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1 Atoms in Motion 1–1 Introduction This two-year course in physics is presented from the point of view that you, the reader, are going to be a physicist. This is not necessarily the case of course, but that is what every professor in every subject assumes! If you are going to be a physicist, you will have a lot to study: two hundred years of the most rapidly developing field of knowledge that there is. So much knowledge, in fact, that you might think that you cannot learn all of it in four years, and truly you cannot; you will have to go to graduate school too! Surprisingly enough, in spite of the tremendous amount of work that has been done for all this time it is possible to condense the enormous mass of results to a large extent—that is, to find laws which summarize all our knowledge. Even so, the laws are so hard to grasp that it is unfair to you to start exploring this tremendous subject without some kind of map or outline of the relationship of one part of the subject of science
2 Basic Physics 2–1 Introduction In this chapter, we shall examine the most fundamental ideas that we have about physics—the nature of things as we see them at the present time. We shall not discuss the history of how we know that all these ideas are true; you will learn these details in due time. The things with which we concern ourselves in science appear in myriad forms, and with a multitude of attributes. For example, if we stand on the shore and look at the sea, we see the water, the waves breaking, the foam, the sloshing motion of the water, the sound, the air, the winds and the clouds, the sun and the blue sky, and light; there is sand and there are rocks of various hardness and permanence, color and texture. There are animals and seaweed, hunger and disease, and the observer on the beach; there may be even happiness and thought. Any other spot in nature has a similar variety of things and influences. It is always as complicated as that, no matter where it is. Curiosity demands
3 The Relation of Physics to Other Sciences 3–1 Introduction Physics is the most fundamental and all-inclusive of the sciences, and has had a profound effect on all scientific development. In fact, physics is the present-day equivalent of what used to be called natural philosophy, from which most of our modern sciences arose. Students of many fields find themselves studying physics because of the basic role it plays in all phenomena. In this chapter we shall try to explain what the fundamental problems in the other sciences are, but of course it is impossible in so small a space really to deal with the complex, subtle, beautiful matters in these other fields. Lack of space also prevents our discussing the relation of physics to engineering, industry, society, and war, or even the most remarkable relationship between mathematics and physics. (Mathematics is not a science from our point of view, in the sense that it is not a natural science. The test of its validity is not experiment.) W
4 Conservation of Energy 4–1 What is energy? In this chapter, we begin our more detailed study of the different aspects of physics, having finished our description of things in general. To illustrate the ideas and the kind of reasoning that might be used in theoretical physics, we shall now examine one of the most basic laws of physics, the conservation of energy. There is a fact, or if you wish, a law, governing all natural phenomena that are known to date. There is no known exception to this law—it is exact so far as we know. The law is called the conservation of energy. It states that there is a certain quantity, which we call energy, that does not change in the manifold changes which nature undergoes. That is a most abstract idea, because it is a mathematical principle; it says that there is a numerical quantity which does not change when something happens. It is not a description of a mechanism, or anything concrete; it is just a strange fact that we can calculate some number and
5 Time and Distance 5–1 Motion In this chapter we shall consider some aspects of the concepts of time and distance. It has been emphasized earlier that physics, as do all the sciences, depends on observation. One might also say that the development of the physical sciences to their present form has depended to a large extent on the emphasis which has been placed on the making of quantitative observations. Only with quantitative observations can one arrive at quantitative relationships, which are the heart of physics. Many people would like to place the beginnings of physics with the work done 350 years ago by Galileo, and to call him the first physicist. Until that time, the study of motion had been a philosophical one based on arguments that could be thought up in one’s head. Most of the arguments had been presented by Aristotle and other Greek philosophers, and were taken as “proven.” Galileo was skeptical, and did an experiment on motion which was essentially this: He allowed a ball
6 Probability “The true logic of this world is in the calculus of probabilities.” —James Clerk Maxwell 6–1 Chance and likelihood “Chance” is a word which is in common use in everyday living. The radio reports speaking of tomorrow’s weather may say: “There is a sixty percent chance of rain.” You might say: “There is a small chance that I shall live to be one hundred years old.” Scientists also use the word chance. A seismologist may be interested in the question: “What is the chance that there will be an earthquake of a certain size in Southern California next year?” A physicist might ask the question: “What is the chance that a particular geiger counter will register twenty counts in the next ten seconds?” A politician or statesman might be interested in the question: “What is the chance that there will be a nuclear war within the next ten years?” You may be interested in the chance that you will learn something from this chapter. By chance, we mean something like a guess. Why do we
7 The Theory of Gravitation 7–1 Planetary motions In this chapter we shall discuss one of the most far-reaching generalizations of the human mind. While we are admiring the human mind, we should take some time off to stand in awe of a nature that could follow with such completeness and generality such an elegantly simple principle as the law of gravitation. What is this law of gravitation? It is that every object in the universe attracts every other object with a force which for any two bodies is proportional to the mass of each and varies inversely as the square of the distance between them. This statement can be expressed mathematically by the equation If to this we add the fact that an object responds to a force by accelerating in the direction of the force by an amount that is inversely proportional to the mass of the object, we shall have said everything required, for a sufficiently talented mathematician could then deduce all the consequences of these two principles. However, sin
