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Imperial Library
Title Page
Table of Contents
Part One: Situational Awareness: Prepare to Survive
1. Know Your Threats
2. Develop Your Personal Action Plan
3. Stockpiling Survival Supplies
4. Emergency Communication
5. Bugging Out: Planning to Evacuate
Part Two: Surviving Natural Disasters
6. Surviving a Severe Thunderstorm and Tornado
7. Surviving a Flood
8. Surviving a Hurricane
9. Surviving a Winter Storm
10. Surviving an Earthquake
11. Surviving a Wildfire
Part Three: Surviving Crime and Violent Situations
12. Situational Awareness and Crime
13. Self-Defense for the Real World
14. Home Security and Surviving a Home Invasion
15. Avoiding and Surviving a Violent Attack
16. Avoiding and a Surviving Sexual Assault
17. Avoiding and Surviving a Carjacking
18. Staying Safe While Using Public Transportation
19. Surviving an Active Shooter Situation
20. Surviving Workplace Violence
21. Surviving a Hostage Situation
22. Surviving a Kidnapping
Part Four: Surviving Man-Made Disasters, Threats, and Terrorism
23. Surviving a Riot or Flash Mob
24. Surviving a Nuclear Disaster
25. Surviving a Biochemical Attack
26. Surviving a Pandemic and Outbreak of Disease
27. Surviving a Power Grid Failure
28. Surviving a Cyber Attack and Hackers
29. Surviving a Water Infrastructure Problem
30. Surviving a Major Food Crisis
Part Five: Surviving Financial and Economic Threats
31. Setting a Budget
32. Prepping on a Budget
33. Develop a Plan for Long-Term Financial Security
34. Surviving a Job Loss
35. Surviving a Recession and Total Economic Collapse
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