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Imperial Library
Front Cover
About the Author and About this Book
Title Page
Translator’s Introduction
1: The Title
2: The Book
3: The Accusation
4: The Bitterest of Duties
5: The Friend of the Family
6: Uncle Cosme
7: Dona Glória
8: It is Time
9: The Opera
10: The Theory Accepted
11: The Promise
12: On The Veranda
13: Capitu
14: The Inscription
15: Another Sudden Voice
16: The Temporary Director
17: The Maggots
18: The Plan
19: Without Fail
20: A Thousand Paternosters and a Thousand Ave Marias
21: Cousin Justina
22: The Feelings of Others
23: The Time is Fixed
24: Mother and Servant
25: On the Promenade
26: The Law is a Fine Career
27: At the Entrance
28: In the Street
29: The Emperor
30: The Holy Sacrament
31: Capitu’s Curiosity
32: Whirlpool Eyes
33: Hairdressing
34: I am a Man
35: The Apostolic Protonotary
36: Flights of the Imagination
37: The Human Soul is an Enigma
38: My Goodness, What a Fright!
39: Vocation
40: A Mare
41: The Private Conversation
42: Capitu Reflects
43: Are You Afraid?
44: The First Child
45: Shake Your Head, Reader
46: Peace-Making
47: ‘The Mistress has gone out’
48: The Vow by the Well
49: A Candle on Saturdays
50: A Compromise
51: Twilight
52: Old Pádua
53: On My Way
54: Panegyric of St Monica
55: A Sonnet
56: The Seminarist Escobar
57: By Way of Preparation
58: The Treaty
59: Companions with Good Memories
60: Beloved Opusculum
61: Homer’s Cow
62: A Touch of Iago
63: Halves of a Dream
64: A Notion and a Scruple
65: Dissimulation
66: Intimacy
67: A Sin
68: A Virtue Postponed
69: The Mass
70: After the Mass
71: Escobar’s Visit
72: A Reform in the Drama
73: The Stage Manager
74: The Buckle
75: Desperation
76: The Explanation
77: The Joy of Former Sorrows
78: One Secret for Another
79: We Come to the Chapter
80: Let’S Come to the Chapter
81: One Word
82: The Sofa
83: The Portrait
84: I am Called
85: The Corpse
86: Fall in Love, Lads
87: The Tilbury
88: An Honest Pretext
89: The Refusal
90: Polemics
91: A Consoling Thought
92: The Devil is not so Black as he is Painted
93: A Friend for a Corpse
94: A Matter of Arithmetic
95: The Pope
96: A Substitute
97: The Solution
98: Five Years
99: The Son is the Image of his Father
100: ‘You will be Happy, Bentinho’
101: In Heaven
102: A Married Woman
103: Happiness is All-Forgiving
104: The Pyramids
105: Arms
106: Ten Pounds Sterling
107: Jealousy of the Sea
108: A Son
109: An Only Child
110: Childhood Exploits
111: Quickly Told
112: Ezequiel’s Imitations
113: Third-Party Embargoes
114: The Explanation of an Explanation
115: Doubts and more Doubts
116: Son of Man
117: Close Friends
118: Sancha’s Hand
119: Don’t do that, My Dear
120: The Lawsuits
121: The Catastrophe
122: The Funeral
123: Whirlpool Eyes
124: The Speech
125: A Comparison
126: Brooding
127: The Barber
128: Events Move Fast
129: To Dona Sancha
130: One Day …
131: Before the Previous One
132: The Sketch and the Finished Portrait
133: An Idea
134: Saturday
135: Othello
136: The Cup of Coffee
137: Second Thoughts
138: Enter Capitu
139: The Photograph
140: Return from Church
141: The Solution
142: A Saint
143: The Last Superlative
144: A Question Late in the Day
145: The Return
146: There was no Leprosy
147: The Retrospective Exhibition
148: Well, What about the Rest?
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