralized in a private UDDI registry
Example 3.13. An actual business entity document retrieved from a public service registry
Example 3.14. The parent businessEntity element with a number of attributes
Example 3.15. The discoveryURLs construct containing the original URL
Example 3.16. The name element providing the business name
Example 3.17. The businessServices construct
Example 3.18. The businessService element's serviceKey and businessKey attributes
Example 3.19. The name element with the service name
Example 3.20. The bindingTemplates construct housing concrete location information
Example 3.21. The categoryBag element providing a categorization using the nested keyedReference element
Example 3.22. The find_business construct encasing a command for the UDDI inquiry API
Chapter 4. Introduction to second-generation (WS-*) Web services technologies
4.1 Second-generation Web services and the service-oriented enterprise (SOE)
Figure 4.1. Second-generation specifications and the SOE.
4.1.1 Problems solved by second-generation specifications
Context and transaction management
Business processes
Reliable messaging
4.1.2 The second-generation landscape
Figure 4.2. High-level relationships between first- and second-generation standards.
4.2 WS-Coordination and WS-Transaction
4.2.1 Concepts
Figure 4.3. A WS-Coordination service keeping track of an activity's coordination context.
Figure 4.4. A coordinator service used to manage a coordination context.
Atomic transactions
Business activities
4.2.2 Syntax
Example 4.1. A message construct used to request the creation of a context
4.3 Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS)
4.3.1 Recent business process specifications
4.3.2 Concepts
Figure 4.5. Two applications integrated and managed through the introduction of a BPEL4WS process service.
BPEL4WS and WS-Coordination/WS-Transaction
Figure 4.6. A coordination service used to manage a coordination context for long running business activities.
BPEL4WS and other specifications
Partner services
Figure 4.7. An external partner service accessing a process service.
Figure 4.8. After being accessed by the external partner service, the process service invokes another service.
Process instances
Process descriptions
Basic activities
Structured activities
Service interaction
Figure 4.9. Basic activities involved in a simple interaction scenario.
4.3.3 Syntax
Process element
Example 4.2. A skeleton BPEL4WS process definition
partnerLinks element
Example 4.3. Definition of service partners within a BPEL4WS process description
Variables element
Example 4.4. A variable declaration within the variables construct
faultHandlers element
Example 4.5. The faultHandlers construct consisting of nested catch constructs
Sequence element
Example 4.6. The sequence parent construct establishing the order of nested basic activities
Figure 4.10. Basic activities involved in a simple interaction scenario.
4.4 WS-Security and the Web services security specifications
4.4.1 General security concepts
Figure 4.11. The identification of the sender by the recipient.
Figure 4.12. The authentication of the sender by the recipient.
Figure 4.13. The recipient assesses the authorization level of the sender.
Figure 4.14. The integrity of a message is questioned by the recipient.
Figure 4.15. The confidentiality of a message is questioned by the recipient.
4.4.2 Specifications
Table 4.1. Web services security specifications and their roles
4.4.3 XML Key Management (XKMS)
4.4.4 Extensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) and Extensible Rights Markup Language (XrML)
4.4.5 Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) and .NET Passport
4.4.6 XML-Encryption and XML-Digital Signatures
4.4.7 Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
Figure 4.16. A message path with multiple intermediary services representing gaps in the protection provided by transport-level security.
4.4.8 The WS-Security framework
End-to-end and message-level security
Figure 4.17. The scope of end-to-end versus point-to-point security.
Table 4.2. An overview of WS-Security specifications
4.4.9 Concepts and syntax
Claims and security tokens
Figure 4.18. WS-Security allows for claims to be represented within standard security tokens.
Example 4.7. The security construct hosting a security token
4.5 WS-ReliableMessaging
4.5.1 WS-Addressing
4.5.2 Concepts
Figure 4.19. The WS-ReliableMessaging mechanism for communicating the successful delivery of a SOAP message.
Delivery assurances
Figure 4.20. In this scenario, the AtMostOnce delivery assurance allows the failed delivery of a message that is not followed up with another transmission attempt.
Figure 4.21. The AtLeastOnce assurance allowing a message to be sent twice.
Figure 4.22. Here, a failed delivery is followed by another delivery attempt, which this time succeeds.
Figure 4.23. set of messages being transmitted in a predefined sequence.
4.5.3 Acknowledgements
Figure 4.24. The successful delivery of a message being confirmed with an acknowledgement.
Figure 4.25. Only one acknowledgement is sent in response to receiving a number of messages in the same sequence.
4.5.4 Syntax
Example 4.8. The sequence construct
Example 4.9. A SequenceAcknowledgement construct providing a list of successfully delivered messages
Example 4.10. The SequenceAcknowledgement construct hosting multiple AcknowledgementRange elements to communicate what parts of a sequence were delivered
4.6 WS-Policy
4.6.1 Concepts
4.6.2 Syntax
Example 4.11. The sequence construct from the WS-ReliableMessaging example
Example 4.12. The PolicyAttachment construct establishing a policy and linking it to the sequence
4.7 WS-Attachments
Figure 4.26. A SOAP message delivering a set of data as an attachment.
SOAP Messages with Attachments (SwA)
Part II: Integrating technology
Chapter 5. Integrating XML into applications
5.1 Strategies for integrating XML data representation
5.1.1 Positioning XML data representation in your architecture
XML as a data transport format within applications
Figure 5.1. XML can establish a standard data transport format within and between application tiers.
XML as a data transport format between applications
Figure 5.2. XML documents can be used as the standard data transport throughout integrated environments.
