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Imperial Library
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1. (1) Peppermint Mocha on the Double
2. (2) Technically Correct
3. (3) Sisterly Glares
4. (4) Clicking Case
5. (5) Asmodeus
6. (6) Coffee Cake
7. (7) Wait & Clear
8. (8) No Time To Worry
9. (9) Pasta Perfect
10. (10) Wouldn't Hurt a Pumpkinhead
11. (11) King's Arms Advice Giving
12. (12) You're a Witch Rosie
13. (13) Don't Play Pretend
14. (14) Hustle and Bustle
15. (15) A Packed Cafe
16. (16) Just Like Grandma
17. (17) North Country Coven
18. (18) Bring Brownies
19. (19) A Treat
20. (20) Modern Chill
21. (21) Through Clenched Teeth
22. (22) Less Than Best Behavior
23. (23) Leaving Time
24. (24) Departures and Dairy
25. (25) Steaming Mad
26. (26) Not Quite Lad
27. (27) All The Customers
28. (28) Spell and Shine
29. (29) Hugo's Letter
30. (30) Espresso Dream
31. (31) Glowing Endorsement
32. (32) Refreshing Surprise
33. (33)Three Quarters and a Flick of the Wrist
34. (34) Taste Tester, Unofficially?
35. (35) Joyful Reunion
36. (36) Magical Meditations
37. (37) Three Customers and a Butterscotch
38. (38) Scones and Chocolates
39. (39) Frost on the Window
40. (40) Jaunty of the Little Birdy
41. (41) Deal Or Not
42. (42) A Cup Half Empty
43. (43) Colored Sparks & Glamour Acts
44. (44) Tart, But Only Sometimes
45. (45) Pumpkinhead Down!
46. (46) The Greatest Show
47. (47) Sinister Rouge, Like The Lipstick
48. (48) Quiet Audience
49. (49) Hot Caramel Drizzle
50. (50) The Upper Crust
51. (51) Basically Theater
52. (52) Business As Usual
53. (53) Muffin Diplomacy
54. (54) A Promised Treat
55. (55) Fumble With The Key
56. (56) To Go Cups
57. (57) Nature Walk
58. (58) Deciding Vote
59. (59) Welcome In the North Country
60. (60) Lights of Ashford
61. (61) Broomsticks & Grandmas
62. (62) Lattes, Pumpkin Spice
63. (63) Pumpkin Spice Supremacy
64. (64) Dramatic Deals
65. (65) Just You Wait
66. (66) Abuzz With Activity
67. (67) The Spice is Specialty
68. (68) The Show Goes On
69. (69) We've Earned It
70. (70) Palace Visit
71. (71) Drained Coffee
72. (72) Lock Up at Four
73. (73) Strictly Exploratory
74. (74) A Delicate Task
75. (75) Radio Announcement
76. Chapter Seventy-Six
77. Chapter Seventy-Seven
78. Chapter Seventy-Eight
79. Chapter Seventy-Nine
80. Chapter Eighty
81. Chapter Eighty-One
82. Chapter Eighty-Two
83. Chapter Eighty-Three
84. Chapter Eighty-Four
85. Chapter Eighty-Five
86. Chapter Eighty-Six
87. Chapter Eighty-Seven
88. Chapter Eighty-Eight
89. Chapter Eighty-Nine
90. Chapter Ninety
91. Chapter Ninety-One
92. Chapter Ninety-Two
93. Chapter Ninety-Three
94. Chapter Ninety-Four
95. Chapter Ninety-Five
96. Chapter Ninety-Six
97. Chapter -Ninety-Seven
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