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Imperial Library
Editor’s Note
Rediscovering English History
The golden days of yore
Longing to come home
The Riddle of the King’s Girth
On the buses
Germany, a summer idyll
The Newbury of my dreams
Away with the f airies
Don’t t ake i t too l iterally
The f earful b easts a mong u s
The Hobbits of Indonesia
Odd socks
UFOs and what they do to you
Celebrating John Betjeman
Prince Charles , p rophet of Albion
How can the Queen allow it?
Colin Wilson and his persecuters
A professor of alien abductions
Silly names and the Shakespeare fellowship
Investigating atheism
A d angerously e ccentric t hinker
There is simply no explanation
Great men and their monsters
Evolution, the established faith
The Wave and the Waffle
What happens after death
The Reverend Twaddle
Paranoia or divine revelation
Get a life, get numbers
What You Can Learn From Nature
Pandering to the powerful
Bribery and Corruption
Beyond the dictators
A dreadful state of mind to be stuck in
The e mbarrassment of the Great Pyramid
Be careful with your language
It simply is not cricket
The Old Etonians among us
Approaches to Armageddon
The F all of Babylon: advice to investors
Is soul a good investment?
Welcome to the Crash
Praying for the crash
The transcendental imperative
The whole world and how to love it
The chor e ography of n ations
William Blake on Immigration
Peace in the Holy Land
Sex over 70
The follies and dangers of love
The art of friendship
Senile Repetition
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