XML as a data bridge within applications
Figure 5.3. An XML document capturing data retrieved from three data sources in a unique business context.
XML as a data bridge across applications
Figure 5.4. An XML document capturing data retrieved from three data sources across two applications.
5.1.2 Think "tree" (a new way of representing data)
5.1.3 Easy now… (don't rush the XML document model)
Figure 5.5. XML documents and databases both represent data for applications, using schemas.
5.1.4 Design with foresight
5.1.5 Focus on extensibility and reusability
5.1.6 Lose weight while modeling! (keeping your documents trim)
Figure 5.6. XML document is filtered by an XSLT style sheet.
5.1.7 Naming element-types: performance vs. legibility
5.1.8 Applying XML consistently
5.1.9 Choosing the right API (DOM vs. SAX vs. Data Binding)
5.1.10 Securing XML documents
5.1.11 Pick the right tools
Review auto-generated markup and code
Identify proprietary markup and code
Look for proprietary file types
Understand the orientation of the tool
Assess the quality of conversion features
Evaluate functional features
Understand programmatic extensions
Look for quality feedback
Consider existing toolsets
5.1.12 Don't try this at home (fringe optimization strategies)
Write your own, stripped down XML parser or XSLT processor
Custom program everything
Remove validation
5.2 Strategies for integrating XML data validation
5.2.1 XSD schemas or DTDs?
When to use DTDs instead of XSD schemas
Figure 5.7. Using DTDs instead of XSD schemas.
When to use XSD schemas instead of DTDs
Figure 5.8. Using XSD schemas instead of DTDs.
Another option: use both (side-by-side)
Figure 5.9. Using XSD schemas alongside DTDs.
Another option: use both (together)
Figure 5.10. Combining the use of DTDs and XSD schemas.
Another option: use neither
Figure 5.11. Using an alternative schema technology.
5.2.2 Positioning DTDs in your architecture
Figure 5.12. XML documents and associated DTD schema definitions within an n-tier application environment.
Figure 5.13. Some areas where DTD schema definitions may be found within integration architectures.
5.2.3 Positioning XSD schemas in your architecture
XSD schemas as a validation layer within an application
Figure 5.14. XSD establishing a validation layer.
XSD schemas as a validation layer for cross-application communication
Figure 5.15. XSD schemas can establish and validate XML data models throughout integration architectures.
Figure 5.16. XSD schemas validating incoming data for each application endpoint.
XSD schemas as an ancillary data technology
Figure 5.17. XSD features used by WSDL, XSLT, and SOAP.
5.2.4 Understand the syntactical limitations of XSD schemas
5.2.5 Understand the performance limitations of XSD schemas
Figure 5.18. Typical XSD schemas require a great deal of markup.
5.2.6 Other fish in the sea (more schema definition languages)
5.2.7 Supplementing XSD schema validation
Use XSLT to enforce validation
Custom program validation routines within application components
Application-specific annotations
5.2.8 Integrating XML validation into a distributed architecture
Figure 5.19. A physical architecture with redundant schema files.
Figure 5.20. A physical architecture illustrating schemas stored in memory.
5.2.9 Avoiding over-validation
Figure 5.21. An application design wherein XML documents are over-validated.
Figure 5.22. Before validation, XML documents are checked to determine whether they were altered since the last validation.
5.2.10 Consider targeted validation
Figure 5.23. A schema designed to validate only a specific part of an XML document.
5.2.11 Building modular and extensible XSD schemas
Figure 5.24. An application builds an XML document and the associated schema at runtime.
5.2.12 Understand the integration limitations of your database
Databases with no XML support
Databases for which third-party products provide XML support
Databases with XML extensions
Databases with native XML support
5.3 Strategies for integrating XML schema administration
5.3.1 XML schemas and the silent disparity pattern
5.3.2 A step-by-step XWIF process
Figure 5.25. An XWIF process for integrating schema administration.
Step 1: Assign ownership
Step 2: Identify sources of auto-generated schemas and standardize the relevant tool set
Step 3: Standardize on official XML schemas
Step 4: Create an application review process
Step 5: Create a development and maintenance process
Step 6: Communicate the process, standards, and technology
Step 7: Version control your schemas
5.4 Strategies for integrating XML transformation
5.4.1 Positioning XSLT in your architecture
XSLT as a transformation technology within an application
Figure 5.26. XSLT is used to transform XML documents to and from different types.
XSLT as a presentation unifier for a single application
Figure 5.27. An application using XSLT style sheets to support two different aesthetic output formats.
XSLT as a transformation technology between applications
Figure 5.28. XSLT can perform dynamic structural transformations.
XSLT as a presentation unifier for multiple applications
Figure 5.29. Presentation centric transformations can be incorporated to output data for different mediums.
5.4.2 Pre-transform for static caching
5.4.3 Create dynamic XSLT style sheets
5.4.4 Simplify aesthetic transformation with CSS
5.4.5 Understand the scalability limitations of XSLT
5.4.6 Strategic redundancy
5.5 Strategies for integrating XML data querying
5.5.1 Positioning XQuery in your architecture
XQuery as a query technology within an application
Figure 5.30. An XQuery module positioned to query multiple data sources within a single application environment.
XQuery as a query technology across application data sources
Figure 5.31. An XQuery returning results from multiple data sources across application domains.
5.5.2 Multi-data source abstraction
Figure 5.32. XQuery providing a central data access point for legacy repositories in support of a single application.
