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Half Title
Title Page
Full title in 1830
Guide for Readers
Concerning This Translation
Title Page (1830)
Preface (1830)
Introduction | §§1–31
[Explanation] §1
Chapter One: Toward a Definition of Dogmatics
Introduction to Chapter One §2
I. Toward the Concept “Church”: Propositions Borrowed from Ethics §§3 – 6
II. Regarding the Differentiations among Religious Communities in General: Propositions Borrowed from the Philosophy of Religion §§7 – 10
III. Presentation of Christianity in Accordance with Its Distinctive Nature: Propositions Borrowed from Apologetics §§11–14
IV. Regarding the Relationship of Dogmatics to Christian Piety §§15–19
Chapter Two: Regarding the Method of Dogmatics
Introduction to Chapter Two §20
I. Regarding Selection of the Dogmatic Material §§21–26
II. Regarding the Formation of Dogmatics §§27–31
The Doctrines of Faith, Part One | §§32–61
Introduction to Part One §§32–35
Section One
Introduction to Section One §§36–39
First Point of Doctrine: Regarding Creation §§40–41
Appendix One: Regarding Angels §§42–43
Appendix Two: Regarding the Devil §§44–45
Second Point of Doctrine: Regarding Preservation §§46–49
Section Two
[Introduction to Section Two] §§50–51
First Point of Doctrine: God Is Eternal §52
Second Point of Doctrine: God Is Omnipresent §53
Third Point of Doctrine: God Is Omnipotent §54
Fourth Point of Doctrine: God Is Omniscient §55
Appendix to Section Two: Regarding Some Other Divine Attributes §56
Section Three
Introduction to Section Three §§57–58
First Point of Doctrine: Regarding the Original Perfection of the World §59
Second Point of Doctrine: Regarding the Original Perfection of Humanity §§60–61
The Doctrines of Faith, Part Two | §§62–169
Introduction [to Part Two] §§62–64
The First Aspect of the Contrast: Explication of the Consciousness of Sin
[Introduction to the First Aspect of the Contrast] §65
Section One
[Introduction to Section One] §§66–69
First Point of Doctrine: Regarding Original Sin §§70–72
Second Point of Doctrine: Regarding Actual Sin §§73–74
Section Two
[Point of Doctrine: Regarding Evil] §§75–77
Postscript to This Point of Doctrine [regarding Evil] §78
Section Three
[Introduction to Section Three] §§79–82
First Point of Doctrine: God Is Holy §83
Second Point of Doctrine: God Is Just §84
Addendum: Regarding the Mercy of God §85
The Second Aspect of the Contrast: Explication regarding the Consciousness of Grace
Introduction [to the Second Aspect of the Contrast] §§86–90
Section One
[Introduction to Section One] §91
Division One: Regarding Christ
[Introduction to Division One] §92
First Point of Doctrine: Regarding the Person of Christ
Introduction to First Point of Doctrine §§93–95
First Doctrinal Proposition §96
Second Doctrinal Proposition §97
Third Doctrinal Proposition §98
[Addendum to This Point of Doctrine] §99
Second Point of Doctrine: Regarding the Work of Christ
[Introduction to Second Point of Doctrine] §§100–102
First Doctrinal Proposition §103
Second Doctrinal Proposition §104
Third Doctrinal Proposition §105
Division Two: Regarding the Way in which Communion with the Perfection and Blessedness of the Redeemer Is Expressed in the Individual Soul
[Introduction to Division Two] §106
First Point of Doctrine: Regarding Regeneration
[Introduction to First Point of Doctrine] §107
First Doctrinal Proposition: Regarding Conversion §108
Second Doctrinal Proposition: Regarding Justification §109
Second Point of Doctrine: Regarding Sanctification
[Introduction to Second Point of Doctrine] §110
First Doctrinal Proposition: Regarding Sins of the Regenerate §111
Second Doctrinal Proposition: Regarding the Good Works of the Regenerate §112
Section Two