8 Motion 8–1 Description of motion In order to find the laws governing the various changes that take place in bodies as time goes on, we must be able to describe the changes and have some way to record them. The simplest change to observe in a body is the apparent change in its position with time, which we call motion. Let us consider some solid object with a permanent mark, which we shall call a point, that we can observe. We shall discuss the motion of the little marker, which might be the radiator cap of an automobile or the center of a falling ball, and shall try to describe the fact that it moves and how it moves. These examples may sound trivial, but many subtleties enter into the description of change. Some changes are more difficult to describe than the motion of a point on a solid object, for example the speed of drift of a cloud that is drifting very slowly, but rapidly forming or evaporating, or the change of a woman’s mind. We do not know a simple way to analyze a change of
9 Newton’s Laws of Dynamics 9–1 Momentum and force The discovery of the laws of dynamics, or the laws of motion, was a dramatic moment in the history of science. Before Newton’s time, the motions of things like the planets were a mystery, but after Newton there was complete understanding. Even the slight deviations from Kepler’s laws, due to the perturbations of the planets, were computable. The motions of pendulums, oscillators with springs and weights in them, and so on, could all be analyzed completely after Newton’s laws were enunciated. So it is with this chapter: before this chapter we could not calculate how a mass on a spring would move; much less could we calculate the perturbations on the planet Uranus due to Jupiter and Saturn. After this chapter we will be able to compute not only the motion of the oscillating mass, but also the perturbations on the planet Uranus produced by Jupiter and Saturn! Galileo made a great advance in the understanding of motion when he discovered t
10 Conservation of Momentum 10–1 Newton’s Third Law On the basis of Newton’s second law of motion, which gives the relation between the acceleration of any body and the force acting on it, any problem in mechanics can be solved in principle. For example, to determine the motion of a few particles, one can use the numerical method developed in the preceding chapter. But there are good reasons to make a further study of Newton’s laws. First, there are quite simple cases of motion which can be analyzed not only by numerical methods, but also by direct mathematical analysis. For example, although we know that the acceleration of a falling body is ft/sec, and from this fact could calculate the motion by numerical methods, it is much easier and more satisfactory to analyze the motion and find the general solution, . In the same way, although we can work out the positions of a harmonic oscillator by numerical methods, it is also possible to show analytically that the general solution is a si
11 Vectors 11–1 Symmetry in physics In this chapter we introduce a subject that is technically known in physics as symmetry in physical law. The word “symmetry” is used here with a special meaning, and therefore needs to be defined. When is a thing symmetrical—how can we define it? When we have a picture that is symmetrical, one side is somehow the same as the other side. Professor Hermann Weyl has given this definition of symmetry: a thing is symmetrical if one can subject it to a certain operation and it appears exactly the same after the operation. For instance, if we look at a silhouette of a vase that is left-and-right symmetrical, then turn it around the vertical axis, it looks the same. We shall adopt the definition of symmetry in Weyl’s more general form, and in that form we shall discuss symmetry of physical laws. Suppose we build a complex machine in a certain place, with a lot of complicated interactions, and balls bouncing around with forces between them, and so on. Now su
12 Characteristics of Force 12–1 What is a force? Although it is interesting and worth while to study the physical laws simply because they help us to understand and to use nature, one ought to stop every once in a while and think, “What do they really mean?” The meaning of any statement is a subject that has interested and troubled philosophers from time immemorial, and the meaning of physical laws is even more interesting, because it is generally believed that these laws represent some kind of real knowledge. The meaning of knowledge is a deep problem in philosophy, and it is always important to ask, “What does it mean?” Let us ask, “What is the meaning of the physical laws of Newton, which we write as ? What is the meaning of force, mass, and acceleration?” Well, we can intuitively sense the meaning of mass, and we can define acceleration if we know the meaning of position and time. We shall not discuss those meanings, but shall concentrate on the new concept of force. The answer is
13 Work and Potential Energy (A) 13–1 Energy of a falling body In Chapter 4 we discussed the conservation of energy. In that discussion, we did not use Newton’s laws, but it is, of course, of great interest to see how it comes about that energy is in fact conserved in accordance with these laws. For clarity we shall start with the simplest possible example, and then develop harder and harder examples. The simplest example of the conservation of energy is a vertically falling object, one that moves only in a vertical direction. An object which changes its height under the influence of gravity alone has a kinetic energy (or K.E.) due to its motion during the fall, and a potential energy , abbreviated (or P.E.), whose sum is constant: or Now we would like to show that this statement is true. What do we mean, show it is true? From Newton’s Second Law we can easily tell how the object moves, and it is easy to find out how the velocity varies with time, namely, that it increases proportion
14 Work and Potential Energy (conclusion) 14–1 Work In the preceding chapter we have presented a great many new ideas and results that play a central role in physics. These ideas are so important that it seems worth while to devote a whole chapter to a closer examination of them. In the present chapter we shall not repeat the “proofs” or the specific tricks by which the results were obtained, but shall concentrate instead upon a discussion of the ideas themselves. In learning any subject of a technical nature where mathematics plays a role, one is confronted with the task of understanding and storing away in the memory a huge body of facts and ideas, held together by certain relationships which can be “proved” or “shown” to exist between them. It is easy to confuse the proof itself with the relationship which it establishes. Clearly, the important thing to learn and to remember is the relationship, not the proof. In any particular circumstance we can either say “it can be shown that” s
