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Imperial Library
1 The Big Bang and Jewish Mysticism
In the Beginning, There Was “Nothing”
Merkabah Mysticism
Your Right to the Mystical Experience
The Origins of Kabbalah
Moses de León and Isaac Luria
2 The Inner Faces of God
Ein Sof: The Cause above All Causes
The Sefirot: Divine Emanations
One God or Many?
The Creation of the Tree of Life
3 The Tree of Life: The Sefirot Unveiled
The First Triad
The Second Triad
Tiferet: The Son and Harmonizer
Kabbalah Illumines the New Testament
The Third Triad
Malkhut/Shekhinah: The Feminine Aspect of God
The Quasi Sefirah, Da’at
The Lightning Flash
4 A Portrait of the God Within
Adam Kadmon: Our Divine Blueprint
The I AM Presence: The Personal Presence of God
Your Unique Identity in God
The Holy Christ Self: Your Inner Teacher
The Flame of God in Your Heart
Your Soul and Four Lower Bodies
The Sefirot and the Chakras
5 Mysteries of the Soul
The Three Parts of the Soul
The Difference between Your Soul and Your Divine Spark
Soul Travel to Celestial Academies
Twin Flames and Soul Mates
Devekut, Mystical Cleaving to God
The Soul’s Journey after Life
The Soul’s Final Ascent
6 The Origin of Evil
Evil Emerged from Gevurah/Din
The Counterfeit Din
Balancing the Masculine and Feminine Qualities
Escaping the Clutches of the Other Side
Why Does God Allow Evil to Exist?
Aiding and Abetting the Other Side
Adam’s Sin
The Kings That Died
The Breaking of the Vessels
Parallels with Hindu Cosmology
Liberating the Sparks
The Hasidic View: Your Unique Role in Rescuing the Sparks
The Exile Takes On New Meaning
7 The Practical Path of the Mystic
A Golden Age of Kabbalah
Mirroring the Sefirot in Our Virtues and Deeds
To Imitate Keter
The Folly of Taking Offense
The Karmic Factor
A Two-Step Process of Resolution
The Banner of Humility
To Acquire Wisdom
To Acquire Understanding
To Acquire Mercy and Love
To Acquire Power
To Acquire Beauty
To Acquire Endurance and Majesty
To Acquire Foundation
To Acquire Sovereignty
Forgetting the Self
8 Prayer and the Power of God’s Names
Kavvanah: A Unique Marriage of Prayer and Meditation
A Mystical Affirmation of Oneness
Prayer That Flows from a Joyous Heart
The Power of the Names of God
9 The Mystic Ascent
The Divine Names as Keys to Entering the Gates of Light
Yesod—El Hai and Shaddai
Hod—Elohim Tzevaot Netzah—YHVH Tzevaot
Tiferet—YHVH (Adonai)
Binah—YHVH (Elohim)
Keter—Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh
10 The Creative Power of Sound
The Science of the Spoken Word
Archangel Michael, Guardian of Our Spiritual Practice
Purifying and Energizing Your Chakras
Chakra Affirmations and Visualizations
Relying on Prayer
Ascending the Tree of Life through the Names of God
Prayer to Adonai
Prayer to El Hai and Shaddai
Prayer to Elohim Tzevaot and YHVH Tzevaot
Prayer to YHVH
Prayer to Elohim
Prayer to El
Prayer to YHVH
Prayer to Yah
Prayer to Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh
I AM Light
Pronunciation Guide
Picture Credits
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