5.5.3 Establishing a data policy management layer
Figure 5.33. XQuery establishing a central data management layer for a number of applications.
5.5.4 Unifying documents and data
Figure 5.34. Traditional information segregation.
Figure 5.35. Unified information access architecture.
Chapter 6. Integrating Web services into applications
6.1 Service models
6.1.1 Utility services
Figure 6.1. The utility service model.
Figure 6.2. A utility service being shared by other Web services.
Figure 6.3. A remote third-party utility service being incorporated by an application.
Table 6.1. Typical characteristics of utility services
6.1.2 Business services
Figure 6.4. The business service model.
6.1.3 Controller services
Table 6.2. Typical characteristics of business services
Figure 6.5. The business service model.
Figure 6.6. A controller service interacting with various other services to execute a business function.
Table 6.3. Typical characteristics of controller services
6.2 Modeling service-oriented component classes and Web service interfaces
6.2.1 Designing service-oriented component classes (a step-by-step XWIF process)
Figure 6.7. An XWIF process for modeling service-oriented components.
Step 1: Take inventory of business component classes
Figure 6.8. The planned set of application classes.
Step 2: Identify logic for which Web service support is limited
Figure 6.9. Two methods have been identified.
Figure 6.10. The GetInvoiceHistory method is tagged with a different icon.
Step 3: Identify opportunities for reuse
Figure 6.11. A reusable class method is discovered and labeled.
Step 4: Identify interface dependencies
Figure 6.12. An internal dependency between class methods is highlighted.
Step 5: Determine levels of interoperability
Figure 6.13. A method that will most certainly be involved in an external data interchange is identified.
Step 6: Create granular, task-oriented classes
Figure 6.14. The methods in the original class have been distributed into three smaller classes.
Step 7: Group methods based on type
Figure 6.15. Three more classes now represent the original collection of methods.
Step 8: Identify service encapsulation candidates
Figure 6.16. Four candidates have been identified.
Step 9: Review non-service classes
Step 10: Identify cross-task consolidation opportunities
Figure 6.17. Methods have been added to utility service candidates.
6.2.2 Designing Web service interfaces (a step-by-step XWIF process)
Figure 6.18. An XWIF process for modeling service interfaces.
Step 1: Choose a service model
Step 2: Establish the scope of the service's business function
Step 3: Identify known and potential service requestors
Step 4: Identify the required data bodies
Step 5: Explore application paths
Step 6: Define the encapsulation boundary
Figure 6.19. The utility service boundary encapsulates one component class.
Figure 6.20. The business service boundary encapsulates two component classes.
Step 7: Model the service interface
Figure 6.21. A utility service interface evolving out of its encapsulated functionality.
Figure 6.22. A business service interface representing two component classes.
Step 8: Map out interaction scenarios
Figure 6.23. Executing the GetHistory operation requires interaction with the GetReports class' GetInvoiceHistory and GetPOHistory methods.
Figure 6.24. The GetInvoice operation interacts only with the GetInvoice class, whereas the LastReviewed operation interacts with the ProcessInvoice class.
Step 9: Design the message payload
Step 10: Refine the service model
6.3 Strategies for integrating service-oriented encapsulation
6.3.1 Define criteria for consistent logic encapsulation and interface granularity
6.3.2 Establish a standard naming convention
6.3.3 Parameter-driven vs. operation-oriented interfaces
Figure 6.25. A generic parameter-driven operation provides a cleaner, but less user-friendly interface.
6.3.4 Designing for diverse granularity
Figure 6.26. Examples of coarse- and fine-grained service interfaces.
Figure 6.27. A single service interface providing a coarse operation and several fine-grained operations.
6.3.5 Utilize generic services consistently
6.3.6 Establish separate standards for internal and external services
Internal services
External services
Structuring enterprise standards
6.3.7 Considering third-party Web services
6.4 Strategies for integrating service assemblies
6.4.1 Everything in moderation, including service assemblies
6.4.2 Modeling service assemblies
Figure 6.28. With a coarse parent service, the requestor requires only one call to retrieve the invoice.
Figure 6.29. A service requestor needing only the invoice status also receives the invoice header and details.
Figure 6.30. Each service requestor receives only the data it needs.
Figure 6.31. An assembly fronted by a parameter-driven controller service interface.
6.4.3 Compound service assemblies
Figure 6.32. A service assembly, where a service enlists services or components from different businesses processes.
Figure 6.33. A service assembly, where a business service utilizes generic services or components.
6.5 Strategies for enhancing service functionality
6.5.1 Outputting user-interface information
6.5.2 Caching more than textual data
6.5.3 Streamlining the service design with usage patterns
Anticipated caching
Process refinement
Reducing usage errors
Usage patterns for service requestors
6.6 Strategies for integrating SOAP messaging
6.6.1 SOAP message performance management
6.6.2 SOAP message compression techniques
Figure 6.34. The message size for the data request is much smaller than the response message containing the data.
Figure 6.35. The message size for the data submission is much larger than the response message containing a return code.
Figure 6.36. Only the response message is compressed.
Figure 6.37. Only the data submission message is compressed.
6.6.3 Security issues with SOAP messaging
6.6.4 SOAP data types
6.6.5 Easing into SOAP
Chapter 7. Integrating XML and databases
Figure 7.1. Application components and databases have different data format preferences.
