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Exam Ref 70-484: Essentials of Developing Windows Store Apps Using C#
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1. Design Windows Store apps
Objective 1.1: Design the UI layout and structure
Evaluating the conceptual design and deciding how the UI will be composed
Decide which features will make your app great
Assess user scenarios
Decide on your app’s features
Design a great user interface for your app
Designing for the inheritance and reuse of visual elements
Designing for accessibility
Deciding when custom controls are needed
Objective summary
Objective review
Objective 1.2: Design for separation of concerns (SOC)
Planning the logical layers of your solution to meet app requirements
Designing loosely coupled layers
Incorporating WinMD components
Objective summary
Objective review
Objective 1.3: Apply the MVVM pattern to your app design
Designing and implementing the appropriate data model to support business entities
Model-View-ViewModel pattern
The View
The Viewmodel
The Model
Data binding
Design and implement the model
Designing a viewmodel to support the view based on your model
Developing a view to meet data-binding requirements
Creating viewmodels using NotifyPropertyChanged, ObservableCollection, and CollectionViewSource
Objective summary
Objective review
Objective 1.4: Design and implement Process Lifetime Management (PLM)
Choosing a state management strategy
Handling the Suspending event and preparing for app termination
Handling the Resuming event
Handling the OnActivated events
Checking the ActivationKind and previous state
Objective summary
Objective review
Objective 1.5: Plan for an app deployment
Planning a deployment based on Windows Store app certification requirements
Preparing an application manifest
Signing an application
Planning the requirements for an enterprise deployment
Objective summary
Objective review
Chapter summary
Objective 1.1: Thought experiment
Objective 1.1: Review
Objective 1.2: Thought experiment
Objective 1.2: Review
Objective 1.3: Thought experiment
Objective 1.3: Review
Objective 1.4: Thought experiment
Objective 1.4: Review
Objective 1.5: Thought experiment
Objective 1.5: Review
2. Develop Windows Store apps
Objective 2.1: Access and display contacts
Calling the ContactPicker class
Filtering which contacts to display
Selecting specific contact data
Displaying a set number of contacts
Creating and modifying contact information
Objective summary
Objective review
Objective 2.2: Design for charms and contracts
Choosing the appropriate charm based on app requirements
Designing your app in a charm-aware and contract-aware manner
Design guidelines for the Search charm
Design guidelines for the Share charm
Design guidelines for the Settings charm
Configuring the app manifest for correct permissions
Objective summary
Objective review
Objective 2.3: Implement search
Providing and constraining search within an app
Providing search result previews
Providing search suggestions using the SearchPane class
Implementing activation from within search
Searching for and launching other apps
Objective summary
Objective review
Objective 2.4: Implement Share in an app
Using the DataTransferManager class to share data with other apps
Accepting sharing requests by implementing activation within the Share charm
Limiting the scope of sharing using the DataPackage object
Implementing in-app share outside the Share charm
Objective summary
Objective review
Objective 2.5: Manage app settings and preferences
Choosing which app features are accessed in AppSettings
Adding entry points for AppSettings in the Settings window
Creating settings flyouts using the Popup control
Adding settings to Popup
Storing and retrieving settings from the roaming app data store
Objective summary
Objective review
Chapter summary
Objective 2.1: Thought experiment
Objective 2.1: Review
Objective 2.2: Thought experiment
Objective 2.2: Review
Objective 2.3: Thought experiment
Objective 2.3: Review
Objective 2.4: Thought experiment
Objective 2.4: Review
Objective 2.5: Thought experiment
Objective 2.5: Review
3. Create the user interface
Objective 3.1: Create layout aware apps to handle view states
Handling view state events from ViewStateManager
Choosing between style patterns for different view states
Setting up app orientation in the manifest
Objective summary
Objective review
Objective 3.2: Implement layout controls
Implementing the Grid control to structure the app layout
Setting the number of rows/columns and size
Enabling scroll and zoom capabilities in layout controls