15 The Special Theory of Relativity 15–1 The principle of relativity For over 200 years the equations of motion enunciated by Newton were believed to describe nature correctly, and the first time that an error in these laws was discovered, the way to correct it was also discovered. Both the error and its correction were discovered by Einstein in 1905. Newton’s Second Law, which we have expressed by the equation was stated with the tacit assumption that is a constant, but we now know that this is not true, and that the mass of a body increases with velocity. In Einstein’s corrected formula has the value where the “rest mass” represents the mass of a body that is not moving and is the speed of light, which is about kmsec or about misec. For those who want to learn just enough about it so they can solve problems, that is all there is to the theory of relativity—it just changes Newton’s laws by introducing a correction factor to the mass. From the formula itself it is easy to see that t
16 Relativistic Energy and Momentum 16–1 Relativity and the philosophers In this chapter we shall continue to discuss the principle of relativity of Einstein and Poincaré, as it affects our ideas of physics and other branches of human thought. Poincaré made the following statement of the principle of relativity: “According to the principle of relativity, the laws of physical phenomena must be the same for a fixed observer as for an observer who has a uniform motion of translation relative to him, so that we have not, nor can we possibly have, any means of discerning whether or not we are carried along in such a motion.” When this idea descended upon the world, it caused a great stir among philosophers, particularly the “cocktail-party philosophers,” who say, “Oh, it is very simple: Einstein’s theory says all is relative!” In fact, a surprisingly large number of philosophers, not only those found at cocktail parties (but rather than embarrass them, we shall just call them “cocktail-part
17 Space-Time 17–1 The geometry of space-time The theory of relativity shows us that the relationships of positions and times as measured in one coordinate system and another are not what we would have expected on the basis of our intuitive ideas. It is very important that we thoroughly understand the relations of space and time implied by the Lorentz transformation, and therefore we shall consider this matter more deeply in this chapter. The Lorentz transformation between the positions and times as measured by an observer “standing still,” and the corresponding coordinates and time measured inside a “moving” space ship, moving with velocity are Let us compare these equations with Eq. (11.5), which also relates measurements in two systems, one of which in this instance is rotated relative to the other: In this particular case, Moe and Joe are measuring with axes having an angle between the - and -axes. In each case, we note that the “primed” quantities are “mixtures” of the “unprim
18 Rotation in Two Dimensions 18–1 The center of mass In the previous chapters we have been studying the mechanics of points, or small particles whose internal structure does not concern us. For the next few chapters we shall study the application of Newton’s laws to more complicated things. When the world becomes more complicated, it also becomes more interesting, and we shall find that the phenomena associated with the mechanics of a more complex object than just a point are really quite striking. Of course these phenomena involve nothing but combinations of Newton’s laws, but it is sometimes hard to believe that only is at work. The more complicated objects we deal with can be of several kinds: water flowing, galaxies whirling, and so on. The simplest “complicated” object to analyze, at the start, is what we call a rigid body, a solid object that is turning as it moves about. However, even such a simple object may have a most complex motion, and we shall therefore first consider th
19 Center of Mass; Moment of Inertia 19–1 Properties of the center of mass In the previous chapter we found that if a great many forces are acting on a complicated mass of particles, whether the particles comprise a rigid or a nonrigid body, or a cloud of stars, or anything else, and we find the sum of all the forces (that is, of course, the external forces, because the internal forces balance out), then if we consider the body as a whole, and say it has a total mass , there is a certain point “inside” the body, called the center of mass, such that the net resulting external force produces an acceleration of this point, just as though the whole mass were concentrated there. Let us now discuss the center of mass in a little more detail. The location of the center of mass (abbreviated CM) is given by the equation This is, of course, a vector equation which is really three equations, one for each of the three directions. We shall consider only the -direction, because if we can understand
20 Rotation in space 20–1 Torques in three dimensions In this chapter we shall discuss one of the most remarkable and amusing consequences of mechanics, the behavior of a rotating wheel. In order to do this we must first extend the mathematical formulation of rotational motion, the principles of angular momentum, torque, and so on, to three-dimensional space. We shall not use these equations in all their generality and study all their consequences, because this would take many years, and we must soon turn to other subjects. In an introductory course we can present only the fundamental laws and apply them to a very few situations of special interest. First, we notice that if we have a rotation in three dimensions, whether of a rigid body or any other system, what we deduced for two dimensions is still right. That is, it is still true that is the torque “in the -plane,” or the torque “around the -axis.” It also turns out that this torque is still equal to the rate of change of , for if w
21 The Harmonic Oscillator 21–1 Linear differential equations In the study of physics, usually the course is divided into a series of subjects, such as mechanics, electricity, optics, etc., and one studies one subject after the other. For example, this course has so far dealt mostly with mechanics. But a strange thing occurs again and again: the equations which appear in different fields of physics, and even in other sciences, are often almost exactly the same, so that many phenomena have analogs in these different fields. To take the simplest example, the propagation of sound waves is in many ways analogous to the propagation of light waves. If we study acoustics in great detail we discover that much of the work is the same as it would be if we were studying optics in great detail. So the study of a phenomenon in one field may permit an extension of our knowledge in another field. It is best to realize from the first that such extensions are possible, for otherwise one might not under