7.1 Comparing XML and relational databases
7.1.1 Data storage and security
Table 7.1. Data storage and security comparison
7.1.2 Data representation
Table 7.2. Data representation comparison
7.1.3 Data integrity and validation
7.1.4 Data querying and indexing
7.1.5 Additional features
Table 7.3. Data validation comparison
7.2 Integration architectures for XML and relational databases
Table 7.4. Data querying and indexing comparison
Table 7.5. Comparison of various additional features
7.2.1 Storing XML documents as database records
Figure 7.2. A physical architecture illustrating XML documents being stored and retrieved from a relational database.
Figure 7.3. A variation of this architecture, where schemas are stored alongside XML documents, within the database.
7.2.2 Storing XML document constructs as database records
Figure 7.4. A physical architecture where XML constructs are stored independently in a relational database, and then assembled into a complete XML document at runtime by the application.
Figure 7.5. Schema modules are stored and assembled alongside XML document constructs in the database.
7.2.3 Using XML to represent a view of database queries
Figure 7.6. In this physical architecture, the requested data is returned in the format of an XML document by the database.
7.2.4 Using XML to represent a view of a relational data model
Figure 7.7. A physical architecture illustrating the use of a data map to represent relational data within an XML document.
7.2.5 Using XML to represent relational data within an in-memory database (IMDB)
Figure 7.8. A physical architecture in which XML data is cached in memory.
7.3 Strategies for integrating XML with relational databases
7.3.1 Target only the data you need
Task-oriented data representation
7.3.2 Avoiding relationships by creating specialized data views
7.3.3 Create XML-friendly database models
Avoid granular tables and relationships
Support preformatted XML views
Consider descriptive column names
Avoid composite keys
7.3.4 Extending the schema model with annotations
7.3.5 Non-XML data models in XML schemas
7.3.6 Developing a caching strategy
7.3.7 Querying the XSD schema
Figure 7.9. Application components can query the XSD schema file as they would any other XML document.
7.3.8 Control XML output with XSLT
Figure 7.10. The structure of an XML document is transformed to represent different sort orders.
7.3.9 Integrate XML with query limitations in mind
7.3.10 Is a text file a legitimate repository?
7.3.11 Loose coupling and developer skill sets
7.4 Techniques for mapping XML to relational data
7.4.1 Mapping XML documents to relational data
Table-based mapping
Template-based mapping
Class-based mapping
7.4.2 The Bear Sightings application
Figure 7.11. The application data model of the Bear Sightings database consists of two simple, related tables.
7.4.3 Intrinsic one-to-one and one-to-many relationships with XML
Figure 7.12. An intrinsic one-to-many relationship established within an element-centric XML document instance.
Figure 7.13. An intrinsic one-to-many relationship established within an attribute-centric XML document instance.
7.4.4 Mapping XML to relational data with DTDs
Basic table mapping with DTDs
Figure 7.14. A DTD containing a parent element for each table.
Data type restrictions with DTDs
Example 7.1. An element instance with a custom attribute identifying the original data type
Null restrictions with DTDs
Example 7.2. An element instance indicating a null value through the use of a pre-assigned code
Representing relational tables with DTDs
Primary keys with DTDs
Example 7.3. An element type declaration with an ID attribute
Example 7.4. A primary key represented by the ID attribute
Foreign keys with DTDs
Example 7.5. An element type declaration containing a foreign key reference
Relationships with DTDs
Figure 7.15. A one-to-many relationship using ID and IDREF.
Figure 7.16. A DTD establishing ID and IDREF attributes.
Figure 7.17. A different one-to-many relationship using ID and IDREF.
Figure 7.18. DTD providing ID and IDREFS attributes.
Example 7.6. An element type declaration restricting a child element to zero or one occurrence
Referential integrity restrictions within DTDs
7.4.5 Mapping XML to relational data with XSD schemas
Basic table mapping with XSD schemas
Example 7.7. An element declaration representing three columns from a relational table
Null restrictions with XSD schemas
Primary keys with XSD schemas
Example 7.8. The XSD schema unique element
Example 7.9. The XSD schema key element
Foreign keys with XSD schemas
Example 7.10. The XSD schema keyref element
Composite keys with XSD schemas
Example 7.11. A composite key created by multiple field elements
Relationships with XSD schemas
Figure 7.19. A document instance with a one-to-many relationship enforced by an XSD schema.
Example 7.12. An XSD schema enforcing constraints with key and keyref
Figure 7.20. A one-to-many relationship using key and keyref.
7.5 Database extensions
7.5.1 Proprietary extensions to SQL
7.5.2 Proprietary versions of XML specifications
7.5.3 Proprietary XML-to-database mapping
7.5.4 XML output format
7.5.5 Stored procedures
7.5.6 Importing and exporting XML documents
7.5.7 Encapsulating proprietary database extensions within Web services
7.6 Native XML databases
7.6.1 Storage of document-centric data
7.6.2 Integrated XML schema models
7.6.3 Queries and data retrieval
7.6.4 Native XML databases for intermediary storage
Figure 7.21. A native XML database acting as a physical cache for non-durable XML document data.
Part III: Integrating applications
Chapter 8. The mechanics of application integration
8.1 Understanding application integration
8.1.1 Types of integration projects
8.1.2 Typical integration requirements
8.1.3 Progress versus impact
8.1.4 Types of integration solutions
Extensions to an existing application
Figure 8.1. Integration in a homogenous environment.
Figure 8.2. Integration challenges with disparate applications.
New business processes
Figure 8.3. Integration challenges when imposing a new business process that involves disparate applications.
8.2 Integration levels
Figure 8.4. The fundamental integration levels.
8.2.1 Data-level integration
Figure 8.5. Data-level integration where application A directly accesses application B's repository.
