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Imperial Library
Introduction: The Forces of History and Histories of the Force
Part I: “Only Imperial Stormtroopers Are So Precise”
Chapter 1: Why Rebels Triumph
Keys to Rebel Success: A Trilogy of Wars
People’s War: A Trilogy of Phases
Why Empires Lose: A Trilogy of Reasons
Evil Incarnate?: The Emperor, Vader, and the Rebel Cause
A Coda: The United States in Iraq and Afghanistan
Chapter 2: “Part of the Rebel Alliance and a Traitor”
A Symbol of Hope
The Maid, the Countess, and the Padawan
Keep Mum. She’s Not So Dumb!
The Princess and the Partisanes
Armed and Dangerous
Resistance: Something Old and Something New
Chapter 3: Elegant Weapons for Civilized Ages
“Ancient Weapons and Hokey Religions”: The Origin of the Jedi Order
“It Binds the Galaxy Together”: Qi, the Force, and the Shaolin Monks
“Let Go Your Conscious Self”: Samurai and the Zen Art of Lightsaber Maintenance
“Some Damned-Fool Idealistic Crusade”: The Jedi and the Knights Templar
“No Such Thing as Luck”
Chapter 4: “A House Divided”
Separatists, Revolutionaries, and Those Loyal to the Empire
“Have You Come to Free Us?”: The Roots of Civil Wars
“Begun the Clone War Has”: How Wars Divide Republics and Empires
Plans and People
“You Were My Brother”: Border States and Uncivil Divisions
“No Time for Sorrows”: Costs and Consequences of Civil Wars
Part II: “Join Me, and Together We Can Rule the Galaxy as Father and Son”
Chapter 5: I, Sidious
The Roman Republic, Augustus, and the Sith Lord Emperor
“Sounds an Awful Lot Like a Dictatorship to Me”: Palpatine’s Subversion of the Galactic
A Tale of Two Emperors: Palpatine and Napoleon
Today Coruscant, Tomorrow the Galaxy!: Nazi Germany and Palpatine
“The Last Remnants of the Old Republic Have Been Swept Away”
Chapter 6: Teen Queen
“You Think a Princess and a Guy Like Me . . . ?”
“The Queen Will Not Approve”
“She’s a Politician, and They’re Not to Be Trusted”
“I Was Not Elected to Watch My People Suffer and Die”
“Are You an Angel?”
“Look, I Ain’t in This for Your Revolution, and I’m Not in It for You, Princess.”
Chapter 7: “There’s Always a Bigger Fish”
Longer Ago, Farther Away
Tyrants: Light or Dark?
“For a Safe and Secure Society . . .”
“The Dark Side Clouds Everything”
“A Pathway to Many Abilities Some Consider to Be Unnatural”
And Yet . . .
Chapter 8: “Fear Is the Path to the Dark Side”
“This Station Is Now the Ultimate Power in the Universe. I Suggest We Use It.”
“Fear Will Keep the Local Systems in Line. Fear of This Battle Station.”
“Remember Back to Your Early Teachings. ‘All Who Gain Power Are Afraid to Lose It.’”
Part III: “Excuse Me, Sir, but That Artoo Unit Is in Prime Condition, a Real Bargain”
Chapter 9: From Slavery to Freedom in a Galaxy Far, Far Away
The Universality of Human Bondage
“There Is Still Slavery in the Galaxy”: Star Wars and Slavery
Anakin Skywalker, Slave
Slavery and Luke Skywalker
“You’ll Soon Learn to Appreciate Me”: Sex, Slavery, and Star Wars
“We Don’t Serve Their Kind Here”: Beyond Chattel Slavery
Chapter 10: “Greed Can Be a Powerful Ally”
“You Old Pirate”: Merchant Bandits on the Edge of Empire
“Business Is Business”: From Independent Traders to Multinationals
“A Blockade of Deadly Battleships”: Tactics of Isolation and Intimidation
“The Oppression of the Trade Federation”: Commercial Empires at Their Height
“Make Them Suffer”: Cruelty and Greed under the Rule of Commercial Monopolies
“Lord Sidious Promised Us Peace”: The End of Commercial Empires
Chapter 11: Coruscant, the Great Cities of Earth, and Beyond
Going to Town
Reaching for the Sky: Cities Go High
London and Coruscant: Cities at the Center of It All
New York: The Empire City
The City of Tomorrow
The Jedi Council
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