22 Algebra 22–1 Addition and multiplication In our study of oscillating systems we shall have occasion to use one of the most remarkable, almost astounding, formulas in all of mathematics. From the physicist’s point of view we could bring forth this formula in two minutes or so, and be done with it. But science is as much for intellectual enjoyment as for practical utility, so instead of just spending a few minutes on this amazing jewel, we shall surround the jewel by its proper setting in the grand design of that branch of mathematics which is called elementary algebra. Now you may ask, “What is mathematics doing in a physics lecture?” We have several possible excuses: first, of course, mathematics is an important tool, but that would only excuse us for giving the formula in two minutes. On the other hand, in theoretical physics we discover that all our laws can be written in mathematical form; and that this has a certain simplicity and beauty about it. So, ultimately, in order to und
23 Resonance 23–1 Complex numbers and harmonic motion In the present chapter we shall continue our discussion of the harmonic oscillator and, in particular, the forced harmonic oscillator, using a new technique in the analysis. In the preceding chapter we introduced the idea of complex numbers, which have real and imaginary parts and which can be represented on a diagram in which the ordinate represents the imaginary part and the abscissa represents the real part. If is a complex number, we may write it as , where the subscript means the real part of , and the subscript means the imaginary part of . Referring to Fig. 23–1, we see that we may also write a complex number in the form , where . (The complex conjugate of , written , is obtained by reversing the sign of in .) So we shall represent a complex number in either of two forms, a real plus an imaginary part, or a magnitude and a phase angle , so-called. Given and , and are clearly and and, in reverse, given a complex number
24 Transients 24–1 The energy of an oscillator Although this chapter is entitled “transients,” certain parts of it are, in a way, part of the last chapter on forced oscillation. One of the features of a forced oscillation which we have not yet discussed is the energy in the oscillation. Let us now consider that energy. In a mechanical oscillator, how much kinetic energy is there? It is proportional to the square of the velocity. Now we come to an important point. Consider an arbitrary quantity , which may be the velocity or something else that we want to discuss. When we write , a complex number, the true and honest , in the physical world, is only the real part; therefore if, for some reason, we want to use the square of , it is not right to square the complex number and then take the real part, because the real part of the square of a complex number is not just the square of the real part, but also involves the imaginary part. So when we wish to find the energy we have to get away fr
25 Linear Systems and Review 25–1 Linear differential equations In this chapter we shall discuss certain aspects of oscillating systems that are found somewhat more generally than just in the particular systems we have been discussing. For our particular system, the differential equation that we have been solving is Now this particular combination of “operations” on the variable has the interesting property that if we substitute for , then we get the sum of the same operations on and ; or, if we multiply by , then we get just times the same combination. This is easy to prove. Just as a “shorthand” notation, because we get tired of writing down all those letters in (25.1), we shall use the symbol instead. When we see this, it means the left-hand side of (25.1), with substituted in. With this system of writing, would mean the following: (We underline the so as to remind ourselves that it is not an ordinary function.) We sometimes call this an operator notation, but it makes no differe
26 Optics: The Principle of Least Time 26–1 Light This is the first of a number of chapters on the subject of electromagnetic radiation. Light, with which we see, is only one small part of a vast spectrum of the same kind of thing, the various parts of this spectrum being distinguished by different values of a certain quantity which varies. This variable quantity could be called the “wavelength.” As it varies in the visible spectrum, the light apparently changes color from red to violet. If we explore the spectrum systematically, from long wavelengths toward shorter ones, we would begin with what are usually called radiowaves. Radiowaves are technically available in a wide range of wavelengths, some even longer than those used in regular broadcasts; regular broadcasts have wavelengths corresponding to about meters. Then there are the so-called “short waves,” i.e., radar waves, millimeter waves, and so on. There are no actual boundaries between one range of wavelengths and another, bec
27 Geometrical Optics 27–1 Introduction In this chapter we shall discuss some elementary applications of the ideas of the previous chapter to a number of practical devices, using the approximation called geometrical optics. This is a most useful approximation in the practical design of many optical systems and instruments. Geometrical optics is either very simple or else it is very complicated. By that we mean that we can either study it only superficially, so that we can design instruments roughly, using rules that are so simple that we hardly need deal with them here at all, since they are practically of high school level, or else, if we want to know about the small errors in lenses and similar details, the subject gets so complicated that it is too advanced to discuss here! If one has an actual, detailed problem in lens design, including analysis of aberrations, then he is advised to read about the subject or else simply to trace the rays through the various surfaces (which is what
28 Electromagnetic Radiation 28–1 Electromagnetism The most dramatic moments in the development of physics are those in which great syntheses take place, where phenomena which previously had appeared to be different are suddenly discovered to be but different aspects of the same thing. The history of physics is the history of such syntheses, and the basis of the success of physical science is mainly that we are able to synthesize. Perhaps the most dramatic moment in the development of physics during the 19th century occurred to J. C. Maxwell one day in the 1860’s, when he combined the laws of electricity and magnetism with the laws of the behavior of light. As a result, the properties of light were partly unravelled—that old and subtle stuff that is so important and mysterious that it was felt necessary to arrange a special creation for it when writing Genesis. Maxwell could say, when he was finished with his discovery, “Let there be electricity and magnetism, and there is light!” For
