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Title Page
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Preface to the Fourth Edition
Chapter 1—Defense Services on the Free Market
Chapter 2—Fundamentals of Intervention
1. Types of Intervention
2. Direct Effects of Intervention on Utility
A. Intervention and Conflict
B. Democracy and the Voluntary
C. Utility and Resistance to Invasion
D. The Argument from Envy
E. Utility Ex Post
Chapter 3—Triangular Intervention
1. Price Control
2. Product Control: Prohibition
3. Product Control: Grant of Monopolistic Privilege
A. Compulsory Cartels
B. Licenses
C. Standards of Quality and Safety
D. Tariffs
E. Immigration Restrictions
F. Child Labor Laws
G. Conscription
H. Minimum Wage Laws and Compulsory Unionism
I. Subsidies to Unemployment
J. Penalties on Market Forms
K. Antitrust Laws
L. Outlawing Basing-Point Pricing
M. Conservation Laws
N. Patents
O. Franchises and “Public Utilities”
P. The Right of Eminent Domain
Q. Bribery of Government Officials
R. Policy Toward Monopoly
Appendix A: On Private Coinage
Appendix B: Coercion and Lebensraum
Chapter 4—Binary Intervention: Taxation
1. Introduction: Government Revenues and Expenditures
2. The Burdens and Benefits of Taxation and Expenditures
3. The Incidence and Effects of Taxation
Part I: Taxes on Incomes
A. The General Sales Tax and the Laws of Incidence
B. Partial Excise Taxes; Other Production Taxes
C. General Effects of Income Taxation
D. Particular Forms of Income Taxation
(1) Taxes on Wages
(2) Corporate Income Taxation
(3) “Excess” Profit Taxation
(4) The Capital Gains Problem
(5) Is a Tax on Consumption Possible?
4. The Incidence and Effects of Taxation
Part II: Taxation on Accumulated Capital
A. Taxation on Gratuitous Transfers: Bequests and Gifts
B. Property Taxation
C. A Tax on Individual Wealth
5. The Incidence and Effects of Taxation
Part III: The Progressive Tax
6. The Incidence and Effects of Taxation
Part IV: The “Single Tax” on Ground Rent
7. Canons of “Justice” in Taxation
A. The Just Tax and the Just Price
B. Costs of Collection, Convenience, and Certainty
C. Distribution of the Tax Burden
(1) Uniformity of Treatment
a. Equality Before the Law: Tax Exemption
b. The Impossibility of Uniformity
(2) The “Ability-to-Pay” Principle
a. The Ambiguity of the Concept
b. The Justice of the Standard
(3) Sacrifice Theory
(4) The Benefit Principle
(5) The Equal Tax and the Cost Principle
(6) Taxation “For Revenue Only”
(7) The Neutral Tax: A Summary
D. Voluntary Contributions to Government
Chapter 5—Binary Intervention: Government Expenditures
1. Government Subsidies: Transfer Payments
2. Resource-Using Activities: Government Ownership versus Private Ownership
3. Resource-Using Activities: Socialism
4. The Myth of “Public” Ownership
5. Democracy
Appendix: The Role of Government Expenditures in National Product Statistics
Chapter 6—Antimarket Ethics: A Praxeological Critique
1. Introduction: Praxeological Criticism of Ethics
2. Knowledge of Self-Interest: An Alleged Critical Assumption
3. The Problem of Immoral Choices
4. The Morality of Human Nature
5. The Impossibility of Equality
6. The Problem of Security
7. Alleged Joys of the Society of Status
8. Charity and Poverty
9. The Charge of “Selfish Materialism”
10. Back to the Jungle?
11. Power and Coercion
A. “Other Forms of Coercion”: Economic Power
B. Power Over Nature and Power Over Man
12. The Problem of Luck
13. The Traffic-Manager Analogy
14. Over- and Underdevelopment
15. The State and the Nature of Man
16. Human Rights and Property Rights
Appendix: Professor Oliver on Socioeconomic Goals
A. The Attack on Natural Liberty
B. The Attack on Freedom of Contract
C. The Attack on Income According to Earnings
Chapter 7—Conclusion: Economics and Public Policy
1. Economics: Its Nature and Its Uses
2. Implicit Moralizing: The Failures of Welfare Economics
3. Economics and Social Ethics
4. The Market Principle and the Hegemonic Principle
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