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Imperial Library
Map of Ukraine ix
Map of Brazil x
Lispector Family Tree xi
Introduction: The Sphinx 1
1. Fun Vonen Is a Yid? 7
2. That Irrational Something
3. The Average Pogrom
4. The Missing Name
5. Statue of Liberty
6. Griene Gringos
7. The Magical Stories
8. National Melodrama
9. Only for Madmen
10. Flying Down to Rio
11. God Stirs the Waters
12. Straight from the Zoo
13. Hurricane Clarice
14. Trampoline to Victory
15. Principessa di Napoli
16. The Society of Shadows
17. Volume in the Brain
18. The Country of a Thousand Years of Peace
19. The Public Statue
20. The Third Experience
21. Her Empty Necklaces
22. Marble Mausoleum
23. The Intimate Balance
24. Redemption through Sin
25. The Worst Temptation
26. Belonging to Brazil
27. Better Than Borges
28. The Cockroach
29. And Revolution!
30. The Egg Really Is White
31. A Coarse Cactus
32. Possible Dialogues
33. Cultural Terror
34. “I Humanized Myself ”
35. Monstre Sacré 306
36. The Story of Instants That Flee
37. Purged
38. Batuba Jantiram Lecoli? 327
39. Hen in Black Sauce
40. Pornography
41. The Witch
42. The Thing Itself
43. Lispectorian Silence
44. Speaking from the Tomb
45. Our Lady of the Good Death
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