29 Interference 29–1 Electromagnetic waves In this chapter we shall discuss the subject of the preceding chapter more mathematically. We have qualitatively demonstrated that there are maxima and minima in the radiation field from two sources, and our problem now is to describe the field in mathematical detail, not just qualitatively. Fig. 29–1. The electric field due to a positive charge whose retarded acceleration is . We have already physically analyzed the meaning of formula (28.6) quite satisfactorily, but there are a few points to be made about it mathematically. In the first place, if a charge is accelerating up and down along a line, in a motion of very small amplitude, the field at some angle from the axis of the motion is in a direction at right angles to the line of sight and in the plane containing both the acceleration and the line of sight (Fig. 29–1). If the distance is called , then at time the electric field has the magnitude where is the acceleration at the time , c
30 Diffraction 30–1 The resultant amplitude due to equal oscillators This chapter is a direct continuation of the previous one, although the name has been changed from Interference to Diffraction. No one has ever been able to define the difference between interference and diffraction satisfactorily. It is just a question of usage, and there is no specific, important physical difference between them. The best we can do, roughly speaking, is to say that when there are only a few sources, say two, interfering, then the result is usually called interference, but if there is a large number of them, it seems that the word diffraction is more often used. So, we shall not worry about whether it is interference or diffraction, but continue directly from where we left off in the middle of the subject in the last chapter. Thus we shall now discuss the situation where there are equally spaced oscillators, all of equal amplitude but different from one another in phase, either because they are dri
31 The Origin of the Refractive Index 31–1 The index of refraction We have said before that light goes slower in water than in air, and slower, slightly, in air than in vacuum. This effect is described by the index of refraction . Now we would like to understand how such a slower velocity could come about. In particular, we should try to see what the relation is to some physical assumptions, or statements, we made earlier, which were the following: That the total electric field in any physical circumstance can always be represented by the sum of the fields from all the charges in the universe. That the field from a single charge is given by its acceleration evaluated with a retardation at the speed , always (for the radiation field). But, for a piece of glass, you might think: “Oh, no, you should modify all this. You should say it is retarded at the speed .” That, however, is not right, and we have to understand why it is not. It is approximately true that light or any electrical wave
32 Radiation Damping. Light Scattering 32–1 Radiation resistance In the last chapter we learned that when a system is oscillating, energy is carried away, and we deduced a formula for the energy which is radiated by an oscillating system. If we know the electric field, then the average of the square of the field times is the amount of energy that passes per square meter per second through a surface normal to the direction in which the radiation is going: Any oscillating charge radiates energy; for instance, a driven antenna radiates energy. If the system radiates energy, then in order to account for the conservation of energy we must find that power is being delivered along the wires which lead into the antenna. That is, to the driving circuit the antenna acts like a resistance, or a place where energy can be “lost” (the energy is not really lost, it is really radiated out, but so far as the circuit is concerned, the energy is lost). In an ordinary resistance, the energy which is “los
33 Polarization 33–1 The electric vector of light In this chapter we shall consider those phenomena which depend on the fact that the electric field that describes the light is a vector. In previous chapters we have not been concerned with the direction of oscillation of the electric field, except to note that the electric vector lies in a plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation. The particular direction in this plane has not concerned us. We now consider those phenomena whose central feature is the particular direction of oscillation of the electric field. In ideally monochromatic light, the electric field must oscillate at a definite frequency, but since the -component and the -component can oscillate independently at a definite frequency, we must first consider the resultant effect produced by superposing two independent oscillations at right angles to each other. What kind of electric field is made up of an -component and a -component which oscillate at the same frequen
34 Relativistic Effects in Radiation 34–1 Moving sources In the present chapter we shall describe a number of miscellaneous effects in connection with radiation, and then we shall be finished with the classical theory of light propagation. In our analysis of light, we have gone rather far and into considerable detail. The only phenomena of any consequence associated with electromagnetic radiation that we have not discussed is what happens if radiowaves are contained in a box with reflecting walls, the size of the box being comparable to a wavelength, or are transmitted down a long tube. The phenomena of so-called cavity resonators and waveguides we shall discuss later; we shall first use another physical example—sound—and then we shall return to this subject. Except for this, the present chapter is our last consideration of the classical theory of light. We can summarize all the effects that we shall now discuss by remarking that they have to do with the effects of moving sources. We n
