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Imperial Library
Title Page
One: The Wonder of Science Fiction
1. Images of Wonder: The Look of Science Fiction
2. ‘You’ve Got To Be Fucking Kidding!’: Knowledge, Belief and Judgement in Science Fiction
3. Sensuous Elaboration: Reason and the Visible in the Science Fiction Film
4. Between Science Fact and Science Fiction: Spielberg’s Digital Dinosaurs, Possible Worlds and the New Aesthetic Realism
Two: Science Fiction’s Disaster Imagination
5. The Imagination of Disaster
6. Technophobia/Dystopia
7. Human Artifice and the Science Fiction Film
8. Dream Girls and Mechanic Panic: Dystopia and its Others in Brazil and Nineteen Eighty-Four
Three: Spatial Abyss: The Science Fiction City
9. Cities on the Edge of Time: The Urban Science Fiction Film
10. Dark City: White Flight and the Urban Science Fiction Film in Postwar America
11. On the Edge of Spaces: Blade Runner, Ghost in the Shell and Hong Kong’s Cityscape
Four: The Origin of Species: Time Travel and the Primal Scene
12. Back to the Future: Oedipus as Time Traveller
13. Time Travel, Primal Scene and the Critical Dystopia
14. Another Time, Another Space: Modernity, Subjectivity and The Time Machine
15. With Eyes Uplifted: Space Aliens as Sky Gods
Five: Liquid Metal: The Cyborg in Science Fiction
16. A Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technology and Socialist Feminism in the 1980s
17. Technophilia: Technology, Representation and the Feminine
18. Machine as Messiah: Cyborgs, Morphs and the American Body Politic
19. Ghosts and Machines: The Technological Body
Six: Imitation of Life: Postmodern Science Fiction
20. Postfuturism
21. Who Programs You? The Science Fiction of the Spectacle
22. Prosthetic Memory: Totall Recall and Blade Runner
23. Akira, Postmodernism and Resistance
Seven: Poaching the Universe: Science Fiction Fandom
24. Star Trek Rerun, Reread, Rewritten: Fan Writing as Textual Poaching
25. ‘We’re Only A Speck in the Ocean’: The Fan as Powerless Elite
26. New Hope: The Postmodern Project of Star Wars
27. Web of Babylon
Eight: Look to the Skies!: 1950s Science Fiction Invasion Narratives
28. The Russians Are Coming, Aren’t They? Them! and The Thing
29. Re-examining the 1950s Invasion Narratives
30. We’re the Martians Now: British SF Invasion Fantasies of the 1950s and 1960s
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