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Title Page
General Preface
Author's Preface
Chief Abbreviations
Bible versions
Select Bibliography
Commentaries on the Gospel of John
Other commentaries, books, monographs and articles
1. Significance
2. Overview
3. Some distinctive features of the Gospel of John
4. The Gospel of John and the Letters of John: a scenario
5. Literary genre
6. Composition of the Gospel of John
7. Purpose and readership
8. Authorship
9. Date and place of writing
10. Historical reliability
11. Recent trends in the interpretation of the Gospel of John
12. Theology of the Gospel of John
13. Structure of the Gospel of John
1. The Prologue (1:1–18)
A. The Word as he was in the beginning (1:1–5)
B. The ministry of John (the Baptist) (1:6–8)
C. The true light comes into the world (1:9–11)
D. Those who receive the Word become children of God (1:12–13)
E. The coming of the Word into the world (1:14)
Additional note: monogenēs
F. The testimony of John (the Baptist) (1:15)
G. The Word makes the Father known (1:16–18)
2. Jesus’ Work in the World: The Book of Signs (1:19 – 12:50)
A. John (the Baptist) bears witness to Jesus (1:19–34)
B. Early disciples follow Jesus (1:35–51)
Additional note: ‘the Son of Man’
C. The wedding feast at Cana (2:1–12)
Additional note: signs
D. Jesus goes up to Jerusalem for Passover (2:13–25)
Additional note: the different words used for ‘temple’ in 2:13–22
E. Jesus and Nicodemus (3:1–21)
Additional note: being born of water and the Spirit
Additional note: the kingdom of God
Additional note: eternal life
Additional note: judgment
F. The ministries of John (the Baptist) and Jesus (3:22–36)
G. Jesus and the woman of Samaria (4:1–42)
Additional note: well-traditions
Additional note: egō eimi
Additional note: the Saviour of the world
H. The healing of the royal official’s son in Cana (4:43–54)
I. Jesus heals an invalid at the Pool of Bethesda and the aftermath (5:1–47)
J. Jesus and the bread of life (6:1–71)
Additional note: kingship
K. Jesus goes to Jerusalem for the Festival of Tabernacles (7:1–52)
Additional note: Jesus’ ‘deception’ of his brothers
Additional note: the experience of the Spirit before and after Jesus’ exaltation
L. Jesus forgives a woman taken in adultery (7:53 – 8:11)
M. Jesus in conflict with the Jews of Jerusalem (8:12–59)
N. Jesus heals a man born blind (9:1–41)
O. Jesus, the good shepherd (10:1–21)
P. Jesus at the Festival of Dedication (10:22–42)
Q. Jesus restores Lazarus to life and the aftermath (11:1–54)
R. Jesus’ hour has come (11:55 – 12:50)
3. Jesus’ Return to the Father: The Book of Glory (13:1 – 20:31)
A. The Last Supper (13:1–30)
B. The first part of the farewell discourse (13:31 – 14:31)
Additional note: ‘in my name’/‘in his name’
Additional note: the paraklētos
C. The second part of the farewell discourse (15:1 – 16:33)
D. Jesus’ prayer (17:1–26)
E. Jesus’ betrayal, the Jewish trial and Peter’s denials (18:1–27)
F. Jesus’ trial before Pilate (18:28 – 19:16a)
Additional note: ‘My kingdom is not of this world’
G. Jesus’ crucifixion and burial (19:16b–42)
H. Jesus’ resurrection (20:1–31)
4. Epilogue (21:1–25)
A. Jesus appears to seven disciples (21:1-14)
B. Jesus rehabilitates Peter (21:15–19)
C. Jesus responds to Peter’s question about the beloved disciple (21:20–23)
D. Conclusion (21:24–25)
About the Author
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