35 Color Vision 35–1 The human eye The phenomenon of colors depends partly on the physical world. We discuss the colors of soap films and so on as being produced by interference. But also, of course, it depends on the eye, or what happens behind the eye, in the brain. Physics characterizes the light that enters the eye, but after that, our sensations are the result of photochemical-neural processes and psychological responses. There are many interesting phenomena associated with vision which involve a mixture of physical phenomena and physiological processes, and the full appreciation of natural phenomena, as we see them, must go beyond physics in the usual sense. We make no apologies for making these excursions into other fields, because the separation of fields, as we have emphasized, is merely a human convenience, and an unnatural thing. Nature is not interested in our separations, and many of the interesting phenomena bridge the gaps between fields. In Chapter 3 we have already dis
36 Mechanisms of Seeing 36–1 The sensation of color In discussing the sense of sight, we have to realize that (outside of a gallery of modern art!) one does not see random spots of color or spots of light. When we look at an object we see a man or a thing; in other words, the brain interprets what we see. How it does that, no one knows, and it does it, of course, at a very high level. Although we evidently do learn to recognize what a man looks like after much experience, there are a number of features of vision which are more elementary but which also involve combining information from different parts of what we see. To help us understand how we make an interpretation of an entire image, it is worth while to study the earliest stages of the putting together of information from the different retinal cells. In the present chapter we shall concentrate mainly on that aspect of vision, although we shall also mention a number of side issues as we go along. An example of the fact that we hav
37 Quantum Behavior 37–1 Atomic mechanics In the last few chapters we have treated the essential ideas necessary for an understanding of most of the important phenomena of light—or electromagnetic radiation in general. (We have left a few special topics for next year. Specifically, the theory of the index of dense materials and total internal reflection.) What we have dealt with is called the “classical theory” of electric waves, which turns out to be a completely adequate description of nature for a large number of effects. We have not had to worry yet about the fact that light energy comes in lumps or “photons.” We would like to take up as our next subject the problem of the behavior of relatively large pieces of matter—their mechanical and thermal properties, for instance. In discussing these, we will find that the “classical” (or older) theory fails almost immediately, because matter is really made up of atomic-sized particles. Still, we will deal only with the classical part, beca
38 The Relation of Wave and Particle Viewpoints 38–1 Probability wave amplitudes In this chapter we shall discuss the relationship of the wave and particle viewpoints. We already know, from the last chapter, that neither the wave viewpoint nor the particle viewpoint is correct. Usually we have tried to present things accurately, or at least precisely enough that they will not have to be changed when we learn more—it may be extended, but it will not be changed! But when we try to talk about the wave picture or the particle picture, both are approximate, and both will change. Therefore what we learn in this chapter will not be accurate in a certain sense; it is a kind of half-intuitive argument that will be made more precise later, but certain things will be changed a little bit when we interpret them correctly in quantum mechanics. The reason for doing such a thing, of course, is that we are not going to go directly into quantum mechanics, but we want to have at least some idea of the k
39 The Kinetic Theory of Gases 39–1 Properties of matter With this chapter we begin a new subject which will occupy us for some time. It is the first part of the analysis of the properties of matter from the physical point of view, in which, recognizing that matter is made out of a great many atoms, or elementary parts, which interact electrically and obey the laws of mechanics, we try to understand why various aggregates of atoms behave the way they do. It is obvious that this is a difficult subject, and we emphasize at the beginning that it is in fact an extremely difficult subject, and that we have to deal with it differently than we have dealt with the other subjects so far. In the case of mechanics and in the case of light, we were able to begin with a precise statement of some laws, like Newton’s laws, or the formula for the field produced by an accelerating charge, from which a whole host of phenomena could be essentially understood, and which would produce a basis for our under
40 The Principles of Statistical Mechanics 40–1 The exponential atmosphere We have discussed some of the properties of large numbers of intercolliding atoms. The subject is called kinetic theory, a description of matter from the point of view of collisions between the atoms. Fundamentally, we assert that the gross properties of matter should be explainable in terms of the motion of its parts. We limit ourselves for the present to conditions of thermal equilibrium, that is, to a subclass of all the phenomena of nature. The laws of mechanics which apply just to thermal equilibrium are called statistical mechanics, and in this section we want to become acquainted with some of the central theorems of this subject. We already have one of the theorems of statistical mechanics, namely, the mean value of the kinetic energy for any motion at the absolute temperature is for each independent motion, i.e., for each degree of freedom. That tells us something about the mean square velocities of th
41 The Brownian Movement 41–1 Equipartition of energy The Brownian movement was discovered in 1827 by Robert Brown, a botanist. While he was studying microscopic life, he noticed little particles of plant pollens jiggling around in the liquid he was looking at in the microscope, and he was wise enough to realize that these were not living, but were just little pieces of dirt moving around in the water. In fact he helped to demonstrate that this had nothing to do with life by getting from the ground an old piece of quartz in which there was some water trapped. It must have been trapped for millions and millions of years, but inside he could see the same motion. What one sees is that very tiny particles are jiggling all the time. This was later proved to be one of the effects of molecular motion, and we can understand it qualitatively by thinking of a great push ball on a playing field, seen from a great distance, with a lot of people underneath, all pushing the ball in various direction
