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Imperial Library
1. Basic Research for Nuclear Transmutation and Disposal: Physical and Chemical Studies Relevant to Nuclear Transmutation and Disposal Such as Measurement or Evaluation of Nuclear Cross-Section Data
1. Nuclear Transmutation of Long-Lived Nuclides with Laser Compton Scattering: Quantitative Analysis by Theoretical Approach
2. Recent Progress in Research and Development in Neutron Resonance Densitometry (NRD) for Quantification of Nuclear Materials in Particle-Like Debris
3. Development of Nondestructive Assay to Fuel Debris of Fukushima Daiichi NPP (1): Experimental Validation for the Application of a Self-Indication Method
4. Development of Nondestructive Assay of Fuel Debris of Fukushima Daiichi NPP (2): Numerical Validation for the Application of a Self-Indication Method
5. Precise Measurements of Neutron Capture Cross Sections for LLFPs and MAs
6. Development of the Method to Assay Barely Measurable Elements in Spent Nuclear Fuel and Application to BWR 9 × 9 Fuel
2. Development of ADS Technologies: Current Status of Accelerator-Driven System Development
7. Contribution of the European Commission to a European Strategy for HLW Management Through Partitioning & Transmutation
8. Design of J-PARC Transmutation Experimental Facility
9. Accelerator-Driven System (ADS) Study in Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute (KURRI)
3. Mechanical and Material Technologies for ADS: Development of Mechanical Engineering or Material Engineering-Related Technologies for ADS and Other Advanced Reactor Systems
10. Heat Transfer Study for ADS Solid Target: Surface Wettability and Its Effect on a Boiling Heat Transfer
11. Experimental Study of Flow Structure and Turbulent Characteristics in Lead–Bismuth Two-Phase Flow
4. Basic Research on Reactor Physics of ADS: Basic Theoretical Studies for Reactor Physics in ADS
12. Theory of Power Spectral Density and Feynman-Alpha Method in Accelerator-Driven System and Their Higher-Order Mode Effects
13. Study on Neutron Spectrum of Pulsed Neutron Reactor
5. Next-Generation Reactor Systems: Development of New Reactor Concepts of LWR or FBR for the Next-Generation Nuclear Fuel Cycle
14. Application of the Resource-Renewable Boiling Water Reactor for TRU Management and Long-Term Energy Supply
15. Development of Uranium-Free TRU Metallic Fuel Fast Reactor Core
16. Enhancement of Transmutation of Minor Actinides by Hydride Target
17. Method Development for Calculating Minor Actinide Transmutation in a Fast Reactor
18. Overview of European Experience with Thorium Fuels
6. Reactor Physics Studies for Post-Fukushima Accident Nuclear Energy: Studies from the Reactor Physics Aspect for Back-End Issues Such as Treatment of Debris from the Fukushima Accident
19. Transmutation Scenarios after Closing Nuclear Power Plants
20. Sensitivity Analyses of Initial Compositions and Cross Sections for Activation Products of In-Core Structure Materials
21. Options of Principles of Fuel Debris Criticality Control in Fukushima Daiichi Reactors
22. Modification of the STACY Critical Facility for Experimental Study on Fuel Debris Criticality Control
7. Nuclear Fuel Cycle Policy and Technologies: National Policy, Current Status, Future Prospects and Public Acceptance of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Including Geological Disposal
23. Expectation for Nuclear Transmutation
24. Issues of HLW Disposal in Japan
25. Considering the Geological Disposal Program of High-Level Radioactive Waste Through Classroom Debate
8. Environmental Radioactivity: Development of Radioactivity Measurement Methods and Activity of Radionuclides in the Environment Monitored After the Accidents at TEPCO’s Nuclear Power Stations
26. Environmental Transfer of Carbon-14 in Japanese Paddy Fields
27. Development of a Rapid Analytical Method for 129I in the Contaminated Water and Tree Samples at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
9. Treatment of Radioactive Waste: Reduction of the Radioactivity or Volume of Nuclear Wastes
28. Consideration of Treatment and Disposal of Secondary Wastes Generated from Treatment of Contaminated Water
29. Volume Reduction of Municipal Solid Wastes Contaminated with Radioactive Cesium by Ferrocyanide Coprecipitation Technique
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