Figure 8.6. Data-level integration where application B replicates data to application A's repository.
8.2.2 Application-level integration
Figure 8.7. Point-to-point application-level integration.
8.2.3 Process-level integration
Figure 8.8. A basic EAI architecture.
8.2.4 Service-oriented integration
Figure 8.9. Integration layers establishing a service-oriented integration architecture.
8.3 A guide to middleware
8.3.1 "EAI" versus "middleware"
8.3.2 Shredding the Oreo
8.3.3 Common middleware services and products
Data access technology
Distributed technology
Message queues and message-oriented middleware
Application servers and transaction monitors
Integration brokers
8.3.4 A checklist for buying middleware
Understand the range of supported integration models
Beware industry-specific middleware solutions
Make sure the product manufacturer is progressive
Business process mapping features are critical
Deployment and integration effort
Maintenance considerations
Usability of administration tools are important
Scalability considerations
8.4 Choosing an integration path
8.4.1 Two paths, one destination
8.4.2 Moving to EAI
8.4.3 Common myths
Myth #1: The sooner the better
Myth #2: If you buy, you comply
8.4.4 The impact of an upgrade
Upgrading integration solutions is expensive
Upgrading integration solutions is time-consuming
Upgrading integration solutions is disruptive
The value may not always outweigh the cost
8.4.5 Weighing your options
Chapter 9. Service-oriented architectures for legacy integration
9.1 Service models for application integration
9.1.1 Proxy services
Figure 9.2. A component represented by a proxy service.
Table 9.1. Typical characteristics of proxy services
9.1.2 Wrapper services
Figure 9.3. A wrapper service encapsulating a legacy application and its adapter.
Table 9.2. Typical characteristics of wrapper services
9.1.3 Coordination services (for atomic transactions)
Figure 9.4. A coordination service (such as the atomic transaction coordinator) is a controller representing an assembly of three additional services, each with a predefined role.
Table 9.3. Typical characteristics of coordination services for atomic transactions
9.2 Fundamental integration components
9.2.1 Adapters
Figure 9.5. Three different adapters enabling three different integration channels.
9.2.2 Intermediaries
Figure 9.6. A message path consisting of an initial sender, intermediary services, and the ultimate receiver.
9.2.3 Interceptors
Figure 9.7. Service interceptors providing intermediary processing logic.
9.3 Web services and one-way integration architectures
Figure 9.8. One way data transfer.
9.3.1 Batch export and import
Traditional architecture
Figure 9.9. The batch export and import architecture, which can be based on an automated or manual process.
Encapsulating import and export functions within Web services
Figure 9.10. A sample batch export and import architecture where services transport legacy data as SOAP attachments.
Architectural comparison matrix
Table 9.4. Typical characteristics of traditional and service-enabled batch export and import architectures
9.3.2 Direct data access
Traditional architecture
Figure 9.11. Direct integration enabled by allowing an external application access to another application's repository.
Encapsulating data access within a Web service
Figure 9.12. An architecture incorporating a Web service that abstracts external data access functionality, and another that consumes it.
Architectural comparison matrix
Table 9.5. Typical characteristics of traditional and service-enabled direct data access architectures
9.4 Web services and point-to-point architectures
Figure 9.13. Synchronous request and response data exchange.
9.4.1 Tightly coupled integration between homogenous legacy applications
Traditional architecture
Figure 9.14. Tightly-coupled integration between two homogenous applications.
Encapsulating legacy interfaces within Web services
Figure 9.15. Web services representing homogenous legacy applications.
Architectural comparison matrix
9.4.2 Tightly coupled integration between heterogeneous applications
Table 9.6. Typical characteristics of traditional and service-enabled architectures for homogenous legacy applications
Traditional architecture
Figure 9.16. Tightly coupled integration between heterogeneous applications.
Loosely coupled integration with service integration layers
Figure 9.17. Service-oriented integration between heterogeneous applications.
Figure 9.18. A business service interacting with multiple legacy adapters.
Architectural comparison matrix
Table 9.7. Typical characteristics of traditional and service-enabled architectures for heterogeneous legacy applications
9.4.3 Integration between homogenous component-based applications
Traditional architecture
Figure 9.19. Homogenous component-based applications relying on an RPC protocol for remote communication.
Component-based architecture with Web services
Figure 9.20. Homogenous component-based applications relying on RPC-style SOAP messages for remote communication.
Architectural comparison matrix
Table 9.8. Typical characteristics of traditional and service-enabled architectures for homogenous component-based applications
9.4.4 Integration between heterogeneous component-based applications
Traditional architecture
Figure 9.21. Heterogeneous component-based applications utilizing an adapter component for RPC protocol translation.
Component-based architecture with Web services
Figure 9.22. Heterogeneous component-based applications relying on proxy services for remote communication.
Figure 9.23. SOAP servers act as a form of protocol adapter between SOAP messaging and native component technology communication.
Architectural comparison matrix
Table 9.9. Typical characteristics for traditional and service-enabled architectures for heterogeneous component-based applications
9.5 Web services and centralized database architectures
Figure 9.24. Two applications sharing a common repository.
9.5.1 Traditional architecture
Figure 9.25. A centralized database design, where one repository serves data to multiple applications (dashed lines indicate optional supplementary databases).
9.5.2 Using a Web service as a data access controller
Figure 9.26. A centralized database architecture utilizing a Web service to represent external data access to the shared database.