42 Applications of Kinetic Theory 42–1 Evaporation In this chapter we shall discuss some further applications of kinetic theory. In the previous chapter we emphasized one particular aspect of kinetic theory, namely, that the average kinetic energy in any degree of freedom of a molecule or other object is . The central feature of what we shall now discuss, on the other hand, is the fact that the probability of finding a particle in different places, per unit volume, varies as ; we shall make a number of applications of this. The phenomena which we want to study are relatively complicated: a liquid evaporating, or electrons in a metal coming out of the surface, or a chemical reaction in which there are a large number of atoms involved. In such cases it is no longer possible to make from the kinetic theory any simple and correct statements, because the situation is too complicated. Therefore, this chapter, except where otherwise emphasized, is quite inexact. The idea to be emphasized is o
43 Diffusion 43–1 Collisions between molecules We have considered so far only the molecular motions in a gas which is in thermal equilibrium. We want now to discuss what happens when things are near, but not exactly in, equilibrium. In a situation far from equilibrium, things are extremely complicated, but in a situation very close to equilibrium we can easily work out what happens. To see what happens, we must, however, return to the kinetic theory. Statistical mechanics and thermodynamics deal with the equilibrium situation, but away from equilibrium we can only analyze what occurs atom by atom, so to speak. As a simple example of a nonequilibrium circumstance, we shall consider the diffusion of ions in a gas. Suppose that in a gas there is a relatively small concentration of ions—electrically charged molecules. If we put an electric field on the gas, then each ion will have a force on it which is different from the forces on the neutral molecules of the gas. If there were no other m
44 The Laws of Thermodynamics 44–1 Heat engines; the first law So far we have been discussing the properties of matter from the atomic point of view, trying to understand roughly what will happen if we suppose that things are made of atoms obeying certain laws. However, there are a number of relationships among the properties of substances which can be worked out without consideration of the detailed structure of the materials. The determination of the relationships among the various properties of materials, without knowing their internal structure, is the subject of thermodynamics. Historically, thermodynamics was developed before an understanding of the internal structure of matter was achieved. To give an example: we know from the kinetic theory that the pressure of a gas is caused by molecular bombardment, and we know that if we heat a gas, so that the bombardment increases, the pressure must increase. Conversely, if the piston in a container of the gas is moved inward against the
45 Illustrations of Thermodynamics 45–1 Internal energy Thermodynamics is a rather difficult and complex subject when we come to apply it, and it is not appropriate for us to go very far into the applications in this course. The subject is of very great importance, of course, to engineers and chemists, and those who are interested in the subject can learn about the applications in physical chemistry or in engineering thermodynamics. There are also good equation reference books, such as Zemansky’s Heat and Thermodynamics, where one can learn more about the subject. In the Encyclopedia Britannica, fourteenth edition, one can find excellent articles on thermodynamics and thermochemistry, and in the article on chemistry, the sections on physical chemistry, vaporization, liquefication of gases, and so on. The subject of thermodynamics is complicated because there are so many different ways of describing the same thing. If we wish to describe the behavior of a gas, we can say that the pressu
46 Ratchet and pawl1 46–1 How a ratchet works In this chapter we discuss the ratchet and pawl, a very simple device which allows a shaft to turn only one way. The possibility of having something turn only one way requires some detailed and careful analysis, and there are some very interesting consequences. The plan of the discussion came about in attempting to devise an elementary explanation, from the molecular or kinetic point of view, for the fact that there is a maximum amount of work which can be extracted from a heat engine. Of course we have seen the essence of Carnot’s argument, but it would be nice to find an explanation which is elementary in the sense that we can see what is happening physically. Now, there are complicated mathematical demonstrations which follow from Newton’s laws to demonstrate that we can get only a certain amount of work out when heat flows from one place to another, but there is great difficulty in converting this into an elementary demonstration. In sh
47 Sound. The wave equation 47–1 Waves In this chapter we shall discuss the phenomenon of waves. This is a phenomenon which appears in many contexts throughout physics, and therefore our attention should be concentrated on it not only because of the particular example considered here, which is sound, but also because of the much wider application of the ideas in all branches of physics. It was pointed out when we studied the harmonic oscillator that there are not only mechanical examples of oscillating systems but electrical ones as well. Waves are related to oscillating systems, except that wave oscillations appear not only as time-oscillations at one place, but propagate in space as well. We have really already studied waves. When we studied light, in learning about the properties of waves in that subject, we paid particular attention to the interference in space of waves from several sources at different locations and all at the same frequency. There are two important wave phenomena
48 Beats 48–1 Adding two waves Some time ago we discussed in considerable detail the properties of light waves and their interference—that is, the effects of the superposition of two waves from different sources. In all these analyses we assumed that the frequencies of the sources were all the same. In this chapter we shall discuss some of the phenomena which result from the interference of two sources which have different frequencies. It is easy to guess what is going to happen. Proceeding in the same way as we have done previously, suppose we have two equal oscillating sources of the same frequency whose phases are so adjusted, say, that the signals arrive in phase at some point . At that point, if it is light, the light is very strong; if it is sound, it is very loud; or if it is electrons, many of them arrive. On the other hand, if the arriving signals were out of phase, we would get no signal at , because the net amplitude there is then a minimum. Now suppose that someone twists
