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Mastering RStudio – Develop, Communicate, and Collaborate with R
Table of Contents
Mastering RStudio – Develop, Communicate, and Collaborate with R
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1. The RStudio IDE – an Overview
Downloading and installing RStudio
Installing R
For Ubuntu
Using RStudio with different versions of R
Updating RStudio
Getting to know the RStudio interface
The four main panes
The Source editor pane
Syntax highlighting
Code completion
Executing R Code from the source pane
Code folding
Debugging code
The Environment and History panes
History pane
Console pane
The Files, Plots, Packages, Help, and Viewer panes
The Files pane
The Plot pane
The Packages pane
The Help pane
The Viewer pane
Customizing RStudio
Using keyboard shortcuts
Working with RStudio and projects
Creating a project with RStudio
Locating your project
Using RStudio with Dropbox
Preventing Dropbox synchronization conflicts
Creating your first project
Organizing your folders
Saving the data
Analyzing the data
Correcting the path for report exporting
Exporting your analysis as a report
2. Communicating Your Work with R Markdown
The concept of reproducible research
Doing reproducible research with R Markdown
What is Markdown?
What is literate programming?
A brief side note on Sweave
Dynamic report generation with knitr
What is R Markdown?
A side note about LaTeX
Configuring R Markdown
Getting started with R Markdown in RStudio
Creating your first R Markdown document
The R Markdown interface
Inspecting the R Markdowns panes
Explaining the R Markdown File pane settings
File tab arrows
Saving current document
Spell check
Question mark
Gear icon
Output Format: HTML
Output Format – PDF
Output Format – Word
Run and re-run icons
Jump to menu
Viewer pane options
Advanced R Markdown documents
Getting to know R code chunks
Customizing R code chunks
Chunk options
Avoiding errors, warnings, and other messages
Hiding distracting lines of code
Embedding R code inline
Labeling code chunks
Pandoc and knitr options
Output formats
Changing the look of the output
Using a custom CSS style sheet
Using R Markdown templates
Package vignette
The Tufte handout
Compiling R Notebooks
Generating R Markdown presentations
3. R Lesson I – Graphics System
The graphic system in R
An introduction to the graphic devices
The R graphics package—base
Creating base plots
Using the base graphics
Base graphics parameters
Annotating with base plotting functions
Introducing the lattice package
Creating lattice plots
Getting to know the lattice plot types
The lattice panel functions
Lattice key points summary
Introducing ggplot2
Looking at the history of ggplot2
The Grammar of Graphics
Applying The Grammar of Graphics with ggplot2
Using ggplot2
Installing the ggplot2 package
Qplot() and ggplot()
Creating your first graph with ggplot2
Modifying ggplot objects with the plus operator
Setting the aesthetics parameter
Adding layers using geoms
Choosing the right geom
Modifying parameters
Changing the color of your plot
Changing the shape
Changing the size
Saving ggplot objects in variables
Using stats layers
Saving ggplot graphs
Customizing your charts
Subsetting your data
Setting titles
Changing the axis labels
Swapping the X and Y axes
Improving the look of ggplot2 charts
Creating graphs with the economist theme
Creating graphs with the wall street journal theme
Interactive plotting systems
Introducing ggvis
Our first ggvis graphic
Interactive ggvis graphs
A look at the rCharts package
Using googleVis
HTML widgets
4. Shiny – a Web-app Framework for R
Introducing Shiny – the app framework
Creating a new Shiny web app with RStudio
Creating your first Shiny application
Sketching the final app
Constructing the user interface for your app
Creating the server file
The final application
Deconstructing the final app into its components
The components of the user interface
The server file in detail
The connection between the server and the ui file
The concept of reactivity
The source and endpoint structure
The purpose of the reactive conductor
Discovering the scope of the Shiny user interface
Exploring the Shiny interface layouts
The sidebar layout
The grid layout
The tabset panel layout
The navlist panel layout
The navbar page as the page layout
Adding widgets to your application
Shiny input elements
A brief overview of the output elements
Individualizing your app even further with Shiny tags
Creating dynamic user interface elements
Using conditionalPanel
Taking advantage of the renderUI function
Sharing your Shiny application with others
Offering a download of your Shiny app
Zip file