Architectural comparison matrix
Table 9.10. Typical characteristics for traditional and service-enabled centralized database architectures
9.6 Service-oriented analysis for legacy architectures
Figure 9.27. An XWIF process for analyzing the feasibility of service-enabling traditional integration architectures.
Step 1: Define business requirements and expectations
Step 2: Assess adapter quality
Step 3: Identify required functionality
Step 4: Evaluate development tool support
Step 5: Estimate usage requirements
Step 6: Identify additional integration opportunities
Step 7: Define a high level test strategy
Step 8: Gauge the required skill set
Step 9: Estimate the impact
Step 10: Determine the cost
Step 11: Understand the alternatives
Step 12: Justify the project
Chapter 10. Service-oriented architectures for enterprise integration
10.1 Service models for enterprise integration architectures
10.1.1 Process services
Figure 10.1. A process service coordinating and exposing functionality from three partner services.
Figure 10.2. A process service assembly interacting with a nested process service assembly.
Figure 10.3. Compatible process services interoperating across platform boundaries.
10.1.2 Coordination services (for business activities)
Table 10.1. Typical characteristics of process services
Figure 10.4. A coordination service used to manage a coordination context for long running business activities.
10.2 Fundamental enterprise integration architecture components
Figure 10.5. A basic EAI architecture.
Table 10.2. Typical characteristics of coordination services for long running business activities
10.2.1 Broker
Figure 10.6. Application-level integration involving an application broker.
Data exchange with a broker component
Figure 10.7. The key components involved in a simple data exchange scenario with an integration broker.
Step 1: retrieve requested data from the source database (Figure 10.8)
Figure 10.8. The request for data is received by application B.
Step 2: validate source data using source schema (Figure 10.9)
Figure 10.9. Application B retrieves and validates the requested data.
Step 3: broker the data format (Figure 10.10)
Figure 10.10. The broker service transforms, filters, and adds to the received data in order to produce a response acceptable to the requesting application.
Step 4: validate target data using target schema (Figure 10.11)
Figure 10.11. The transformed data is sent to application A, where it is validated.
Step 5: insert data into target database (Figure 10.12)
Figure 10.12. Application A accepts and stores the received data.
10.2.2 Orchestration
Figure 10.13. Process-level integration managed by an orchestration engine.
Data exchange with orchestration
Figure 10.14. The key components participating in a simple data exchange scenario involving process orchestration.
Step 1: request data from orchestration (Figure 10.15)
Figure 10.15. Application A requests data from the orchestration engine.
Step 2: request data from application (Figure 10.16)
Figure 10.16. Acting on application A's behalf, the orchestration engine relays the request for data from application B.
Step 3: return response to orchestration (Figure 10.17)
Figure 10.17. Application B returns the requested data.
Step 4: process orchestration logic (Figure 10.18)
Figure 10.18. Orchestration's business process manipulates the requested data.
Step 5: forward data to requesting application (Figure 10.19)
Figure 10.19. Orchestration returns the requested data to application A.
10.3 Web services and enterprise integration architectures
Figure 10.20. A new business process orchestrates the involvement of two applications.
10.4 Hub and spoke
10.4.1 Traditional architecture
Figure 10.21. A basic hub and spoke architecture.
10.4.2 Adding integration layers with Web services
Figure 10.22. A service-enabled hub-and-spoke architecture.
10.5 Messaging bus
10.5.1 Traditional architecture
Figure 10.23. The messaging bus architecture.
10.5.2 Messaging bus solutions that utilize Web services
Figure 10.24. The messaging bus architecture with service integration layers.
10.6 Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)
Figure 10.25. The enterprise service bus architecture (services are hosted by containers provided by the integration platform).
Chapter 11. Service-oriented integration strategies
11.1 Strategies for streamlining integration endpoint interfaces
11.1.1 Make interfaces more generic
Figure 11.2. An example of a service providing a generic operation that represents multiple component methods.
Figure 11.3. A service achieving increased usability by providing a group of granular operations that all relate to the same component method.
11.1.2 Consolidate legacy interfaces
Figure 11.4. A single service operation utilizing four component methods.
11.1.3 Consolidate proxy interfaces
Figure 11.5. Typical out-of-the-box integration layers consisting of standard proxy services.
Figure 11.6. A similar design where application A's proxy service layer has been replaced with an optimized business service.
11.1.4 Supplement legacy logic with external logic
Figure 11.7. A Web service operation making use of component methods from different applications.
Figure 11.8. A service assembly where one controller service encapsulates functionality from business services representing legacy applications.
11.1.5 Add support for multiple data output formats
Figure 11.9. A business service extended to offer multiple output formats.
11.1.6 Provide alternative interfaces for different SOAP clients
Figure 11.10. A component-based application encased by different integration layers.
Figure 11.11. A parent wrapper service that determines which underlying service interface is most appropriate, based on SOAP message format characteristics.
11.2 Strategies for optimizing integration endpoint services
11.2.1 Minimize the use of service intermediaries
Figure 11.12. A message path containing one intermediary service.
11.2.2 Consider using service interceptors
Figure 11.13. Service interceptors providing intermediary processing logic.
11.2.3 Data processing delegation
Figure 11.14. A service provider delegating data processing.
Figure 11.15. A service requestor delegating data processing.
11.2.4 Caching the provider WSDL definition
Figure 11.16. A service requestor encapsulating the provider service definition.
11.3 Strategies for integrating legacy architectures
11.3.1 Create a transition architecture by adding partial integration layers
Figure 11.17. A transition architecture where components represented by proxy services coexist with components that still interact using RPC.