[Introduction to Section Two] §§113–114
Division One: Regarding the Emergence of the Church
[Introduction to Division One] §§115–116
First Point of Doctrine: Regarding Election
[Introduction to First Point of Doctrine] §§117–118
First Doctrinal Proposition: Regarding Predestination §119
Second Doctrinal Proposition: Regarding the Grounds for Defining Election §120
Second Point of Doctrine: Regarding Communication of the Holy Spirit
[Introduction to Second Point of Doctrine] §§121–122
First Doctrinal Proposition §123
Second Doctrinal Proposition §124
Third Doctrinal Proposition §125
Division Two: Regarding the Continuance of the Church in Its Coexistence with the World
[Introduction to DivisionTwo] §126
The First Half [of the Second Division]: The Essential and Invariable Basic Characteristics of the Church
[Introduction to the First Half] §127
First Point of Doctrine: Regarding Holy Scripture
[Introduction to First Point of Doctrine] §§128–129
First Doctrinal Proposition §130
Second Doctrinal Proposition §131
Addendum to This Point of Doctrine §132
Second Point of Doctrine: Regarding the Ministry of the Divine Word
[Introduction to Second Point of Doctrine] §133
First Doctrinal Proposition §134
Second Doctrinal Proposition §135
Third Point of Doctrine: Regarding Baptism
[Introduction to Third Point of Doctrine] §136
First Doctrinal Proposition §137
Second Doctrinal Proposition §138
Fourth Point of Doctrine: Regarding the Lord’s Supper
[Introduction to Fourth Point of Doctrine] §§139–140
First Doctrinal Proposition §141
Second Doctrinal Proposition §142
Addendum to the Last Two Points of Doctrine: [Regarding the Term “Sacrament”] §143
Fifth Point of Doctrine: Regarding the Office of the Keys
[Introduction to Fifth Point of Doctrine] §144
Doctrinal Proposition §145
Sixth Point of Doctrine: Regarding Prayer in Jesus’ Name
[Introduction to Sixth Point of Doctrine] §146
Doctrinal Proposition §147
The Second Half of the Second Division: The Variable Characteristic of the Church by Virtue of Its Coexistence with the World
[Introduction to the Second Half ] §§148–149
First Point of Doctrine: Regarding the Plurality of the Visible Church in Relation to the Unity of the Invisible Church
[Introduction to First Point of Doctrine] §150
First Doctrinal Proposition §151
Second Doctrinal Proposition §152
Second Point of Doctrine: Regarding the Capacity for Error in the Visible Church in Relation to the Unfailing Reliability of the Invisible Church
[Introduction to Second Point of Doctrine] §153
First Doctrinal Proposition §154
Second Doctrinal Proposition §155
Postscript to These Two Points of Doctrine §156
Division Three: Regarding the Consummation of the Church
[Introduction to Division Three] §§157–159
First Point of Prophetic Doctrine: Regarding Christ’s Coming Again §160
Second Point of Prophetic Doctrine: Regarding Resurrection of the Flesh §161
Third Point of Prophetic Doctrine: Regarding the Last Judgment §162
Fourth Point of Prophetic Doctrine: Regarding Eternal Blessedness §163
Section Three
[Introduction to Section Three] §§164–165
First Point of Doctrine: Regarding Divine Love
[Introduction to First Point of Doctrine] §166
Doctrinal Proposition §167
Second Point of Doctrine: Regarding Divine Wisdom
[Introduction to Second Point of Doctrine] §168
Doctrinal Proposition §169
Conclusion: Regarding Divine Threeness §§170–172
Appendix: Preface to the First Edition (1821)
Guide to the Indexes
Index of References to “Brief Outline”
Index of Creeds and Confessions
Index of Scripture
Index of Persons and Places
Analytical Index of Topics: Subjects, Concepts, Themes, Definitions, Word Usage, and Contrasts
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