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Democracy in America Volume I
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Contents of Vol. 1
Chapter I. Exterior form of North America
Chapter II. Origin of the Anglo-Americans, and Importance of this Origin in Relation to their Future Condition
Reasons of certain Anomalies which the Laws and Customs of the Anglo-Americans present
Chapter III. Social Condition of the Anglo-Americans
The striking Characteristic of the Social Condition of the Anglo- Americans is its essential Democracy
Political Consequences of the Social Condition of the Anglo-Americans
Chapter IV. The Principle of the Sovereignty of the People in America
CHAPTER V. Necessity of Examining the Condition of the States be fore that of the Union at Large
The American System of Townships
Limits of the Township
Powers of the Township in New England
Life in the Township
Spirit of the Townships of New England
The Counties of New England
The Administration of Government in New England
General Remarks on the Administration in the United States
Of the State
Legislative Power of the State
The Executive Power of the State
Political Effects of decentralized Administration in the United States
Chapter VI. Judicial Power in the United States, and its Influence on Political Society
Other Powers granted to American Judges
Chapter VII. Political Jurisdiction in the United States
Chapter VIII. The Federal Constitution
History of the Federal Constitution
Summary of the Federal Constitution
Powers of the Federal Government
Legislative Powers of the Federal Government
A further Difference between the Senate and the House of Representatives
The Executive Power
In what the Position of a President of the United States differs from that of a Constitutional King of France
Accidental Causes which may increase the Influence of the Executive Government
Why the President of the United States does not need a Majority in the two Houses in Order to carry on the Government
Election of the President
Mode of Election
Crisis of the Election
Re-election of the President
Federal Courts of Justice
Means of determining the Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts
Different Cases of Jurisdiction
Procedure of the Federal Courts
High Rank of the Supreme Court amongst the great Powers of State
In what respects the Federal Constitution is superior to that of the States
Characteristics of the Federal Constitution of the United States of America as compared with all other Federal Constitutions
Advantages of the Federal System in general, and its special Utility in America
Why the Federal System is not practicable for all Nations, and how the Anglo-Americans were enabled to adopt it
Chapter IX. How it can be Strictly said that the People Govern in the United States
Chapter X. Parties in the United States
Remains of the Aristocratic Party in the United States
Chapter XI. Liberty of the Press in the United States
Chapter XII. Political Associations in the United States
Chapter XIII. Government of the Democracy in America
Universal Suffrage
The Choice of the People, and the Instinctive Preferences of the American Democracy
Causes which may partly correct these Tendencies of the Democracy
Influence which the American Democracy has exercised on the Laws relating to Elections
Public Officers under the Control of the American Democracy
Arbitrary Power of Magistrates under the Rule of the American Democracy
Instability of the Administration in the United States
Charges levied by the State under the Rule of the American Democracy
Tendencies of the American Democracy as regards the Salaries of public Officers
Difficulty of distinguishing the Causes which incline the American Government to Economy
Whether the Expenditure of the United States can be compared with that of France
Corruption and the Vices of the Rulers in a Democracy, and consequent Effects upon Public Morality
Efforts of which a Democracy is capable
Self-Control of the American Democracy
Conduct of Foreign Affairs by the American Democracy
Chapter XIV. What are the Real Advantages which American Society Derives from a Democratic Government
General Tendency of the Laws under the American Democracy, and Instincts of those who apply them
Public Spirit in the United States
Notion of Rights in the United States
Respect for the Law in the United States
Activity which pervades all Parts of the Body Politic in the United States; Influence which it exercises upon Society
