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Title page
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Part 1: From Author to Entrepreneur
1.1 Arc of the author: From author to running a business as an author
1.2 Definition of an author-entrepreneur
1.3 What is your definition of success?
1.4 What do you want with your life?
1.5 Should you start a company?
Part 2: Products and Services
2.1 Definition
2.2 It's not just one book. Your rights and how to exploit them
2.3 Business models for authors
2.4 Evaluating business models
2.5 Contracts
2.6 Copyright and piracy
2.7 Production plan
Part 3: Employees, Suppliers and Contractors
3.1 Definition
3.2 You. The writer.
3.3 Co-writing partners
3.4 Editors
3.5 Agents and publishers
3.6 Translators
3.7 Book designers and formatters
3.8 Audiobook narrators
3.9 Bookkeeping and accounting
3.10 Virtual or executive assistant
3.11 Managing your team
Part 4: Customers
4.1 Definition
4.2 Who are your customers?
4.3 Customer service
Part 5: Sales and Distribution
5.1 Definition
5.2 Selling through distributors
5.3 Selling direct
5.4 Publishing imprint and ISBNs
5.5 Pricing
Part 6: Marketing
6.1 Definition
6.2 Key concepts
6.3 Book-based marketing
6.4 Author-based marketing
6.5 Customer-based marketing
6.6 A tale of two author brands
Part 7: Financials
7.1 Definition
7.2 Money mindset
7.3 Income circles exercise
7.4 Revenues of the author business
7.5 Increase your revenue
7.6 Costs of the author business
7.7 Funding your business
7.8 Banking and PayPal
7.9 Accounting, reporting, tax and estate planning
Part 8: Strategy and Planning
8.1 Definition
8.2 Strategy
8.3 Business plan
8.4 Managing your time
8.5 Developing professional habits
8.6 Accountability
8.7 The long term view
8.8 Becoming a full-time author. Why, when and how?
8.9 Looking after yourself
Part 9: Next Steps
9.1 Questions to help you proceed
9.2 Your next steps
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Other Books by Joanna Penn
About Joanna Penn
A. Resources
B. My lessons learned
C. Tools I use in my creative business
D. Money, Writing and Life. Interview with Jane Friedman
E. Make Art. Make Money. Interview with Elizabeth Hyde-Stevens
F. Q&A with editor Jen Blood
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