49 Modes 49–1 The reflection of waves This chapter will consider some of the remarkable phenomena which are a result of confining waves in some finite region. We will be led first to discover a few particular facts about vibrating strings, for example, and then the generalization of these facts will give us a principle which is probably the most far-reaching principle of mathematical physics. Our first example of confining waves will be to confine a wave at one boundary. Let us take the simple example of a one-dimensional wave on a string. One could equally well consider sound in one dimension against a wall, or other situations of a similar nature, but the example of a string will be sufficient for our present purposes. Suppose that the string is held at one end, for example by fastening it to an “infinitely solid” wall. This can be expressed mathematically by saying that the displacement of the string at the position must be zero, because the end does not move. Now if it were not f
50 Harmonics 50–1 Musical tones Pythagoras is said to have discovered the fact that two similar strings under the same tension and differing only in length, when sounded together give an effect that is pleasant to the ear if the lengths of the strings are in the ratio of two small integers. If the lengths are as one is to two, they then correspond to the octave in music. If the lengths are as two is to three, they correspond to the interval between and , which is called a fifth. These intervals are generally accepted as “pleasant” sounding chords. Pythagoras was so impressed by this discovery that he made it the basis of a school—Pythagoreans they were called—which held mystic beliefs in the great powers of numbers. It was believed that something similar would be found out about the planets—or “spheres.” We sometimes hear the expression: “the music of the spheres.” The idea was that there would be some numerical relationships between the orbits of the planets or between other things in
51 Waves 51–1 Bow waves Although we have finished our quantitative analyses of waves, this added chapter on the subject is intended to give some appreciation, qualitatively, for various phenomena that are associated with waves, which are too complicated to analyze in detail here. Since we have been dealing with waves for several chapters, more properly the subject might be called “some of the more complex phenomena associated with waves.” Fig. 51–1. The shock wave front lies on a cone with apex at the source and half-angle . The first topic to be discussed concerns the effects that are produced by a source of waves which is moving faster than the wave velocity, or the phase velocity. Let us first consider waves that have a definite velocity, like sound and light. If we have a source of sound which is moving faster than the speed of sound, then something like this happens: Suppose at a given moment a sound wave is generated from the source at point in Fig. 51–1; then, in the next momen
52 Symmetry in Physical Laws 52–1 Symmetry operations The subject of this chapter is what we may call symmetry in physical laws. We have already discussed certain features of symmetry in physical laws in connection with vector analysis (Chapter 11), the theory of relativity (Chapter 16), and rotation (Chapter 20). Why should we be concerned with symmetry? In the first place, symmetry is fascinating to the human mind, and everyone likes objects or patterns that are in some way symmetrical. It is an interesting fact that nature often exhibits certain kinds of symmetry in the objects we find in the world around us. Perhaps the most symmetrical object imaginable is a sphere, and nature is full of spheres—stars, planets, water droplets in clouds. The crystals found in rocks exhibit many different kinds of symmetry, the study of which tells us some important things about the structure of solids. Even the animal and vegetable worlds show some degree of symmetry, although the symmetry of a flo
Preface to the New Millennium Edition Nearly fifty years have passed since Richard Feynman taught the introductory physics course at Caltech that gave rise to these three volumes, The Feynman Lectures on Physics. In those fifty years our understanding of the physical world has changed greatly, but The Feynman Lectures on Physics has endured. Feynman's lectures are as powerful today as when first published, thanks to Feynman's unique physics insights and pedagogy. They have been studied worldwide by novices and mature physicists alike; they have been translated into at least a dozen languages with more than 1.5 millions copies printed in the English language alone. Perhaps no other set of physics books has had such wide impact, for so long. This New Millennium Edition ushers in a new era for The Feynman Lectures on Physics (FLP): the twenty-first century era of electronic publishing. FLP has been converted to eFLP, with the text and equations expressed in the LaTeX electronic typesettin
Feynman's Preface These are the lectures in physics that I gave last year and the year before to the freshman and sophomore classes at Caltech. The lectures are, of course, not verbatim—they have been edited, sometimes extensively and sometimes less so. The lectures form only part of the complete course. The whole group of 180 students gathered in a big lecture room twice a week to hear these lectures and then they broke up into small groups of 15 to 20 students in recitation sections under the guidance of a teaching assistant. In addition, there was a laboratory session once a week. The special problem we tried to get at with these lectures was to maintain the interest of the very enthusiastic and rather smart students coming out of the high schools and into Caltech. They have heard a lot about how interesting and exciting physics is—the theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, and other modern ideas. By the end of two years of our previous course, many would be very discouraged becau
Foreword This book is based upon a course of lectures in introductory physics given by Prof. R. P. Feynman at the California Institute of Technology during the academic year 1961–62; it covers the first year of the two-year introductory course taken by all Caltech freshmen and sophomores, and was followed in 1962–63 by a similar series covering the second year. The lectures constitute a major part of a fundamental revision of the introductory course, carried out over a four-year period. The need for a basic revision arose both from the rapid development of physics in recent decades and from the fact that entering freshmen have shown a steady increase in mathematical ability as a result of improvements in high school mathematics course content. We hoped to take advantage of this improved mathematical background, and also to introduce enough modern subject matter to make the course challenging, interesting, and more representative of present-day physics. In order to generate a variety of
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