11.3.2 Data caching with an IMDB
Figure 11.18. A Web service utilizing an IMDB to cache XML document and schema files.
11.3.3 Utilizing a queue to counter scalability demands
Figure 11.19. A Web service utilizing a queue to manage overflow requests for the legacy application.
11.3.4 Adding a mini-hub
Figure 11.20. An example of the batch export and import architecture outfitted with a Web service hub.
Figure 11.21. The business service acting as a controller service to outside applications could also be a process service.
11.3.5 Abstract legacy adapter technology
Figure 11.22. A utility service abstracting legacy adapter interaction.
11.3.6 Leveraging legacy integration architectures
Figure 11.23. A service representing an entire legacy integration architecture.
11.3.7 Appending Web services to legacy integration architectures
Figure 11.24. Preserving a traditional point-to-point architecture while exposing functionality from one application with a service integration layer.
Figure 11.25. A (relatively) non-intrusive integration layer exposing functionality from two applications already bound by a point-to-point integration architecture.
11.4 Strategies for enterprise solution integration
11.4.1 Pragmatic service-oriented integration
Figure 11.26. A messaging bus supporting service-oriented and proprietary integration channels.
11.4.2 Integrating disparate EAI products
Figure 11.27. A distributed enterprise, consisting of integrated EAI solutions.
11.4.3 Respect your elders (building EAI around your legacy environments)
11.4.4 Build a private service registry
11.5 Strategies for integrating Web services security
11.5.1 Learn about the Web services security specifications
11.5.2 Build services with a standardized service-oriented security (SOS) model
11.5.3 Create a security services layer
Figure 11.28. An enterprise-wide security layer.
11.5.4 Beware remote third-party services
Figure 11.29. A remote third-party service assuming temporary control of your data.
11.5.5 Prepare for the performance impact
11.5.6 Define an appropriate system for single sign-on
11.5.7 Don't over-describe your services
11.5.8 Fortify or retreat integrated legacy systems
Figure 11.30. A comparison of new and established legacy communication channels.
11.5.9 Take advantage of granular security
Example 11.1. An encrypted XML element
Example 11.2. The same construct with no encryption
11.5.10 Web services and port 80
11.5.11 SOAP attachments and viruses
Figure 11.31. A SOAP message delivering a potentially dangerous (and encrypted) attachment.
11.5.12 Consider the development of security policies
11.5.13 Don't wait to think about administration
Part IV: Integrating the enterprise
Chapter 12. Thirty best practices for integrating XML
12.1 Best practices for planning XML migration projects
12.1.1 Understand what you are getting yourself into
Figure 12.1. How business requirements can be mapped to XML features.
12.1.2 Assess the technical impact
A migration project is like a development project
What to look out for
Figure 12.2. Typical areas of an enterprise infrastructure that get hit by migration shockwaves.
One more thing…
12.1.3 Invest in an XML impact analysis
One more thing…
12.1.4 Assess the organizational impact
Figure 12.3. Typical areas within an organization affected by the introduction of XML technologies and products.
12.1.5 Targeting legacy data
XML-enabling a legacy application
Making legacy applications XML-compliant
One more thing…
12.2 Best practices for knowledge management within XML projects
12.2.1 Always relate XML to data
Clarity of concepts
Create a custom glossary
One more thing…
12.2.2 Determine the extent of education required by your organization
12.2.3 Customize a training plan
Take a course to learn XML fundamentals
Define roles before assigning further training
Make resources available to your technical staff
Spend your training budget wisely
Bring outside experts in for specialized knowledge transfer
12.2.4 Incorporate mentoring into development projects
Arrange a consult-and-mentor program
Get suitable mentors
12.3 Best practices for standardizing XML applications
12.3.1 Incorporate standards
Table 12.1. Common standards
12.3.2 Standardize, but don't over-standardize
12.3.3 Define a schema management strategy
Understand the importance of XML schemas
Assign an XML data custodian
Ownership of vocabularies
Ownership of data models
Namespace domain administration
12.3.4 Use XML to standardize data access logic
12.3.5 Evaluate tools prior to integration
12.4 Best practices for designing XML applications
12.4.1 Develop a system for knowledge distribution
Figure 12.4. A proposed knowledge distribution system for issues relating to XML technology.
12.4.2 Remember what the "X" stands for
12.4.3 Design with service-oriented principles (even if not using Web services)
12.4.4 Strive for a balanced integration strategy
Tightening the screw
Stripping the screw
12.4.5 Understand the roles of supplementary XML technologies
Define a core technology set
Identify second-tier technologies
12.4.6 Adapt to new technology developments
Chapter 13. Thirty best practices for integrating Web services
13.1 Best practices for planning service-oriented projects
13.1.1 Know when to use Web services
13.1.2 Know how to use Web services
13.1.3 Know when to avoid Web services
13.1.4 Moving forward with a transition architecture
13.1.5 Leverage the legacy
Build on what you have
Understand the limitations of a legacy foundation
13.1.6 Sorry, no refunds (Web services and your bottom line)
13.1.7 Align ROIs with migration strategies
ROIs open eyes
Iterating through ROI and migration strategy documents
Figure 13.1. An iterative cycle between a migration plan and an ROI.
13.1.8 Build toward a future state
13.2 Best practices for standardizing Web services
13.2.1 Incorporate standards
13.2.2 Label the infrastructure
One more thing
13.2.3 Design against an interface (not vice versa)
Figure 13.2. Standardized integration endpoint services establishing a service-oriented integration architecture.
