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Imperial Library
Title Page
Part One: Dogs In Harm’s Way
1: Walking Point
2: Regular, Everyday Heroes
3: Uncrating the History of War Dogs
4: Jake, the Everydog with the Right Stuff?
5: The Meaning of Military Dog Tattoos
6: Hey, Is That 600 Rounds of Antiaircraft Ammunition?
7: This Is the Life
8: The Killing Fields, with Dog
Part Two: Nature, Nurture, And Training
9: Shopping in Europe
10: The Diversity of MWD Jobs
11: And Then There’s Lars…
12: Only the Bold with an Unnatural Desire
13: The Wrong Stuff
14: What’s in a Name?
15: Born in the USA
16: A Tattoo, and a Little Operation
17: Boot Camp
18: Handlers with Buckets
19: Dog School
20: I Try Not to Notice the Blood
21: Reward-Based Training, Mostly
Part Three: The Dog Trainer And The Scientists
22: Afghanistan, USA
23: The Proving Ground
24: Gun-Shy
25: Sheeple
26: Gunny
27: A Verbal Leash
28: Heat
29: The End of the Road?
30: The Scientists Weigh in on Nose Power
31: A Tour of a Dog’s Nose
32: A Cloud of Scurf
33: Dog Sense
34: Plumbing a Dog’s Mind
35: The Smell of Fear Revisited
Part Four: Dogs And Their Soldiers
36: Round the Corner, Down to the River
37: The Sound of Blek Screaming
38: The Buddy System
39: That Dog Who Was Walking Point
40: Special Effects
41: Foxholes
42: Rex…and Cinte
43: Always Around
44: Beyond Death
45: After the Traumatic Stress
46: Semper Fidelis
47: Cycle of Life
48: “The Worst Kind of Animal Abuse”
49: A Nice Retirement
50: The Adoption Craze
51: A Very Good Life
52: The Best Medical Care Money Can Buy
53: Thirteen Medals and Ribbons
54: Who Needs Medals or Stamps?
55: Walking Point, Once Again
A Note On Sources
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