Chapter XV. Unlimited Power of the Majority in the United States, and its Consequences
How the Omnipotence of the Majority increases, in America, the Instability of Legislation and Administration inherent in Democracy
Tyranny of the Majority
Effects of the Omnipotence of the Majority upon the arbitrary Authority of American Public Officers
Power exercised by the Majority in America upon Opinion
Effects of the Tyranny of the Majority upon the National Character of the Americans. — The Courtier-spirit in the United States
The greatest Dangers of the American Republics proceed from the Omnipotence of the Majority
Chapter XVI. Causes which Mitigate the Tyranny of the Majority in the United States
Absence of Centralized Administration
The Profession of the Law in the United States serves to counterpoise the Democracy
Trial by Jury in the United States considered as a Political Institution
Chapter XVII. Principal Causes which Tend to Maintain the Democratic Republic in the United States
Accidental or Providential Causes which contribute to maintain the Democratic Republic in the United States
Influence of the Laws upon the Maintenance of the Democratic Republic in the United States
Influence of Manners upon the Maintenance of the Democratic Republic in the United States
Religion considered as a Political Institution, which powerfully contributes to the Maintenance of the Democratic Republic amongst the Americans
Indirect Influence of Religious Opinions upon Political Society in the United States
Principal Causes which render Religion powerful in America
How the Education, the Habits, and the practical Experience of the Americans promote the Success of their Democratic Institutions
The Laws contribute more to the Maintenance of the Democratic Republic in the United States than the Physical Circumstances of the Country, and the Manners more than the Laws
Whether Laws and Manners are sufficient to maintain Democratic Institutions in other Countries besides America
Importance of what precedes with Respect to the State of Europe
Chapter XVIII. The Present and Probable Future Condition of the Three Races which Inhabit the Territory of the United States
The Present and probable Future Condition of the Indian Tribes which inhabit the Territory possessed by the Union
Situation of the Black Population in the United States, and Dangers with which its Presence threatens the Whites
What are the Chances of Duration of the American Union, and what Dangers threaten it
Of the Republican Institutions of the United States, and what their Chances of Duration are
Some Considerations on the Causes of the Commercial Prosperity of the United States
Democracy in America Volume II
Contents of Vol. II
First Book. Influence of Democracy Upon the Action of Intellect in the United States.
Chapter I. Philosophical Method of the Americans
Chapter II. of the Principal Source of Belief Among Democratic Nations
Chapter III. Why the Americans Show more Aptitude and Taste for General Ideas than their Forefathers, the English
Chapter IV. Why the Americans have Never been so Eager as the French for General Ideas in Political Affairs
Chapter V. How Religion in the United States Avails Itself of Democratic Tendencies
Chapter VI. the Progress of Roman Catholicism in the United States
Chapter VII. What causes Democratic Nations to Incline Towards Pantheism
Chapter VIII. How Equality Suggests to the Americans the Idea of the Indefinite Perfectibility of Man
Chapter IX. The Example of the Americans does not Prove that a Democratic People can have no Aptitude and no Taste for Science, Literature, or Art
Chapter X. Why the Americans are more Addicted to Practical than to Theoretical Science
Chapter XI. In what Spirit the Americans Cultivate the Arts
Chapter XII. Why the Americans Raise some Insignificant Monuments, and others that are Very Grand
Chapter XIII. Literary Characteristics of Democratic Times
Chapter XIV. The Trade of Literature
Chapter XV. The Study of Greek and Latin Literature is Peculiarly useful in Democratic Communities
Chapter XVI. How the American Democracy has Modified the English Language
Chapter XVII. Of some Sources of Poetry Amongst Democratic Nations
Chapter XVIII. Why American Writers and Orators Often use an Inflated Style
Chapter XIX. Some Observations on the Drama Amongst Democratic Nations
Chapter XX. Some Characteristics of Historians in Democratic Times
Chapter XXI. Of Parliamentary Eloquence in the United States
Second Book. Influence of Democracy on the Feelings of the Americans.