13.2.4 Service interface designer
13.2.5 Categorize your services
13.3 Best practices for designing service-oriented environments
13.3.1 Use SOAs to streamline business models
13.3.2 Research the state of second-generation specifications
13.3.3 Strategically position second-generation specifications
13.3.4 Understand the limitations of your platform
Proprietary extensions (the potholes)
Exclusive proprietary extensions (the roadblocks)
13.3.5 Use abstraction to protect legacy endpoints from change
Use abstraction to improve configuration management
Figure 13.3. Application A is upgraded without affecting application B.
Use abstraction to support wholesale application changes
Figure 13.4. Application A is replaced without affecting application B.
13.3.6 Build around a security model
Security requirements define boundaries, real boundaries
Define the scope of the security model
Figure 13.5. The service-oriented security (SOS) model.
Figure 13.6. A separate security layer can implement the SOS model.
13.4 Best practices for managing service-oriented development projects
13.4.1 Organizing development resources
13.4.2 Don't underestimate training for developers
13.5 Best practices for implementing Web services
13.5.1 Use a private service registry
Centralize service descriptions in a service repository
Make the use of a service registry mandatory
Assign a resource to maintain the registry
13.5.2 Prepare for administration
13.5.3 Monitor and respond to changes in the service hosting environments
13.5.4 Test for the unknown
Chapter 14. Building the service-oriented enterprise (SOE)
Figure 14.1. This master view of the XWIF SOE model illustrates how closely business and technology architecture models relate (one no longer exclusively drives the other).
14.1 SOA modeling basics
14.1.1 Activities
Primitive business activity
Process activity
Business activity
14.1.2 Services
Primitive business service
Process service
Business service
14.1.3 Processes
Figure 14.2. A service-oriented process.
Figure 14.3. A relationship between two processes.
Figure 14.4. Two processes represented by a single business service.
14.2 SOE building blocks
14.2.1 SOE business modeling building blocks
Figure 14.5. Business modeling building blocks for the SOE.
Primitive business activity
Figure 14.6. The primitive business activity.
Primitive business service
Figure 14.7. The primitive business service.
The primitive business process
Figure 14.8. The primitive business process.
Figure 14.9. A Retrieve Invoice Data service (acting as a process activity) executes a step within the Process Invoice process.
The extended business process
Figure 14.10. The extended business process.
Figure 14.11. An extended process utilizing a new service.
The enterprise domain business process
Figure 14.12. The enterprise domain business process.
Figure 14.13. An enterprise domain process uniting two related business processes.
The enterprise business process
Figure 14.14. The enterprise business process.
14.2.2 SOE technology architecture building blocks
Figure 14.15. Technology architecture building blocks for a SOE.
Web service operation
Figure 14.16. The Web service operation.
Figure 14.17. A Web service operation exposing various levels of functional granularity.
Web service
Figure 14.18. The Web service.
Figure 14.19. The Retrieve Invoice Data service encapsulated in the InvoiceData business Web service.
Figure 14.20. The Month-End Sales Report process encapsulated in the SalesReport process Web service.
Service-oriented application architecture
Figure 14.21. The service-oriented application architecture.
Figure 14.22. A simple SOA involving business Web services that, along with the legacy logic they represent, provide an implementation of the Process Invoice primitive business process.
Service-oriented integration architecture
Figure 14.23. The service-oriented integration architecture.
Figure 14.24. An integrated SOA, where the Invoice Processing application implementing the Process Invoice process integrates with the Time Tracking application to access the Retrieve Timesheet Data business service from the Timesheet Reporting process.
Service-oriented EAI architecture
Figure 14.25. The service-oriented EAI architecture.
Figure 14.26. A service-oriented EAI architecture implementing the combined Month-End Sales Report enterprise domain business process.
Service-oriented enterprise integration architecture
Figure 14.27. The service-oriented enterprise integration architecture.
Figure 14.28. A service-oriented enterprise architecture in which two EAI solutions are integrated.
14.2.3 Service-oriented security model
Figure 14.29. The service-oriented security model.
14.3 SOE migration strategy
14.3.1 Overview of the Layered Scope Model (LSM)
Figure 14.30. The XWIF Layered Scope Model.
Obstacles to using the LSM
Applying the LSM
Before you begin
14.3.2 Intrinsic Layer
Figure 14.31. The intrinsic layer and project phase.
The service-oriented architecture (SOA) wedge
So, why bother?
Processes, best practices, and strategies
Service models
SOE building blocks
14.3.3 Internal layer
Figure 14.32. The internal layer and project phase.
Building for a future state
Figure 14.33. An application architecture designed to transition to an integration architecture.
The service-oriented security (SOS) model wedge
Processes, best practices, and strategies
Service models
SOE building blocks
14.3.4 A2A layer
Figure 14.34. The A2A layer and project phase.
Building for a future state
Figure 14.35. An integration architecture designed to transition to an EAI environment.
Processes, best practices and strategies
Service models
SOE building blocks
14.3.5 EAI layer
Figure 14.36. EAI layer and project phase.
Building for a future state
Figure 14.37. An EAI solution designed to transition to an enterprise integration architecture.
Processes, best practices and strategies
Service models
SOE building blocks
14.3.6 Enterprise layer
Figure 14.38. Enterprise layer and project phase.
14.3.7 The extended enterprise
Figure 14.39. The LSM for the extended enterprise.
Figure 14.40. Standards are grouped into architectural zones.
14.3.8 Customizing the LSM
14.3.9 Alternatives to the LSM
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