Deploying your app to the web
Setting up a self-hosted Shiny server
Diving into the Shiny ecosystem
Creating apps with more files
Expanding the Shiny package
5. Interactive Documents with R Markdown
Creating interactive documents with R Markdown
Using R Markdown and Shiny
Shiny Document
Shiny Presentation
Disassembling a Shiny R Markdown document
Embedding interactive charts into R Markdown
Using ggvis for interactive R Markdown documents
HTML widgets
Three.js and R
Publishing interactive R Markdown documents
6. Creating Professional Dashboards with R and Shiny
Explaining the concept of dashboards
Introducing the shinydashboard package
Installing shinydashboard
Explaining the structure of shinydashboard
Showing the elements of shinydashboard
Header elements
Sidebar elements
Body elements
InfoBox and valueBox
Building your own KPI dashboard
Creating our data architecture
Sketching the look of our dashboard
Transferring our plan into R code
Considering a file and folder structure
Accessing our data sources
MySQL – the customer data
Dropbox – our data storage system
Google Analytics – the website data
Twitter – the social data
Google Sheets – the inventory data
Putting it all together
Creating the Twitter engagement box
7. Package Development in RStudio
Understanding R packages
Understanding the package structure
Installing devtools
Building packages with RStudio
Creating a new package project with RStudio
Looking at the created files
Using Packrat with a project
Writing the documentation for a package
Creating Rd documentation files
Looking at an example documentation file
Adding examples
Editing the DESCRIPTION file
General information
Understanding the namespaces of a package
Building and checking a package
Checking a package
Customizing the package build options
Using roxygen2 for package documentation
Installing the roxygen2 package
Generating Rd Files
Testing a package
Using testthat in a package
Adding a dataset to a package
Creating .rda files
Using LazyData with a package
Writing a package vignette with R markdown
Creating vignette files
References for further information
8. Collaborating with Git and GitHub
Introducing version control
Installing Git
Installing Git on Windows
Installing Git on Linux
Configuring Git
Explaining the basic terminology
Using Git via shell
Using the shell from Rstudio
Using Git with RStudio
Using RStudio and GitHub via SSH
Creating a new project with Git
Explaining the gitignore file
Keeping track of changes
Recording changes
Introducing the Git drop-down menu
Undoing a mistake
Pushing to a remote repository on github.com
Using an existing GitHub project with RStudio
Using branches
Making a pull request
Reviewing and merging pull requests
Further resources
9. R for your Organization – Managing the RStudio Server
Managing the RStudio Server
Using Amazon Web Services as the server platform
Creating an AWS account
Using S3 to store our data
Creating our bucket
Uploading a dataset to the bucket
Launching our EC2 instance
Choosing An amazon Machine Image
Choosing an instance type
Configuring instance details
Creating a new IAM role
Adding storage
Tagging an instance
Configuring a security group
Creating a key pair
Launching the instance
Connecting with the new EC2 instance
What is SSH?
Bringing it all together
Setting up R, RStudio, and the Shiny Server
Choosing your RStudio version
Installing base R
Installing RStudio and the Shiny Server
RStudio and the Shiny Server in your browser
Administrating your RStudio server environment
Getting rid of the R memory problem
Connecting our S3 bucket with RStudio
Basic RStudio server management
Managing the Shiny Server
Basic commands for the Shiny Server
10. Extending RStudio and Your Knowledge of R
Extending RStudio, finding answers, and more
RStudio environment customizations
Customizing the Rprofile
Where to find your Rprofile
Adding custom functions
The first and last functions
More ideas for your Rprofile
R help is on the way
Getting questions and answers
Stack Overflow (Stack Exchange)
Data Science (Stack Exchange)
Cross Validated (Stack Exchange)
Open Data (Stack Exchange)
R mailing lists – R-help
How to ask questions correctly
Learning more about packages, functions, and more
R and CRAN documentations
R search engines
RStudio cheat sheets
Sharing your R code
Improving your R knowledge
Learning R interactively
Try R
Attending online courses
Johns Hopkins University – Data Science Specialization
Johns Hopkins University – Genomic Data Science
Other MOOC courses, related platforms, and programs
Staying up to date in the R world
The R Journal
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