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Part I: Charlie’s Thoughts on Successful Investing
# 1. Fast Money
# 2. Circle of Competence
# 3. Avoid Being an Idiot
# 4. Walking Away
# 5. Easy Shooting
# 6. Revelation
# 7. Graham’s Error
# 8. Sitting on your Ass
# 9. The Dawning of Wisdom
# 10. Analysts
# 11. A Mispriced Gamble
# 12. Diversification
# 13. When to bet Heavily
# 14. The Herd
# 15. Foresight
# 16. Financial Crisis Equals Opportunity
# 17. Cash is Key
# 18. A Demoralized Generation
# 19. Patience
# 20. Stock Prices
# 21. Ebitda
# 22. Dangers of Finance Companies
# 23. Overconfidence
# 24. Investment Managers
# 25. Waiting
# 26. Tax Shelters
# 27. Enduring Problems
# 28. Surprises
# 29. Understanding the Odds
# 30. A few Good Companies
# 31. Ownership of a Business
# 32. Recognizing Reality
# 33. Not being Stupid
# 34. Opportunity
# 35. The Future of Berkshire Hathaway
# 36. Financial Dementia
# 37. Business Valuations
# 38. Waiting is the Hardest Part
# 39. Wading in
# 40. Academic Sorcery
# 41. Greedy Bankers
# 42. Investing in Banks
# 43. No Single Formula
# 44. On Technology
# 45. Successful Investing
# 46. Beating the Average
# 47. Commissions
Part II: Charlie on Business, Banking, and the Economy
# 48. The Great Depression
# 49. Regulating Banks
# 50. Too Big to Fail
# 51. Borrowed Money
# 52. Free-Market Folly
# 53. Banking Deregulation
# 54. Wall Street Excesses
# 55. The Wealth Effect
# 56. Printing Money
# 57. Asset Inflation
# 58. Oil Reserves
# 59. Korea
# 60. Carrots & Sticks
# 61. Out-of-Control Bankers
# 62. Derivative Danger
# 63. Carry-Trade Folly
# 64. Corruption in Asia
# 65. The Miracle of China
# 66. Free Trade
# 67. The Miser
# 68. Corporate Taxes
# 69. Reducing Standards
Part III: Charlie’s Philosophy Applied to Business and Investing
# 70. Buy and Hold
# 71. Corporate Mergers
# 72. Going to Extremes
# 73. Big-Money Equation
# 74. Two Kinds of Businesses
# 75. Few Companies Survive
# 76. See’s Candies
# 77. Easy Decisions/Painful Decisions
# 78. Market Declines
# 79. Where to Place our Bet
# 80. Incentives
# 81. AIG and GE
# 82. Less Leverage
# 83. Master Plans
# 84. Decentralization
# 85. Enron
# 86. GM
# 87. Iscar
# 88. Wells Fargo
# 89. McDonald’s
# 90. Liquidity
# 91. Singapore
Part IV: Charlie’s Advice on Life, Education, and the Pursuit of Happiness
# 92. One Step at a Time
# 93. What we Deserve
# 94. Using Big Ideas
# 95. Career Advice
# 96. Know-it-Alls
# 97. A Waste of Education
# 98. Admitting Stupidity
# 99. Making Mistakes
# 100. Specialization
# 101. Not Working
# 102. Not Living Beyond our Means
# 103. Out with the Old
# 104. A Moral Imperative
# 105. Secret of Success
# 106. Being Frugal
# 107. Ideology
# 108. Idea Destruction
# 109. Catechism
# 110. Cookie-Cutter Solutions
# 111. Learning Machines
# 112. Secret to Wisdom
# 113. Legal Business
# 114. Getting Older
# 115. Positive Reinforcement
# 116. Incentive-Caused Bias
# 117. Narrow-Mindedness
# 118. Living Well
# 119. Marriage Advice
# 120. The Worried Rich
# 121. The Coca-Cola Company
# 122. Envy
# 123. Reading
# 124. Taking the Blows
# 125. Useless Worry
# 126. Learning Machines
# 127. Tragedy
# 128. Multitasking
# 129. Felicity
# 130. Health
# 131. A Seamless Web
# 132. Missed Chances
# 133. Lying to Oneself
# 134. Truth
# 135. Perspective
# 136. Multidiscipline
# 137. Civilization
# 138. Reflection
About the Author
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