Managing text flow and presentation
Objective summary
Objective review
Objective 3.3: Design and implement the app bar
Determining what to put on the app bar based on app requirements
Designing the placement of controls on the app bar
Styling and positioning app bar items
Handling AppBar events
Objective summary
Objective review
Objective 3.4: Design and implement data presentation
Choosing and implementing data controls to meet app requirements
The GridView control
The ListView control
The FlipView control
Creating data templates to meet app requirements
Objective summary
Objective review
Objective 3.5: Create and manage XAML styles and templates
Implementing and extending styles and templates
Implementing gradients
Modifying styles based on event and property triggers
Creating shared resources and themes
Objective summary
Objective review
Chapter summary
Objective 3.1: Thought experiment
Objective 3.1: Review
Objective 3.2: Thought experiment
Objective 3.2: Review
Objective 3.3: Thought experiment
Objective 3.3: Review
Objective 3.4: Thought experiment
Objective 3.4: Review
Objective 3.5: Thought experiment
Objective 3.5: Review
4. Program the user interaction
Objective 4.1: Create and manage tiles
Creating and updating tiles and tile contents
Working with primary tiles
Working with secondary tiles
Creating and updating badges using the TileUpdateManager class
Responding to notification requests
Configuring tile and badge updates for the lock screen
Using PC Settings to remove an app from the lock screen
Choosing an appropriate tile update schedule based on app requirements
Objective summary
Objective review
Objective 4.2: Notify users by using toast
Enabling an app for toast notifications
Populating toast notifications with images and text using the ToastUpdateManager class
Controlling toast duration
Playing sounds with toast notifications
Responding to toast events
Objective summary
Objective review
Objective 4.3: Manage input devices
Capturing gesture library events
Pointer events
Gesture events
Manipulation events
Creating custom gesture recognizers
Listening to mouse events or touch gestures
Managing stylus input and inking
Objective summary
Objective review
Objective 4.4: Design and implement navigation in an app
Designing navigation to meet app requirements
Working with navigation events, properties, and functions
Using Semantic Zoom in your app
Objective summary
Objective review
Chapter summary
Objective 4.1: Thought experiment
Objective 4.1: Review
Objective 4.2: Thought experiment
Objective 4.2: Review
Objective 4.3: Thought experiment
Objective 4.3: Review
Objective 4.4: Thought experiment
Objective 4.4: Review
5. Manage security and data
Objective 5.1: Choose an appropriate data access strategy
Choosing the appropriate data access strategy based on app requirements
Local application data
Roaming application data
Temporary application data
Managing application data
Local and remote files
File pickers
Most recently used and future access lists
Storing and retrieving data from a remote location
Objective summary
Objective review
Objective 5.2: Retrieve data remotely
Using HttpClient to retrieve data from web services
Setting the appropriate HTTP verb for REST
Consuming SOAP/WCF services
Using WebSockets for bidirectional communication
Handling the progress of data requests
Objective summary
Objective review
Objective 5.3: Implement data binding
Choosing and implementing data-bound controls
Binding collections to items controls
Implementing the IValueConverter interface
Creating and setting dependency properties
Validating user input
Enabling data filtering, grouping, and sorting in the user interface
Objective summary
Objective review
Objective 5.4: Manage Windows Authentication
Retrieving a user’s roles and claims
Storing and retrieving credentials with the PasswordVault class
Implementing the CredentialPicker class
Objective summary
Objective review
Objective 5.5: Manage web authentication
Using the Windows.Security.Authentication.Web namespace
Implementing the WebAuthenticationBroker class
Setting up OAuth2 for authentication
Setting up single sign-on (SSO)
Implementing the CredentialPicker class
Implementing credential roaming
Objective summary
Objective review
Chapter summary
Objective 5.1: Thought experiment
Objective 5.1: Review
Objective 5.2: Thought experiment
Objective 5.2: Review
Objective 5.3: Thought experiment
Objective 5.3: Review
Objective 5.4: Thought experiment
Objective 5.4: Review
Objective 5.5: Thought experiment
Objective 5.5: Review
A. About the Author
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