Chapter I. Why Democratic Nations Show a more Ardent and Enduring Love of Equality than of Liberty
Chapter II. Of Individualism in Democratic Countries
Chapter III. Individualism Stronger at the Close of a Democratic Revolution than at other Periods
Chapter IV. That the Americans Combat the Effects of Individualism by Free Institutions
Chapter V. Of the use which the Americans make of Public Associations in Civil Life
Chapter VI. Of the Relation Between Public Associations and the Newspapers
Chapter VII. Relation of Civil to Political Associations
Chapter VIII. How the Americans Combat Individualism by The Principle of Interest Rightly Understood
Chapter IX. That the Americans Apply the Principle of Interest Rightly Understood to Religious Matters
Chapter X. Of the Taste for Physical Well-Being in America
Chapter XI. Peculiar Effects of the Love of Physical Gratifications in Democratic Times
Chapter XII. Why Some Americans Manifest a Sort of Fanatical Spiritualism
Chapter XIII. Why the Americans are so Restless in the Midst of their Prosperity
Chapter XIV. How the Taste for Physical Gratifications is United in America to Love of Freedom and Attention To Public Affairs
Chapter XV. How Religious Belief Sometimes Turns the Thoughts of the Americans to Immaterial Pleasures
Chapter XVI. How Excessive care for Worldly Welfare May Impair that Welfare
Chapter XVII. How, when Conditions are Equal and Scepticism is Rife, it is Important to Direct Human Actions to Distant Objects
Chapter XVIII. Why Amongst the Americans all Honest Callings are Considered Honorable
Chapter XIX. What causes Almost all Americans to Follow Industrial Callings
Chapter XX. How an Aristocracy may be Created by Manufactures
Third Book. Influence of Democracy on Manners Properly so Called.
Chapter I. How Manners are Softened as Social Conditions Become more Equal
Chapter II. How Democracy Renders the Habitual Intercourse of the Americans Simple and Easy
Chapter III. Why the Americans Show so Little Sensitiveness in their Own Country, and are so Sensitive in Europe
Chapter IV. Consequences of the Three Preceding Chapters
Chapter V. How Democracy Affects the Relations of Masters and Servants
Chapter VI. How Democratic Institutions and Manners Tend to Raise Rents and Shorten the Terms of Leases
Chapter VII. Influence of Democracy on Wages
Chapter VIII. Influence of Democracy on the Family
Chapter IX. Education of Young Women in the United States
Chapter X. The young Woman in the Character of a Wife
Chapter XI. How Equality of Condition Contributes to Maintain Good Morals in America
Chapter XII. How the Americans Understand the Equality of the Sexes
Chapter XIII. How the Principle of Equality Naturally Divides the Americans into a Multitude of Small Private Circles
Chapter XIV. Some Reflections on American Manners
Chapter XV. Of the Gravity of the Americans, and why it does not Prevent them from often doing Inconsiderate Things
Chapter XVI. Why the National Vanity of the Americans is more Restless and Captious than that of the English
Chapter XVII. How the Aspect of Society in the United States is at once Excited and Monotonous
Chapter XVIII. Of Honor in the United States and in Democratic Communities
Chapter XIX. Why so many Ambitious Men and so Little Lofty Ambition are to be found in the United States
Chapter XX. The Trade of Place-Hunting in Certain Democratic Countries
Chapter XXI. Why Great Revolutions will Become more Rare
Chapter XXII. Why Democratic Nations are Naturally Desirous of Peace, and Democratic Armies of War
Chapter XXIII. Which is the most Warlike and most Revolutionary Class in Democratic Armies
Chapter XXIV. Causes which Render Democratic Armies Weaker than other Armies at the Outset of a Campaign, and more Formidable in Protracted Warfare
Chapter XXV. Of Discipline in Democratic Armies
Chapter XXVI. Some Considerations on War in Democratic Communities
Fourth Book. Influence of Democratic Ideas and Feelings on Political Society.
Chapter I. Equality Naturally gives Men a Taste for Free Institutions
Chapter II. That the Opinions of Democratic Nations about Government are Naturally Favorable to The Concentration of Power
Chapter III. That the Sentiments of Democratic Nations Accord with their Opinions in Leading them to Concentrate Political Power
Chapter IV. Of Certain Peculiar and Accidental Causes, which Either Lead a People to Complete the Centralization of Government, or which Divert them from It
Chapter V. That Amongst the European Nations of our Time the Sovereign Power is Increasing, Although The Sovereigns are Less Stable
Chapter VI. What Sort of Despotism Democratic Nations have to Fear
Chapter VII. Continuation of the Preceding Chapters
Chapter VIII. General Survey of the Subject
Democracy in Switzerland. A Report made to the Academy of the Moral and Political Sciences in 1847
Speech of M. De Tocqueville in the Chamber of Deputies, January 27, 1848
Biographical Notice of De Tocqueville
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