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Imperial Library
1. Continuous Outcome Data
1. Data Spread, Standard Deviations
2. Data Summaries, Histograms, Wide and Narrow Gaussian Curves
3. Null-Hypothesis Testing with Graphs
4. Null-Hypothesis Testing with the T-Table
5. One-Sample Continuous Data (One-Sample T-Test, One-Sample Wilcoxon Test)
6. Paired Continuous Data (Paired T-Test, Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test)
7. Unpaired Continuous Data (Unpaired T-Test, Mann-Whitney)
8. Linear Regression (Regression Coefficient, Correlation Coefficient and Their Standard Errors)
9. Kendall-Tau Regression for Ordinal Data
10. Paired Continuous Data, Analysis with Help of Correlation Coefficients
11. Power Equations
12. Sample Size Calculations
13. Confidence Intervals
14. Equivalence Testing Instead of Null-Hypothesis Testing
15. Noninferiority Testing Instead of Null-Hypothesis Testing
16. Superiority Testing Instead of Null-Hypothesis Testing
17. Missing Data Imputation
18. Bonferroni Adjustments
19. Unpaired Analysis of Variance
20. Paired Analysis of Variance
21. Variability Analysis for One or Two Samples
22. Variability Analysis for Three or More Samples
23. Confounding
24. Propensity Scores and Propensity Score Matching for Assessing Multiple Confounders
25. Interaction
26. Accuracy and Reliability Assessments
27. Robust Tests for Imperfect Data
28. Non-linear Modeling on a Pocket Calculator
29. Fuzzy Modeling for Imprecise and Incomplete Data
30. Bhattacharya Modeling for Unmasking Hidden Gaussian Curves
31. Item Response Modeling Instead of Classical Linear Analysis of Questionnaires
32. Meta-analysis of Continuous Data
33. Goodness of Fit Tests for Identifying Nonnormal Data
34. Non-parametric Tests for Three or More Samples (Friedman and Kruskal-Wallis)
2. Binary Outcome Data
35. Data Spread: Standard Deviations, One Sample Z-Test, One Sample Binomial Test
36. Z-Test for Cross-Tabs
37. Phi Tests for Nominal Data
38. Chi-square Tests
39. Fisher Exact Tests Convenient for Small Samples
40. Confounding
41. Interaction
42. Chi-Square Tests for Large Cross-Tabs
43. Logarithmic Transformations, a Great Help to Statistical Analyses
44. Odds Ratios, a Short-Cut for Analyzing Cross-Tabs
45. Logodds, the Basis of Logistic Regression
46. Log Likelihood Ratio Tests for the Best Precision
47. Hierarchical Loglinear Models for Higher Order Cross-Tabs
48. McNemar’s Tests for Paired Cross-Tabs
49. McNemar’s Odds Ratios
50. Power Equations
51. Sample Size Calculations
52. Accuracy Assessments
53. Reliability Assessments
54. Unmasking Fudged Data
55. Markov modeling for Predicting Outside the Range of Observations
56. Binary Partitioning for CART (Classification and Regression Tree) Methods
57. Meta-analysis of Binary Data
58. Physicians’ Daily Life and the Scientific Method
59. Incident Analysis and the Scientific Method
60. Cochran Q-Test for Large Paired Cross-Tabs
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